биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov


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2 segments; adults have vestigial chelae with reduced fingers or without them. Palpconsists <strong>of</strong> 6–8 segments, usually longer than proboscis. Oviger consists <strong>of</strong> 10segments, male oviger longer than female one, bearing few compound spines placedirregularly, or bearing simple spines placed similarly. Legs short, covered withtubercles and spines; femur distally bears conical process, larger in males, havingopening <strong>of</strong> cement gland on top in males; tarsus small, caliciform; propodus more orless curved; in most species propodal sole provided with large spines proximally andsmall spines medially and distally. Main claw usually large, curved; auxiliary clawsusually smaller than main one. Males have genital pores on special process (genitalspur), situated on coxa 2 <strong>of</strong> legs 3 and 4.KEY TO THE SPECIES OF THE GENUS ACHELIA1(14). Trunk unsegmented, without articulation lines.2(3). Propodal sole lacks isolated large spines; lateral processes in males long, thin,separated by intervals, expanding distally; no compound spines on oviger .................................................................................................... 1. A. borealis (p. 107)3(2). Propodal sole bears large spines.4(5). Dorsal side <strong>of</strong> trunk has two tubercles, placed one after another, with spines ontops; in adults abdomen base rises over trunk surface, making it saddle-shaped................................................................................. 2. A. bituberculata (p. 108)5(4). Dorsal side <strong>of</strong> trunk smooth and even, without any tubercles.6(7). Proboscis twice shorter than trunk, almost cylindrical, with rounded tip....................................................................................... *A. brevirostris (p. 108)7(6). Proboscis robust, almost equal to trunk in length, oval, spindle-shaped, orpyriform.8(9). Ocular tubercle cylindrical, tall, with conical top bearing small eyes; chelifores,palps and legs bear long spines, covered with short thin setae .......................................................................................................................... *A. latifrons (p. 109)9(8). Ocular tubercle low, conical; eyes situated in its middle part; all appendages bearlong spines without setae.10(11). Two small tubercles with apical spines on frontal margin <strong>of</strong> trunk and at distalangles <strong>of</strong> lateral processes; proboscis oval; chelifore longer than half <strong>of</strong>proboscis; scape bears medial tubercle with spine on top ...................................................................................................................... 3. A. kurilensis (p. 109)11(10). Frontal margin <strong>of</strong> trunk smooth; each lateral process in adults bears one smalltubercle without spines (juveniles may lack such tubercles, or may have 2tubercles with apical spines on each lateral process); proboscis has anothershape; chelifore much shorter than half <strong>of</strong> proboscis.12(13). Proboscis spindle-shaped; propodus strong, noticeably curved; main clawheavy, reaching past middle <strong>of</strong> propodus; auxiliary claws slightly longer thanhalf <strong>of</strong> main claw ....................................................... 4. A. alaskensis (p. 110)13(12). Proboscis pyriform, consisting <strong>of</strong> conical basal part and large oviform part;propodus relatively thin, curved; main claw curved, reaching middle <strong>of</strong>propodus; auxiliary claws hardly reach middle <strong>of</strong> main claw ................................................................................................................ 5. A. gracilipes (p. 111)106

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