биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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*Nymphon longitarse brevicollis Losina-Losinsky, 1929(Pl. IV, figs. 6–11)Losina-Losinsky, 1933: 68–69; 1935: 30–34, fig. 4; 1961: 65–66; Hedgpeth, 1949: 248;1963: 1331 (Nymphon longitarse brevicollis).Description. This subspecies differs from nominative species in more compacttrunk. Neck shorter and thicker, shorter than half <strong>of</strong> cephalic segment; ocular tuberclelow, with flat top; proboscis only 1.5 times as short as cephalic segment <strong>of</strong> trunk. Legsnot as thin as in N. longitarse longitarse, but <strong>of</strong> same length; tarsus only 1.5 timeslonger than propodus; usually propodal sole lacks larger spines; auxiliary clawsnoticeably longer and reach 1/3 <strong>of</strong> main claw. Palp rather long; its segment 4noticeably, sometimes even twice, shorter than segment 5, but in some specimensthese segments may be almost equal, like those in N. longitarse longitarse.Geographical distribution. This subspecies is mainly high arctic, but alsooccurs near Sakhalin Island (at the Terpenyia Bay entrance) and on the Pacific Oceanside <strong>of</strong> the South Kuril Islands. In some regions N. longitarse brevicollis is foundalong with N. longitarse longitarse.5. Nymphon bisseratum Losina-Losinsky, 1961(Pl. III, figs. 1–6)Losina-Losinsky, 1961: 66, fig. 4.Description. Trunk robust, smooth; lateral processes separated by less than theirown diameters, longer than trunk width, slightly expanded distally; each with severallong setae dorsally on distal margins. Cephalic segment equal to or longer thananother part <strong>of</strong> trunk, slightly broadened anteriorly; neck elongated. Ocular tuberclelow, with rounded top, situated near base <strong>of</strong> neck, opposite oviger implantation; eyeslarge, pigmented. Proboscis cylindrical, noticeably shorter than cephalic segment.Abdomen long, reaches as far as distal edge <strong>of</strong> 1st coxae <strong>of</strong> 4th legs. Chelifore feeble;scape equal to proboscis and to chela, fingers equal to palm in length, gently curved,bearing small teeth. Palp 1.5 times longer than proboscis; its segments 2 and 3 equal;segment 4 twice shorter than segment 5; both distal segments covered with short setae.Compound spines <strong>of</strong> oviger with rounded tips and with only one pair <strong>of</strong> lateral teeth.Strong legs covered with setae; 2nd coxa longer than 1st and 3rd combined; tibia 1longer than femur; tibia 2 much longer than tibia 1; tarsus slightly shorter thanpropodus. Main claw almost 3 times shorter than propodus; auxiliary claws longerthan half <strong>of</strong> main claw. Propodal sole bears 6–7 large spines medially and distally andseveral spinules between them. Measurements <strong>of</strong> only one specimen available: trunklength 7.25 mm, proboscis 1.5 mm, palp 2.2 mm, leg 21.4 mm.Geographical distribution. The only specimen was caught in the Sea <strong>of</strong> Japannear the western coast <strong>of</strong> the South Sakhalin, near the town <strong>of</strong> Nevelsk, at a depth <strong>of</strong>101 m.100

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