биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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Geographical distribution. N. brevirostre is a circumpolar arctic-boreal species.It is greatly variable; 9 subspecies were found in the Arctic region (Losina-Losinsky,1935; Turpaeva, 2004a). In the Far Eastern seas <strong>of</strong> Russia it occurs in the Bering Sea,Sea <strong>of</strong> Okhotsk, and the northern part <strong>of</strong> the Sea <strong>of</strong> Japan, where it was recorded nearthe western coast <strong>of</strong> the South Sakhalin and in the Tatar Strait. A subspecies N.brevirostre kurilensis Losina-Losinsky, 1961 occurs in the Pacific Ocean on the shelfsurrounding the Kuril Islands. In the Sea <strong>of</strong> Okhotsk, near the Yamskie Islands N.brevirostre ochoticum Turpaeva, 2004 has been recently described. On the North-American shelf two forms were found, described as N. microcollis Hilton, 1942 and N.gracile Hilton, 1942, but Hedgpeth (1949) considers them forms <strong>of</strong> N. brevirostre.Vertical distribution. The species is distributed from the littoral zone to a depth<strong>of</strong> 677 m.3. Nymphon striatum Losina-Losinsky, 1929(Pl. III, figs. 7–12)Losina-Losinsky, 1929: 538–340, fig. 1; 1933: 64–67, fig. 13; 1961: 59; Nesis, 1967:248; 1976: 77, fig. 178; Hong, Kim, 1987: 139, 160–161; Nakamura & Child, 1991: 61–62;Nakamura, 1994: 15; Turpaeva, 2004a: 1092–1093.Description. Trunk elongated, slender; lateral processes separated by twice theirown diameters. Cephalic segment equal in length to rest part <strong>of</strong> trunk; neck very long,thin, in large specimens reaches half length <strong>of</strong> cephalic segment; neck <strong>of</strong> juvenilesslightly shorter. Anterior part <strong>of</strong> segment 1 broadened; 2 tall tubercles in shape <strong>of</strong>truncated cone situated near frontal margin. Proboscis cylindrical, 1.5 to 2 timesshorter than segment 1. Abdomen short, slightly expanded medially, erected almostvertically. Chelifore moderately long; scape longer than proboscis; chela slightlyshorter than scape; fingers with curved tips, slightly shorter than palm. Palp thin; itssegment 2 slightly longer than segment 3, segments 4 and 5 equal in length, orsegment 5 slightly longer. Male oviger 1.5 times longer than trunk; female ovigerslightly shorter than trunk; segment 4 longest; compound spines serrate, with one pair<strong>of</strong> lateral teeth. Legs 3.5 to 5 times longer than trunk, thin, with sparse long setae;femur slightly shorter than tibia 1; tibia 1 shorter than tibia 2; length <strong>of</strong> tarsus varies:large specimens’ tarsus twice longer than propodus, juveniles' tarsus almost equal topropodus; propodal sole armed with one row <strong>of</strong> spinules, among which 2–3, rarer 5,large spines situated medially, sometimes large spines absent. Main claw heavy,slightly curved distally, shorter than half <strong>of</strong> propodus; auxiliary claws slightly shorterthan half <strong>of</strong> main one. Body length about 8 mm.Geographical distribution. N. striatum is known only from the Far Eastern seas.It occurs <strong>of</strong>f the north-eastern coast <strong>of</strong> the Korea Peninsular, near Hokkaido Island, theeastern coast <strong>of</strong> Japan and in Toyama Bay; it is also found near the Pacific Oceansides <strong>of</strong> Shikotan and Kunashir islands (the Kurils) and in the south <strong>of</strong> the Sea <strong>of</strong>Okhotsk. In the Sea <strong>of</strong> Japan it was recorded near the coast <strong>of</strong> Primorsky Region (fromPossjet Bay to De-Kastri Bay) and the south-western coast <strong>of</strong> Sakhalin Island.Vertical distribution. The species is sublittoral; it occurs at depths <strong>of</strong> 1–180 m.98

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