биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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2. Achelia bituberculata Hedgpeth, 1949(Pl. XI, figs. 1–6)Hedgpeth, 1949: 287–289, fig. 41a–g; Nakamura & Child, 1983: 6–7; Kim, 1984: 537,fig. 6a–i; Kim & Hong, 1986: 46; Nakamura, 1987: 18–19, pl. 16 (Achelia bituberculata);Utinomi, 1951: 163, fig. 2; 1954: 18–20, fig. 6; 1971: 330 (Achelia ohshimai).Description. Trunk compact, rounded, unsegmented; mid-dorsal line bears 2 talltubercles having 2–3 tops with spines near abdomen base. Lateral processescontiguous; several tubercles with spines situated on each lateral process dorsodistally.Same tubercles with spines situated near frontal margin <strong>of</strong> trunk. Ocular tubercle tall,with flattened top and pigmented eyes. Proboscis large, oval, elongated, almost equalto trunk length. Abdomen long, swollen in basal part, extended almost horizontally,reaching beyond distal ends <strong>of</strong> 1st coxae <strong>of</strong> 4th legs. In adults abdomen tuberculatedand slightly curved upward, so that trunk looks saddle-shaped in lateral view.Chelifore 3–4 times shorter than proboscis; scape cylindrical, almost 4 times longerthan its diameter, with tubercles on dorsal side and distal end; chela small, globular.Palp 8-segmented; segment 2 longest, almost 6 times as long as broad; segment 4 withdorsal swellings bearing stiff setae. Oviger 10-segmented; segments 4 and 5 in malesalmost twice longer than segment 3; segment 6 bearing 2 simple spines pointed toproximal end <strong>of</strong> segment; distal segments bear compound spines: 2 on segment 10,and 1–3 (number differs from specimen to specimen) on other segments. Legs armedwith strong spines, situated on small tubercles; coxa 2 in males bears long genital spuron ventral side; femur longest <strong>of</strong> all segments, bears tubercle with cement glandopening on dorsal side; propodus robust, almost equal in length to tibia 2, noticeablycurved, bears 3 large spines on sole proximally. Main claw slightly longer than half <strong>of</strong>propodus, strong, curved; auxiliary claws slightly longer than half <strong>of</strong> main one.Measurements <strong>of</strong> holotype: trunk 1.5 mm, proboscis 1.25 mm, abdomen 0.6 mm, 3rdleg 4.63 mm.Geographical distribution. The species occurs near the Pacific coast <strong>of</strong> Japan,near the Korean Peninsula in the Sea <strong>of</strong> Japan and the East China Sea, also in Peter theGreat Bay.Habitat. A. bituberculata is a littoral and high sublittoral species, recorded to adepth <strong>of</strong> 75 m. It was found in Peter the Great Bay among the fouling <strong>of</strong> specialexperimental plates.*Achelia brevirostris Losina-Losinsky, 1961(Pl. IX, figs. 6–11)Losina-Losinsky, 1961: 95–97, fig. 19; Nakamura & Child, 1991: 3–5, fig. 1a–f; Child,1995: 3.Description. Trunk rounded, unsegmented. Lateral processes robust, placed incontact. Low tubercles without spines on angles <strong>of</strong> lateral processes and <strong>of</strong> frontalmargin <strong>of</strong> trunk. Ocular tubercle low, with conical top, situated near anterior margin <strong>of</strong>cephalic segment; eyes in middle part <strong>of</strong> tubercle. Proboscis twice shorter than trunk,rather slender, pointed downward. Abdomen long, robust, slightly curved upward.Chelifore with vestigial chelas lacking fingers, almost twice shorter than proboscis.Palp 8-segmented; segment 2 longest; segment 4 slightly shorter than segment 2; other108

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