environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector

environmental assessment us border patrol, tucson sector


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COUNTYCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseCochiseTAXON SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME ESA BLMCRITHABUSFS NESL MEXFED STATE ELCODE S RANK G RANKMAMMAL Lasiur<strong>us</strong> blossevillii Western Red Bat S S WSC AMACC05060 S3 G5MAMMAL Lasiur<strong>us</strong> cinere<strong>us</strong> Hoary Bat NoStat<strong>us</strong>AMACC05030 S4 G5MAMMAL Lasiur<strong>us</strong> xanthin<strong>us</strong> Western Yellow Bat S S WSC AMACC05070 S2S3 G5MAMMAL Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae Lesser Long-nosed Bat LE | WSC AMACB03030 S2S3 G4MAMMAL M<strong>us</strong>tela frenata Long-tailed Weasel AMAJF02030 S4 G5MAMMAL Myotis auricul<strong>us</strong> Southwestern Myotis AMACC01080 S3 G5MAMMAL Myotis californic<strong>us</strong> California Myotis AMACC01120 S4S5 G5MAMMAL Myotis ciliolabrum Western Small-footed Myotis SC AMACC01140 S3S4 G5MAMMAL Myotis occult<strong>us</strong> Arizona Myotis SC AMACC01160 S3 G3G4MAMMAL Myotis thysanodes Fringed Myotis SC AMACC01090 S3S4 G4G5MAMMAL Myotis velifer Cave Myotis SC AMACC01050 S3S4 G5MAMMAL Myotis volans Long-legged Myotis SC AMACC01110 S3S4 G5MAMMAL Neotoma mexicana Mexican Woodrat AMAFF08070 S5 G5MAMMAL Notiosorex cockrumi Cockrum's Desert Shrew S AMABA05020 S1 GNRMAMMAL Nyctinomops femorosacc<strong>us</strong> Pocketed Free-tailed Bat S AMACD04010 S3 G4MAMMAL Nyctinomops macrotis Big Free-tailed Bat SC AMACD04020 S3 G5MAMMAL Panthera onca Jaguar LE PP WSC AMAJH02010 S1 G3MAMMAL Reithrodontomys fulvescens Fulvo<strong>us</strong> Harvest Mo<strong>us</strong>e S AMAFF02050 S4 G5MAMMAL Reithrodontomys montan<strong>us</strong> Plains Harvest Mo<strong>us</strong>e S AMAFF02010 S3 G5MAMMAL Sciur<strong>us</strong> nayaritensis chiricahuae Chiricahua Fox Squirrel SC S AMAFB07051 S2 G5T2MAMMAL Sigmodon ochrognath<strong>us</strong> Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat SC S AMAFF07040 S4 G4G5MAMMAL Sorex arizonae Arizona Shrew SC S P WSC AMABA01240 S2 G3MAMMAL Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian Free-tailed Bat AMACD01010 S3S4 G5MAMMAL Thomomys bottae Botta's Pocket Gopher AMAFC01020 S5 G5MAMMAL Thomomys bottae mearnsi Mearns' Southern Pocket Gopher SC PS AMAFC0102G S5 G5T511

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