environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector


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3-46123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536The potential impacts of the handling and disposal of hazardo<strong>us</strong> and regulated materials andsubstances during construction would be negligible when BMPs as described in Section 5 areimplemented. Alternative 2Alternative 2 impacts relative to hazardo<strong>us</strong> materials and substances would be similar to thosedescribed for the Preferred Alternative. Alternative 3Alternative 3 impacts relative to hazardo<strong>us</strong> materials and substances would be similar to thosedescribed for the Preferred Alternative. Alternative 4Alternative 4 impacts relative to hazardo<strong>us</strong> materials and substances would be similar to thosedescribed for the Preferred Alternative.3.15 SOCIOECONOMICS3.15.1 Affected Environment3.15.1.1 Population and DemographicsThe 2009 cens<strong>us</strong> estimated the population of Cochise County to be 125,518. This is an increaseof 6.6 percent from the 2000 cens<strong>us</strong> population of 117,755 (U.S. Cens<strong>us</strong> Bureau 2009a). Thepopulation trends for 1990, 2000, and 2009 for Cochise County and the State of Arizona arerepresented in Table 3-7.Table 3-7. Population Cens<strong>us</strong> 1990 to 2009Geographic Region 1990 2000 2009Difference inpopulation from1990 – 2009(percent)Cochise County 97,624 117,755 129,518 25.4State of Arizona 3,665,228 5,130,632 6,595,778 44.4Sources: U.S. Cens<strong>us</strong> Bureau 2009a and 2009bAccording to the 2005 to 2009 U.S. Cens<strong>us</strong> Bureau American Community Survey, the racial mixof Cochise County consists predominantly of Caucasians and persons that claim some other race.Of the Caucasian population in Cochise County, 31.5 percent are Latino or Hispanic. This ishigher than the Caucasian population in the State of Arizona that is Latino or Hispanic (29.8percent). The remainder is divided among African Americans, Native Americans, Asians,Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and people claiming to be two or more races. Cochise County hasa small portion of the population that claims two or more races, including some other race, andtwo or more races, excluding some other race, or three or more races (Table 3-8).Douglas FOB EADraftAug<strong>us</strong>t 2011

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