96.5 Wave FM's Online Cookbook

96.5 Wave FM's Online Cookbook

96.5 Wave FM's Online Cookbook


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Ashlee’s Nan’s Meatballs+Tomato Relish750g beef mince1 egg1/4 cup tomato sauceWorcestershire sauceSauce Ingredients1 cup water1 cup tomato sauce6 tsp worcestershiresauce1/2 cup brown sugar4 tbsp vinegar1 1/2 kg tomatoes1/2kg onions2 cups sugar1 tbsp curry powder1 tbsp dry mustard1 tbsp flour1 tbsp saltMethodMethodMix all ingredients together and then add 3slices of bread, wet and squeeze out, breakinto small pieces.Add a dessert spoon of plain flour intomixture and mix together. Get a plate andput a few dessert spoons of flour on it to rollthe meatballs in.Sauce: stir until brown sugar has dissolved.Once meatballs are rolled, you need to fry inoil or deep fryer until brown. Then add themto sauce and stir around.Serve with mash and vegetables.Sterilize jars and lids by placing in theoven at 120ºc for 10 minutes. Cut uptomatoes; pour off 3/4 cup juice (may needto mash slightly to do this).Cut up onions finely and place withtomatoes, sugar and vinegar in a wide,open pan. Boil slowly until it thickens (lidoff, liquid evaporating).Blend spices, flour and tomato juice. Stirthis all into the thickened tomato mixture- boil for 3 minutes, stirring. Pour into jarsand cover with lids when cool.This recipe is specialto me becauseMy son’s girlfriend Ashlee gave me this recipe from her nan. They arethe best meatballs and every time we eat them, I love seeing Ashlee’ssmile on her face.This recipe is specialto me becauseI first made it in year 10, 30 years ago from a recipe we were given in myschool’s Home Science class. It has become legendary amongst family andfriends, and I still use my original schoolbook whenever I need the recipe.thanks to Lorraine from Keiravillethanks to Maree from Shell Cove11

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