SWM - Mark Moore

SWM - Mark Moore

SWM - Mark Moore


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Total 71 0.987349 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 0.020133 1.316021 Standard Error t Stat P-­‐value Lower 95% 0.01225 1.64310 0.104843 5 6 -­‐0.0043 0.28476 4.62143 1.69E-­‐5 6 05 0.748076 Upper 95% Lower 95.0% 0.044571 -­‐0.0043 1.88396 0.748076 6 Upper 95.0% 0.044571 1.883966 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.47685 R Square 0.227386 Adjusted R Square 0.214065 Standard Error 0.111885 Observations 60 ANOVA Regression Residual Total df SS MS F 0.21368 0.213681 6 6 0.72606 0.0125158 5 8 0.9397559 1 Significance F 17.06982 0.000117 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 0.021428 1.308571 Standard Error t Stat P-­‐value Lower 95% 0.01446 1.48134 0.143925 2 8 -­‐0.00753 0.31672 4.13156 0.000115 4 7 0.674576 Upper 95% 0.050383 1.942565 Lower 95.0% -­‐0.00753 0.674576 Upper 95.0% 0.050383 1.942565 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.51748 197

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