The Team's Board Report - Mainfreight

The Team's Board Report - Mainfreight

The Team's Board Report - Mainfreight

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26Owens Transport Australia – Cameron ClodeIt has been another six months of hard workfrom our team since the last newsletter. We haveachieved some significant milestones within thelast six months but sadly these have not flowedon to any significant profit growth.In what has been the most exciting milestonein the last six months, our Brisbane branch hasopened its own site. This is a significant stepforward for our Brisbane team, positioning thebusiness in line with our competitors. <strong>The</strong>re arenow high profit expectations from this branch withthe work only just beginning to rebuild the Owensbrand in Brisbane. <strong>The</strong> team has performedtremendously in very difficult circumstances.You should all feel very proud of your new ‘home’.Our new Brisbane branch with our team – Dean, Niki, Mick, Paula, Melvene, Bob, Sandra & DarrenIn other areas Melbourne continues to grow at asteady rate. With the stability of a team of threein the office as well as a great bunch of ownerdrivers, we are ready to grow our business anddeliver fantastic service to not only our own groupcompanies but to actively sell to the externalmarket.Sydney has had its difficulties and has had toabsorb significant extra costs in maintainingour customer service levels. <strong>The</strong> cost pressuresare slowly subsiding and following some toughdecisions the branch is now placed to get backon the rails and start significantly improving thebottom line.We are proactively looking for another home inSydney. Whether it is a joint site with another

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