SWM - Mark Moore

SWM - Mark Moore

SWM - Mark Moore


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Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.577407 0.333399 0.313793 0.123294 36 ANOVA df SS MS F Regression 1 0.2585 0.2585 0.51684 0.01520Residual 34 7 1 0.77534Total 35 7 Significance F 17.00505 0.000227 Coefficients Intercept 0.052968 X Variable 1 1.514061 Standard Error t Stat P-­‐value Lower 95% 0.02071 2.55686 0.015196 5 7 0.010868 0.36715 4.12371 0.000229 8 7 0.767904 Upper 95% 0.095067 2.260219 Lower 95.0% 0.010868 0.767904 Upper 95.0% 0.095067 2.260219 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.606955 R Square 0.368395 Adjusted R Square 0.339686 Standard Error 0.133922 Observations 24 ANOVA df SS MS F 0.23014 0.23014Regression 1 1 1 Residual 22 0.39457 0.01793 Significance F 12.83189 0.001661 202

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