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SHORT COURSEThursday February 26 th , 8:00 AMAndrea Baschirotto has been Associate Editor of several IEEE journals. He has been theTechnical Program Committee Chairman for ESSCIRC 2002. He is or was member of theTechnical Program Committee of several international conferences (ISSCC, ESSCIRC, AACD,DATE, etc.). Since 2005, he is serving the ESSCIRC TPC as Data Converter SubcommitteeChairman. He has been the secretary of the European Committee of ISSCC Technical ProgramCommittee. He is an IEEE Fellow (2013). He is the founder (2006) and the Chairman of theIEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Italian Chapter.Ultra-Low-Voltage RF Circuits and TransceiversHyunchol Shin, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, KoreaThe continuing scaling of CMOS technology and the growing needs for single-cell batteryoperation drive the supply voltage of RF circuits toward the sub-1V region. As the supplyvoltage approaches only 2-3 times V th , many traditional RF circuit topologies are becomingineffective. Much effort has been spent rethinking the conventional circuit topologies andradio architectures for RF applications. This presentation focuses on the design issues andrecent progress in transceiver architectures and building blocks to meet the sub-1V challenge.The first part reviews several sub-1V design techniques that can be applied to many RFcircuits. The second part covers the receiver and its key building blocks (LNA and mixer)discussing design fundamentals, advanced circuit topologies, and recent implementationexamples for sub-1V operation. The third part covers the most power-hungry parts in RFtransceivers, namely the VCO, frequency divider, and PLL synthesizer. The presentationconcludes with interesting aspects and opportunities that are yet to come.About the presenter:Hyunchol Shin received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from KAIST, Korea in 1998.After his Ph.D., he had gained professional experience at several institutions and companies,such as Samsung Electronics, Korea, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, Qualcomm,San Diego, CA, all working on RF/analog circuit design for wireless communications. Since2003, he has been with Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, where he is currently aProfessor. From 2010 to 2011, he took asabbatical leave at Qualcomm Corporate R&D, SanDiego, CA. His research focuses on CMOS RF/analog/microwave circuits and PLL frequencysynthesizers.Prof. Shin has (co)authored over 70 journal and conference papers and holds 30 patents inthe field of RF/analog circuit design. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and has served onthe technical program committees of several IEEE conferences such as ISSCC, A-SSCC,MWSCAS, RFIT, ISOCC, and IWS.48

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