When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

When the Devil Drives

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'I find it pays to be.''Yet it's hardly ethical. Nei<strong>the</strong>r is your presence here this afternoon.These—debts should be a private, matter between Simon andyourself, surely. You have no right to involve me.''Sometimes private matters have a tiresome habit of becomingincredibly public.' He seemed impervious to <strong>the</strong> ice in her tone. 'And<strong>the</strong>n you'd find yourself involved right up to <strong>the</strong> hilt, my dear MrsBentham. For instance, I could insist on having a spot audit made at<strong>the</strong> Craft Company.'The words hung in <strong>the</strong> air between <strong>the</strong>m, challenging her.She swallowed. 'And what would that prove, pray?''Perhaps nothing. But I'm afraid—I'm very much afraid that <strong>the</strong>rewould be certain sums unaccounted for. Simon had to find his stakemoney from somewhere, after all.''I don't believe you. In fact, I don't believe any of this.' She flicked <strong>the</strong>IOUs with a contemptuous finger. 'If Simon had known you weregoing to raise any of <strong>the</strong>se matters this afternoon, he would have beenhere in person. He thought you were coming to discuss <strong>the</strong> CraftCompany, and only that. Therefore he obviously has no guiltyconscience...''A true Chalfont! Your grandfa<strong>the</strong>r had no conscience ei<strong>the</strong>r. It's apity Simon hasn't inherited his strength as well.'Joanna got to her feet. 'I think you'd better leave.''<strong>When</strong> I'm good and ready,' he retorted, making no attempt to move.'Sit down, Joanna, and hear me out. Simon had good reason forfailing to realise I was about to call in his markers.'

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