биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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5(6). Female marsupium consists <strong>of</strong> 3 pairs <strong>of</strong> well-developed oostegites. Exopod <strong>of</strong>fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong> male 4–5-segmented (pl. VII, fig. 5). (Male pleopod 3 biramous;exopod 4-segmented; endopod unsegmented, but relatively long: it comprises1/2–2/3 <strong>of</strong> exopod length (pl. VII, fig. 4). Telson elongate, linguiform, withbroadly rounded apex, bearing 2 pairs <strong>of</strong> spines; outer pair much longer than innerone [pl. VII, fig. 7]) .......................................................... 3. Stilomysis (p. 52)6(5). Female marsupium consists <strong>of</strong> 2 pairs <strong>of</strong> well-developed oostegites. Exopod <strong>of</strong>fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong> male 2- to 3-segmented, or unsegmented (pl. VIII, fig. 2; IX,fig. 5; XVI, fig. 5).7(8). Exopod <strong>of</strong> fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong> male 3-segmented: third distal segment very small,ratio <strong>of</strong> length <strong>of</strong> first (basal) segment <strong>of</strong> exopod to lengths <strong>of</strong> second and third(distal) segments is 23:5:1 (pl. VIII, fig. 2). (Antennal scale elongate, withrounded apex, 5.4–10 times as long as broad (pl. VIII, fig. 1). Tergites <strong>of</strong> distalthoracic segment and all abdominal segments smooth, without transverse furrows.Telson elongate, longuiform, with rounded apex, bearing 2 pairs <strong>of</strong> spines;outer pair twice as long as inner one; spines on distal third <strong>of</strong> telson gathered in5–10 groups [pl. VIII, fig. 4]) ..................................... 4. Disacanthomysis (p. 53)8(7). Exopod <strong>of</strong> fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong> male 2-segmented or unsegmented (pl. IX, fig. 5;XVI, fig. 5).9(10). Antennal scale with pointed apex (pl. IX, fig. 1). (Exopod <strong>of</strong> fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong>male 2-segmented [pl. IX, fig. 5]) ........................................ 5. Neomysis (p. 54)10(9). Antennal scale with rounded apex (pl. XIII, figs. 1, 5; XVI, fig. 3).11(16). Exopod <strong>of</strong> fourth pleopod <strong>of</strong> male 2-segmented (pl. XIII, figs. 2–6; XIV, fig. 3).12(15). Tergites <strong>of</strong> distal thoracic segment and all abdominal segments smooth, withouttransverse furrows (pl. IX, fig. 4).13(14). Telson elongate, triangular, with truncated apex (pl. XIII, fig. 4). (Antennalscale 3.4–5.8 times as long as broad (pl. XIII, fig. 1); 6–38 spines situated onventral side <strong>of</strong> endopod <strong>of</strong> uropods, near statocyst (pl. XIII, fig. 3); spinesgrouped on distal 2/3 <strong>of</strong> lateral margin <strong>of</strong> telson) ......................................................................................................................... 6. Boreoacanthomysis (p. 58)14(13). Telson elongate, linguiform, with rounded apex (pl. XIII, figs. 8–9). (Antennalscale 3.4–5.4 times as long as broad (pl. XIII, fig. 5); ventral side <strong>of</strong> endopod<strong>of</strong> uropods armed with 14–31 spines situated along major part <strong>of</strong> inner marginfrom statocyst to apex; spines on lateral margin <strong>of</strong> telson gradually increase inlength towards apex, not grouped) ..................... 7. Hemiacanthomysis (p. 59)15(12). Tergites <strong>of</strong> distal thoracic segment and <strong>of</strong> all abdominal segments with transversefurrows (pl. XIV, fig. 2; XV, fig. 2) ............... 8. Exacanthomysis (p. 60)16(11). Exopod <strong>of</strong> fourth pleopods <strong>of</strong> male unsegmented (pl. XVI, fig. 5) ................................................................................................... 9. Paracanthomysis (p. 61)1. Genus Inusitatomysis Ii, 1940Type species: Inusitatomysis insolita Ii, 1940.Eye flattened; cornea bud-shaped, situated along outer margin (Pl. V, fig. 1). Labrumwithout anterior process (Pl. V, fig. 4). Antennal scale lanceolate; outer marginsaw-toothed, without setae. Carpus and propodus <strong>of</strong> thoracopods 3–8 joined obliquely.Female marsupium consists <strong>of</strong> 3 pairs <strong>of</strong> oostegites. Male pleopods 1–3 and 5, as well50

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