Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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oz,rnakbozrnak v. ruin.bozmak v. break lbroke, brokenl.bozuk odj. destroyecl (broken), broken, ruined(broken).bozllanad¡. ont of tune. btoken not workingproperlybozulma n. tlamage.bökmek ¡,.jump.böküp geçmek v. jump over.bökäç r. jr.rmp.böküç n. dive.bölek n. part, piece.böleh sâtuw r¡, rctail.bölek-bölek ic/. to picces EX: Men kagyzy bölekböleketdirn. I tore ths paper to pieces.bölmek v. divide.bölmek (sözüni...) r,. intenuptböliim n. depar"trnent, section. partbtiliimçe r¡. section.biilüniç r. disrribution.bölünmefän adj. indivisible, inseperable.börek n. Ilqf. botek: pastzr stnftbd with meat, similarto ravioliböri rr. woltböwet r. darn. dike.böwrek n. kiclneys.böwür n. flanlc (ol'a person or anima[). sidebäwürslen r. blackbery.böwüsmek ¡i. l¡reak throngh, penetrate. fiX: Suwböwedi böwüsdi. The water bloke through thedam.britliant(r) r.diamoncl.bu adj. thesebu ¡:ro. this. thesebu tafda edy. IleÍ:Iit this place herebug rr. steam.buga r. bull.bugarma r. evaporation.bugarmak v. st€am.bugdaf ¡¡. wheat.buglamak y. steam.bugra ¡r. camel (Bactrian camel).buhgalter(r) r. bookkeeper, accountant.bukja n. envelope.bukja ¡r. lblder.bukja n. dowry.bukja r. package.bukja r, file (i.e, on the computer).bukmak v. hide (hide an object) [hid, hidden].bukulmak v. hicle (hicle oneself) [hid, hiddenì.conoeal (conceal oneself).buky ad¡. hidden,buky r. shelter.bulaga¡i r. tloublemaker.bfurokratin(r)bulamak v. mix.bulamak ?. Çause frouble (i.e. between two people).bulamak r¿ beckon (with yotrr hancts).bulamak n. Ref a type of soup (eaten duringfauine)bular r¡. thesç.bulasy k acl.¡. rnclear,bulaçyk arlj. unolear.bulut ¡r. cloud.bttlutly adj. cloråy.burawlamak v, drill (a hote).burç r. cor'trer.burç ø. pepper.burç r. angle. È.X: 35 grrrdus burç. 35 degree augle.burgy ø. beginníng of chilclbirth laborpainburmak u. pinch.burun r¡. nose.burun n. Ref: sense of smellburun deçigi r?. riostril.bus-butin adv. oompletcly.buçlamak v. to be the first [o informbuçluh ,4. news (goorl rrews).buçluh n. Ref: a gift givcn to the brirrger of gooclnelvsbuçukmak u. uriuate.but r, thigh, hip.but ¡r. irlol.hut n. hip.buthana ¡e. church.bufan n. licorice,bufmah v. catch cold.bufra r. curl. EX: l3u¡ira saçly. Curlyhaired.bufruk r. command.bufruk f'ormasy rc. imperitive foLrn, commandfotm.bufsanç ir. pride.bufsanjan adj. pwnd.buysanmah odj. proud(to be,..),bufurmak u. order (commanc[), cornmancl.buz n.ice.buz gafmak r. ice cream.buzluk r. glacier.bÍidrcmek u. stumble.büre r. flea.bürÍinç i¡. bronze.bürünç ¡r. rice.büs-bütin adj. Ref. superlative fì:rrn ofbûtinbütewi arlj. integral. entit'ehütin adj. all (all ot entirc). eutire wholebütindünf ä adj. gïobal,worlclr,vidc.büzme ¡r. clastic.büzme z. drawslring.bfujet(r) m. budget.b¡iurokratia (r) r. bnreaucraoy.l8 <strong>Turkmen</strong>-<strong>English</strong> <strong>Dictionary</strong> 9r29n009

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