environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector


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ES-2DESCRIPTION OFPROPOSED ACTION:PROPOSED ACTIONAND ALTERNATIVESCONSIDERED:The Proposed Action includes the construction, operation, andmaintenance of a new FOB. The proposed FOB site would be anapproximately 10-acre tract of undeveloped land located within theSan Bernardino Valley, approximately 22 miles east of the City ofDouglas, within USBP Douglas Station’s AOR. Access to the projectsite would be from an existing county road (Geronimo Trail), whichprovides access from Douglas eastward to the San Bernardino Valleyand the Peloncillo Mountains.Four alternatives for the proposed FOB were identified and consideredduring the planning stages of the proposed project. All four weredeemed suitable and carried forward in this analysis: 1) the ProposedAction at Alternative Site 1 (Preferred Alternative); 2) the ProposedAction at Alternative Site 2 (Alternative 2); 3) the Proposed Action atAlternative Site 3 (Alternative 3); and 4) the utilization andmodification of Alternative Site 4, Peterson/Lazy J Ranch (Alternative4). The No Action Alternative has also been evaluated, as required byNEPA. At the Preferred Alternative , Alternative 2, and Alternative 3sites, the proposed FOB would be constructed with modular buildingsto accommodate forward-deployed agents, as well as a helicopterlanding pad, equestrian facilities, all-terrain vehicle storage, detention,and fueling facilities. At the Alternative 4 site, minimal newconstruction would take place. Existing structures would be utilizedand modified, and additional capabilities, such as a backup generatorand communications facilities, would be added as necessary.The Preferred Alternative would construct the proposed FOB,including buildings, landscaped and parking areas, heliport, corrals,communications tower, and generator, in the San Bernardino Valley,east of Douglas, on approximately 10 acres of property. Selection ofthe Preferred Alternative is based on the following criteria: the site itis the flattest, most symmetrical of the four sites; it is located at theedge of the San Bernardino Valley escarpment where USBP alreadymaintains an elevated observation post for truck-mounted observationequipment; and it also satisfies the stated purpose and need.AFFECTEDENVIRONMENT ANDCONSEQUENCES:The construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed FOBwould potentially result in minor impacts, including temporarilyincreased air pollution from soil disturbance, permanent loss ofvegetation and wildlife habitat, and minor increases in water <strong>us</strong>e andambient noise. No cultural resources sites eligible for listing on theNational Register of Historic Places (NRHP) are located at thePreferred Alternative, Alternative 2, or Alternative 3 sites; however,the Alternative 4 site contains several historic structures potentiallyeligible for listing on the NRHP. All alternatives, except Alternative4, would have approximately the same impacts on the humanDouglas FOB EADraftAug<strong>us</strong>t 2011

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