Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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üstün gelmehwagtal-wagtalbeatcnl.üstün gelmek v. -Ref' see üstün çykmakílstüncleprep. otr, top (on...of;. EX: Stolyñ üstüncle.On the table OR On lop of the table.üstünden barmak u. conle aqross, run across. EX:Kakasy çilirn çekip oûu'an oglunyñ íistünclenbardy. The father came across his son who wassmoking.üsttinden eltmek v. lead to, result in.ästänc prep. onto. ÐX: No¡ibarryñ ästüne suwgu¡i saria. Please pout the lvater onto the bcans.üståinlik /?. sucÇess, goocl luck.Üstänlik bolsun! intj. Good luck! May you havesuccsss !üstilnlik gâzanmak v. achieve. EX: Ol özüniflrnaksadyny iistüulik gazandy. IIc achiçved hisgoal.üsfünlikli arf. successful.üstüulikli ¿¡¿å,. strccessfully.ti stünlilili geçmek v, stlcceed, accornplish.äçcmeh r¿ cold (fbet...).üçemeh r¿ catcl.r colcl.üçertmek r'. pay attcntion, attention (pay...).üçetmek r'. rRe./; see üçemekü çük arú. shaqrness, c¡ttick-rvi ttedness.üçük n. erlcrtness, watchfirlncs.s.{igütmc n. chill.Íiçätmch u. colcl (feel,,,).ütmek v, pluck.ütülclemeh ¿ ilon.ütükli r. ironed.ütük(r) n. ilon (for clothing).üwelen et r. ground meat, mince meat.üwelrnck u. grouncl rql (to be..,), grouncl (to be...).üwemek z grind [ground, grortncl].üwremek v. rock, swing [swung, swung]. EX:Sallançagy äwreqiiir. The craclle rocks.iifrmek r,. barlc.íifçenmck v. afr'aicl ol' (to be.,.). EX: Menjolbarsdan üjsendim. I was afiaid of the lion.üyçmek ir. pilcW-wüfçmek n. clowdüfçmek r.,. pile. collect, gatherüfçmeleñ n. gatherìng. crowd parlyüi¡lçürmch u. gather (people or things), collect(people or things).üftgetlilmek v. ReJ: seeqitgemeküftgeme ir. changeäftgemek u change.üf tgegik ¿¡¿l¡. diffbrent.üftgeçik arli. specialüftgeçíklik n. diftbrenceüf tgeçiklik r. modilic¿tion, alteration. changeüjtgettneh v. acljust (adjust something), ohange(change something), alter.üftgcwsiz aøf. unclrangng.üzeñäi m. stirrnp.üzefiñi ¡r.ladder'.äzmek v. tear offäzmek v. uproot (tit. and frg.). EX: Ol 6zmaçgalasyny öz obasyrdan tizdi. He uprootedhis faurily fiorn his village,üzrnek r.,. pick. EX: Agaçdan altra üzrnelc. I'o pickan apple from a trce.üzrnek v. break fbloke, brokenl, snap. EX: Menliiþi ü2,

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