Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media


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PAGE 48TUESDAY, 15 MAYThe ChurchSt. Mary Redcliffe is an Anglican parish church located close to the city centre<strong>of</strong> Bristol. Constructed from the 12th to the 15th centuries, St. Mary Redcliffe isrenowned for the beauty <strong>of</strong> its Gothic architecture, having been described byQueen Elizabeth I as “the fairest, goodliest, and most famous parish church in<strong>England</strong>.” The first church on this site was built in Saxon times, as the port <strong>of</strong>Bristol first began. The present building is probably the fourth or fifth churchthat has been built on this site. In medieval times, St. Mary Redcliffe, sitting ona red cliff above the River Avon, was a sign to seafarers, who would pray in it attheir departure, and give thanks there upon their return. The church was builtand beautified by Bristol’s wealthy merchants, who paid to have masses sungfor their souls and many <strong>of</strong> whom are commemorated there.Parts <strong>of</strong> the church dateto the beginning <strong>of</strong> the12th century. Althoughits plan dates from anearlier period, much <strong>of</strong> thechurch as it now standswas built between 1292and 1370, with the southaisle and transept in theDecorated Gothic <strong>of</strong> the 13th century and the greater part <strong>of</strong> the building inthe late 14th century Perpendicular. In 1446 the spire was struck by lightning,and fell, causing considerable damage to the interior. The 17th century sawthe loss <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> the church fittings and much <strong>of</strong> the stained glass duringthe Reformation and the English Civil War. During the reign <strong>of</strong> Queen Anne,and partially funded by her, the interior <strong>of</strong> St. Mary Redcliffe was refitted inthe Baroque stye. The upper part <strong>of</strong> the spire, missing since being struck bylightning in 1446, was reconstructed in 1872 to a height <strong>of</strong> 292 ft.

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