Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook

Macau Yearbook 2013 - Macao Yearbook


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Overview of the <strong>Macao</strong> Special Administrative Region in 2012In regard to long-term social security measures, two years have passed since the law on theSocial Security System (Law no. 4/2010) was promulgated, and by the end of 2012, about 60,000people had received their pensions. The allocation of the Central Provident Fund for 2011 startedin July, and it was estimated that about 320,000 residents were eligible to receive the funding. On10 August, the Government decided to inject a total of 37 billion patacas into the Social SecurityFund over the next four years. On 25 September, 6,000 patacas were injected into the CentralProvident Fund account of every eligible <strong>Macao</strong> resident.However, the Government injection into the Social Security Fund alone is insufficient to maintaina sound social security system. Therefore, on 5 December, the Government proposed to raise thepension contribution and adjust the contribution proportion, aiming to achieve equal contributionsby employers and employees within the next four years, to further improve the two-tier socialsecurity system.Improving public hygiene and building a livable cityThe newly amended Prevention and Control of Smoking Law entered into force on 1 January 2012,banning smoking in all indoor public places. Through legislation, law enforcement, education andencouraging people to quit smoking, the Government’s commitment to building a smoking-freeenvironment was rewarded with a promising start.The new law penalises the following acts: smoking in prohibited places, selling cigarettes thatare not labelled or packaged in accordance with the law, selling tobacco products to people whoare under 18 years of age, and not posting anti-smoking signs in public places in accordance withthe law. The Health Bureau, the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Gaming Inspection andCoordination Committee and the Security Police are responsible for safeguarding the health of localresidents and tourists within their purview. By the end of 2012, a total of 8,384 penalty tickets hadbeen issued to violators of the new law. The law was enforced strictly to ensure its deterring effect.The Government proactively liaised with gaming operators in 2012 to extend the smokingban to all casinos and allow casinos to apply to designate not more than 50 percent of their floorareas as smoking areas in accordance with the new law. In October, Executive Order 296/2012 -Requirements on Gaming Areas in Casinos, entered in force. All applications from casinos to setup smoking areas must be reviewed cautiously and thoroughly by several government departments.A long-term mechanism for overseeing and inspection has also been established to ensure casinoscomply with the requirements of the aforementioned executive order.Between September and October in 2012, 23 local cases of dengue fever were confirmed. In lightof the possibility that the disease might spread in <strong>Macao</strong>, the Government activated the level-IIICivil Protection Master Plan on 26 September. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau and theHealth Bureau instantly conducted anti-mosquito operations in the areas within 200 metres of theresidential and working places of the patients, which raised public awareness of the need to keepa clean environment and prevent the spread of dengue fever.As an important part of its social welfare policies, in 2012, the Government made greatefforts to develop software and hardware facilities for medical and healthcare development. The73

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