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Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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galstuk(r)Corurterfeit money.galstuk(r) r. necktie, tie (necktie).galtak ¡2. wheelbarrow.gâltâman n. robber, thief, bandit.gâltasmak v. touch EX: Ifitap depderä galtaçypdyr,The book was touchìng the notebook,galyndy a. remainder. EX: Sekiz ikä g*lyndysyzbölünfär, Two goes into eight without aremaiuder.galyñ n. Ref dowly paid by a groorn to the bríde'sfamilygalyñ adj,thick.gam n. grief.gam çel(mek v. suffbr.gflma batm¿k v. grieve.gâmçy n, whip.gam-gUSSA n. saclnessgâmgyn bolm¿li v, mourn.gamlanmak r¿ sad (to bc,..)gamyç r. rccd.gamyç n. bamboo.gan r. blood.gân r. lineage.gân besyçy r. blood presffire.ganat n. wing.ganhor zl. murderer, killer.ganjarmak v. bleed.ganmak v. drinkgant ¡?. sùgar.ganym adj. t'nortal. I3X: Ganym duçtrrany. Mortalenemy.ganymat adj. medioare.gaäña ¡r. saddle (for a donkey).g¿ñrak n. hook. EX: Senii egin-eçikleriñi gañrakdaassana. Please hang yout clothes on the hook.gâäyrmâk v. bend fbenl, bentl. EX: Pili gatygañyrma! Döwersiñ. Ðon't bentl the shovel hard!You will brcak it.gâp r. ÇQntatner.gâp n.bag,gapâk n.lid,gapÐn n,ftaq.gapân r. scale (fot weighing).gâpaÍ gurmak v. trap (set a...).g¿panÐ dtiçmek r,. rapped (to be...).gap-çânâklar ¿. ldtchenware, dishes.gâpdal r. edgc, side , side ofthe body.gapdal prep. nextto.gap€aç rr, Ãf' see gap-çanalclargap€aç r. utcnsils.gapgarmak v. fill, package, pack.gapjyk r. pruse, wallet.gâplamak v. pack, put away. EX: Men eginesiklerimiçemodana gapladym. I packed mygarayysclothes in the suitcase.gaplâñ n. tiger.gâpmak y, catch (i.e. an anirnal, a batl) fcarrght,caughtl. EX: Men topy gapclym. I caught theball. EX; Möjek towçany gapdy, 'Ihe wolfcaught the rabbit.gâpy ,?. door.$ap$$a z. db,gåpyrjak n. casÊ. EX: Piwo gapyrjak. A case ofbeer.gaf r?. snow.{rrà, adj.black.gara, adj. dark.gLtã qdj. taÍt.gara altyn id, Ref lir black gold oil (pettoleurn)gara bermeh rr. appear (only of people), seen (tobc...) (only ofpeople). ReJ: lit: to cast a shadowgara gtinlcr id. hard timesgara iç id.labor (rnanual...).gara tiÍ n. ytrt.garabåslnri ø. nighlmare.garegaç r, elm.garagol n. troublcmaker.garàY¿(r) n. garage.garakçy r. robbcr, thieJ; bandit.garaköl(e r. dricd melongaralawjy u prosecutor.garalmâk u. darken, blaclce¡r.garalmak ¿ tan.garâlmak u considered (to be...), examined (tobe...),garaly zr. plum.garamak v.lookgâramah p. look afiergaramak y, cxamrÍe, oonsider.gartmflt ir. responsibility (for something).g¿lramazdail adv. regardless, despíte. irr spíte ofliX: Rugsatsyzlygyma garamazdano nrçn kursokadfaryn. Ðespite rrot having permission, Iteach the class OR In spite of not having'permission I teach the olass. OR I teach the classregardless of not having permission.g¿ranil r. shotgun.gArantga ¡?. scarecrow.garañky n. datkness.g¿ìraf,ky gatnaçmak u. to become nightgaraçly adj. depentlent,gâfâçmâk v. wait, expect.garaçsyz adi. independent.garaçsyzlyk rr. independence.Garaçsyzlyk ayy n. october.garawul z. guud.gmùlaryz adj, swatthy, dark skinned.gareyyç n. outlook, world view,9D9n009<strong>Turkmen</strong>-<strong>English</strong> <strong>Dictionary</strong>

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