environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector


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Table 2-3, continuedDouglas FOB EA DraftAug<strong>us</strong>t 2011AffectedEnvironmentProtected Species andCritical HabitatsNo ActionAlternativeNo direct impacts wouldoccur.PreferredAlternativeConstruction, operation,and maintenance mayaffect the beautifulshiner, Yaqui catfish,and Yaqui chub, butwould not likelyadversely affect thesespecies, due to thecontrol of sedimentationand runoff and thedistance removed fromknown habitat for thesespecies. No adversemodification of CriticalHabitat would occur.There would be nodirect or indirectconstruction effect onlesser long-nosed bats.Impacts from FOBoperation may affect,but would not likelyadversely affect, thelesser long-nosed bat.Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4Impacts would besimilar to thosedescribed for thePreferred Alternative.Impacts would besimilar to thosedescribed for thePreferred Alternative.No adverse impacts onthe beautiful shiner,Yaqui catfish, Yaquichub, or their CriticalHabitat would occurbeca<strong>us</strong>e no runoff orassociated sedimentsfrom the site enterCottonwood Draw orBlack Draw.Potentially suitablehabitat is present for theCochise pinc<strong>us</strong>hioncact<strong>us</strong>, but none wereobserved. Likewise, nodisturbance of the rockyridge would occur;therefore, no adverseeffect on the Cochisepinc<strong>us</strong>hion cact<strong>us</strong> wouldoccur.2-14

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