Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook


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<strong>Macao</strong> <strong>Yearbook</strong> <strong>2013</strong>- High-priority technology-transfer projects that enhance socio-economic development; and- Patent applications.Groups eligible to receive subsidies include local universities and academies and their affiliatedresearch and development centres; local non-profit private organisations, laboratories and entities;registered entrepreneurs and enterprises; and individuals involved in research and developmentprojects in <strong>Macao</strong>.In 2012, the Science and Technology Development Fund spent more than 70.87 million patacasto subsidise 84 science research projects, of which 30 were concluded, yielding a total of 137 theses.The projects also trained 28 master’s degree candidates and 18 doctoral candidates. In terms ofscience popularisation projects, in 2012 the Science and Technology Development Fund received 159applications for total funding of over 14.12 million patacas. The projects involved 6,808 students.<strong>Macau</strong> New Technologies Incubator CentreCo-founded by the Government and the private sector, the <strong>Macau</strong> New Technologies IncubatorCentre (Manetic) was established in 2001, marking <strong>Macao</strong>’s first step towards the development ofinnovative hi-tech industries.Manetic is an incubator centre for new technology. Its major objective is to help turn businessor product ideas into commercial ventures as quickly as possible. Manetic’s targets include:to strengthen technological development in <strong>Macao</strong> and improve career opportunities for thenext generation; to effectively utilise <strong>Macao</strong>’s professional resources through cooperation withmultinational companies; and to tap international resources through developing <strong>Macao</strong> as thetechnological development centre in the Greater China region.Telecommunications ServicesThe objective of <strong>Macao</strong>’s telecommunications policy is to liberalise the regulation of the publictelecommunications infrastructure and service provision gradually, in order to maximise publicbenefits, create investment opportunities and enhance the competitiveness and long-termdevelopment of the economy and the community. This policy strives to ensure that quality andefficient telecommunications services are always available to the entire community and businessesat reasonable cost and in a non-discriminatory manner. A further goal is network interconnectionand number portability.The Telecommunications LawThe Telecommunications Law (Law No. 14/2001) was gazetted on 20 August 2001. The construction,management and operation of a telecommunications network, and its service provision, are legallydeemed to be matters of public interest, and they can only be undertaken by a public entity or bya private organisation that complies with applicable regulations and demonstrates its businesscapability. In 2012, the Government conducted preliminary consultations with the industryregarding amendment of the Telecommunications Law to accommodate the opening up of <strong>Macao</strong>’s316

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