Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook


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Economyprotection, the council has requested these shops to abide by the following additional rules:• To offer consumers after-sales service, and provide accurate information about the productsand services they sell;• To list the specific prices of products and services on their invoices; and• To settle disputes with consumers within 14 days of receiving complaints, either throughrefunds, replacement of goods or submission to the Arbitration Centre.The Consumer Council has formulated a code of practice for each industry sector in keepingwith social developments. At present, 15 industry sectors under the Certified Shops mechanism– covering cleaning and dyeing services, real estate agents, supermarkets, pharmacies, beautyservices, souvenirs, photography equipment retail and photo printing services, gold and jewellery,leather garments and shoes, communication equipment, computer products, birds’ nest products,electrical appliances, eyewear and furniture retailing – have implemented these codes of practice.These codes set stricter standards for the operation of Certified Shops. The Consumer Councilhas also established a mechanism to assess whether the Certified Shops implement their generalpledges and codes of practice.Statistics and Census ServiceThe Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) is the Government body responsible for the orientation,coordination, implementation and supervision of <strong>Macao</strong>’s statistical activities. It enjoys autonomousin all technical matters.Production of Official StatisticsAccording to Decree-Law No. 62/96/M promulgated on 14 October 1996, all statistical informationcompiled by Government statistical agencies is regarded as official. The DSEC is responsible forproducing demographic, economic, social and environmental statistics. On the other hand, theMonetary Authority of <strong>Macao</strong> compiles financial, currency, foreign exchange and insurance sectorstatistics.The DSEC compiles a range of official statistics based on data collected through censusesand statistical surveys, and on administrative information provided by various departments. Thestatistical information is an important reference for the Government in formulating policies, forinvestors making business decisions, and for academics conducting research.Particularly noteworthy among the Statistics and Census Service’s regular statistical operationsare the Population and Housing Census conducted every 10 years, and the By-Census and HouseholdExpenditure Survey conducted every five years. In addition, it conducts the annual ConstructionSurvey; Industry Survey; Hotel Industry Survey; Food and Beverage Survey; Service Sector Survey;Transport, Warehousing and Communications Survey; and Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey.In addition, the DSEC collects and compiles monthly or quarterly data relating to the economicactivity of <strong>Macao</strong>, including external trade in commodities, tourism, convention and exhibition,retail, prices, employment, real estate transactions and construction.195

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