биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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setae. Oviger relatively short; oviger in males shorter than whole trunk; oviger infemales shorter than 1/2 <strong>of</strong> trunk length. Segments 4 and 5 <strong>of</strong> male oviger longest;segment 7 <strong>of</strong> irregular shape with long setae; segment 8 bears one compound spine;segment 10 rounded, very small. Legs 4.5–5 times as long as trunk; coxa 1 bears talltubercle on dorsal side; laterally coxa 1 armed with setae and spines; similar setae andspines on all other segments; femur bears tubercle with spine on distal end; tibia 2 inmales bears tubercles with spines, while female tibia 2 lacks them; femur, tibiae 1 and2 subequal in males, while in females femur longer than both tibiae; propodus curved;heel absent; sole bears several thin setae and, proximally, 3 relatively large spines.Main claw slightly longer than half <strong>of</strong> propodus, auxiliary claws longer than half <strong>of</strong>main one. Measurements: trunk 1.08 mm, proboscis 1.08 mm, abdomen 1.06 mm,chelifore 0.64 mm, palp 1.06 mm, oviger 2.08 mm, leg 5.14 mm.Geographical distribution. Type locality is Kunashir Island. A. kurilensis isfound in the Sea <strong>of</strong> Japan in Peter the Great Bay (Sivuchya and Vityaz Bays), and alsonear the South Sakhalin.Vertical distribution. It occurs in the littoral and high sublittoral zones to adepth <strong>of</strong> 20 m.4. Achelia alaskensis (Cole, 1904)(Pl. X, figs 8–12)Cole, 1904: 266–268, pl. 12, fig. 4, pl. 17, figs. 4–12; Schimkewitsch, 1929: 151–156,figs. 42–45; Losina-Losinsky, 1933: 60, fig. 10 (Ammothea alaskensis); Losina-Losinsky,1961: 91 (Achelia alaskensis).Description. Trunk globular, unsegmented; anterior part <strong>of</strong> cephalic segmentsquare, expanded at place <strong>of</strong> chelifore and palp implantations. Lateral processes aslong as trunk width, expanded distally, contiguous; each bears one small tubercle withshort spine on distal margins <strong>of</strong> dorsal side. Ocular tubercle low, conical or cylindricalwith conical apex; eyes large, situated in middle <strong>of</strong> tubercle. Proboscis as long astrunk, spindle-shaped, convex dorsally and almost straight ventrally. Abdomen long,slender, with tapered distal end, reaching middle <strong>of</strong> coxa 1 <strong>of</strong> 4th leg, bears 3–4spinules and several long setae on dorsal side. Chelifore shorter than 1/2 <strong>of</strong> proboscis;scape with triangular projection on end; chela small, globular. Palp 8-segmented;segments 2 and 4 longest, subequal; 4 distal segments small, rounded, ventrally armedwith strong dense setae. Oviger in females as long as palp; all its segments relativelyshort and broad; segment 7 bears one compound spine; segments 8 through 10 bear 2compound spines each. Oviger in males twice as long as in females; segments 3 to 6elongated and rather thin; number <strong>of</strong> compound spines equal to that in females. Legsstrong, especially in females; coxa 1 short, with tall conical tubercle on dorsal side;male coxa 2 bears tall genital spur ventrally; femur, tibiae 1, and 2 equal, beartubercles with spines on dorsal sides, each <strong>of</strong> these 3 segments nearly as long as all 3coxae combined; propodus robust, curved, without heel, sole bears several smallspinules and, proximally, 3 large spines. Main claw heavy, gently curved, reachingbeyond half <strong>of</strong> propodus; auxiliary claws as long as 1/2 <strong>of</strong> main one. Body length <strong>of</strong>male 3 mm, width 13 mm.Remarks. A. alaskensis bears a very strong resemblance to A. gracilis. Maindifferences between these two species are in the shapes <strong>of</strong> proboscis and propodus.110

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