1900 Series - Maintenance Manual

1900 Series - Maintenance Manual

1900 Series - Maintenance Manual


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XI. <strong>Maintenance</strong> (Contd.)• Wipe off the old compound and replace it with newcompound frequently. Apply more pressure to speedthe cutting action of the compound.• To check the seating surfaces, remove all compoundfrom the seat and the lap. Then, shine the seat withthe same lap using the lapping method as describedabove. Low sections on the seating surface show upas shadow in contrast to the shiny portion.• If shadows are present, further lapping is necessary.Only laps known to be flat can be used. It shouldtake only a few minutes to remove the shadows.• When lapping is complete, any lines appearingas cross-scratches can be removed by rotatingthe lap on its axis (which has been wiped clean ofcompound) on the seat.• Thoroughly clean the lapped seat using a lintfreecloth and a cleansing fluid.Reconditioning of LapsRing laps are reconditioned by lapping them on a flatlapping plate in a figure-eight motion (see Figure 29). Toensure the best results, recondition the ring laps aftereach use. Use an optical flat to check the quality of thelap.LAPPING PLATERING LAPATTENTION!!Before assembly, lap the contact surfaces of thenozzle, soft-seat disc (UM DA) and O-ring retainer toprovide metal-to-metal seat tightness in the event ofO-ring or Teflon seal (UM DA) failure.Lapping O-Ring SeatingSurfacesRefer to Figure 10 and assemble the O-ring retainerto the disc holder (8) (D through J orifice) or disc (6) (Kthrough U orifice) using the retainer lock screw(s) asfollows:1. Apply 3A lapping compound to the retainerseatingsurface.2. Place the retainer on the nozzle seat (see Figure 26)and lap the retainer to the nozzle (2).3. Once uniform contact is established, clean the nozzle(2) and O-ring retainer.4. Repeat the procedure with 1000-grit compound.5. Remove the retainer lock screw(s) and O‐ringretainer, and thoroughly clean the O-ring retainer,retainer lock screws, and disc holder (8) or disc (6).Nozzle laps (see Figure 27) must be re-machined torecondition the lapping surfaces. Place the nozzle lap ina lathe between centers (see Figure 30). The surfacesmarked A and B must be running concentrically.One lapping surface is 90º and the other is 85º. Theangle of each surface is marked on the lap. Machinesurfaces C and D by taking light cuts at the proper angleuntil the lapping surfaces are reconditioned.A C D BLathe CenterFigure 29: Lapping Pattern9085°Lathe CenterFigure 30: Nozzle Lap in a Lathe34 | Dresser Consolidated ®

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