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Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons

Turkmen-English Dictionary.pdf - CCHS Learning Commons


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furokrat(r)çarakbfurokrat(r) r. bureauoralhyçgy r. saw (the tool).Ç-ççadyr n. tent.çadyrcla façamak v. oamp.çag n. child, kid,çaga dogrulan oy ri. mateurityhospital.çaga dognrrilâ r.labor.çagalamak v. give birth.çagalar bagy n. hiuclergarten.çagalyk n. childhoocl.ç¿gasy bolrna¡ian adj. 6aven (about a woman oranimal).çagbaçagyl r. gravel.çagyrmak u invite.çagyrmakø. thunder storm. rai:r stormrr. call for, sllmnron.çak ¿. ruoderation. tlX: FIer zaclyi çeky yaC$y.Everything is good in ¡noderation.çàl( Í. gness. EX: Eger sen soragynyñ jo¡¡apynybilmescú, çak etmeli. If you don't know theanswer lo the question you should make a gtress.çak n. time, mometrù EX: $u çaka çenli men onyakrnakmyka ctifip piker ctdim. Until thisrnoment I thoughl he was an idiot.n. lirnit.çâkçak r. authorization. right EX: Bu banada t,eniñeden çakym çykmayar. I don't have theright/authorization to speak about that.çak r. probability, likelihood.çak etmek 1,. gness,çakdanaçaçakgançakgy n. pockelknife.çaklatma ¡r. forecast.çaklamak v. gusssçaklamakadf. excessive.øøly. dextrous, agile, quick.v. irnagine.çakmak v. sting fsùrng, stung]. EX: Aryrneni çakdy.The bee stilng meçahmak v. strike (i.e. a match) [strtrck,stuck/strickenl. EX: Men otlyçöpi çakdyn. Isürck a nratchçakmak v. crack (i.e. au egg). EX: \iumurtganyçaknak. To crack an egg,çalryzaçakmak daçy r. flint.çâknyçmak v. fightwith, clash withçaknyçyk n. fightingçakylyk r. invitation.çalryr n. wine.çâkyr adidned.çakyçmak v. collide with, run into, strike (run into).adj. havngaheadacheçal adj.grey,gray.çal n. Ref beverage made from camcl's milkçala a¿ir,. barely, slightly.çÐla ødr,, slowlyçela adv.hardly.ç*laìa adv. Ref: see çalaçalâm-ç.aç ¡r. scattered.çaIfl sûwât atlj. ignorant. scmi-lìferateçalasyn odi quick, agile.çBl¿rsyn rrrl7. instant.çâlgy daç r, whet stone, sharpering store.çalgy fag /r. grease (for lubrication).çalgy fag r¿. lubricant.çalgyrt r. lisp, sflrttcr.çalgyrt adv. accent (with an...), stutter (with a...).çalmakÐX: Men tärkmençe çalgy't giplefäLin. I speak1'urlcmcn with an aoccilt.u. play (i.e. an instnrment). EX: Ol clutarygowy ça$ar, FIe plays the clutar well.çalmak u apply (i,c. a crcam), coat. EX: Ol jüzir:ekrem çaldy. She put crerrm on her face.çalmâk r,. sharpen. EX: Ol pyçagy çaldy. Hesharpened the knife.ç¿rlmak r slap, hit Urit, hit.l. EX: Mugallym gödekokuwçyny çalcly. The teacher slapped the ruclestudert.çalmali v. sweep fswept, srveptçalpaw r. puddle.çâlsyrmal( r. exchange. changeçâlsyrynmak u change one's clcrthçsçalt adí. hsf,quickly.çalt gutul! intj. GeLbethsr quickly!çaltlandyrmak v. Ref: see çaltlaçmakçaltlaçmakçalykmakv. accelerate.v. dry (i.e, clothes). Ref: To dly, but notto dry completely.v. dryup, wither (rare)çalymakçalynmak u. l?e/; passive voice foun of çalmakçalyçma r. change,transfbrmation.çalyÐmâ r?. proloutr.çalyçma r. exchange.çalyçmak z exchange, change.çalyçyk n. exchange.çaman n.lazy,tdleçanak zr. bowlçanåk r. shell, seashell.çanak n. kneeoap.9n9n009 <strong>Turkmen</strong>-<strong>English</strong> Ðictionar y t9

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