Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media


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PAGE 96 TOUR TRAVELER ITINERARY BIOSMary Ann Hagan has worked in the field <strong>of</strong> non-pr<strong>of</strong>it artsmanagement as Education Director for the Seattle Symphonyand Executive Director <strong>of</strong> the Washington Alliance for ArtsEducation. She has worked as a project consultant for performingartists and arts organizations, has provided group facilitationfor non-pr<strong>of</strong>its, and has held leadership positions with<strong>American</strong> Symphony Orchestra League Education Directors andwith the Washington State Arts Education Advisory Council.She was a founding member <strong>of</strong> Seattle’s Early Music Guild andserved on its board for 10 years. She is currently on the board<strong>of</strong> Seattle’s Medieval Women’s Choir (with which she sings) andPacific MusicWorks. Mary Ann is an amateur harpsichordist, aformer recorder player, and a newcomer to the world <strong>of</strong> violada gamba. For her college music major, she played a seniorrecital on the organ. In recent years, she has played continuoon small chamber organs as well as on harpsichord.John Richard Hendricks Grew up in Scio, Ohio. Music degreefrom Mount Union, theological degree from Duke. ServedUnited Methodist churches in northern Ohio, the last ten yearsin Cleveland area. Now retired. Active in Hymn Society, Fellowship<strong>of</strong> United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, OrganHistorical Society, and Assoc. <strong>of</strong> Lutheran Church Musicians aswell as Masonic organizations. NPR listener for 30 years. Traveledextensively, since childhood. Vacationed in London thepast two years.Joe Joyner, Jr. was born and raised Brooklyn, New York. Joereceived a BA in French from Brooklyn College. He considershimself an expert horseman, sailor and skier, and he dotes onhis grandsons.Steve Kahn – lawyer in Tallahassee. I have been in the law fieldfor over forty years and as I am now winding down, I have moretime to pursue other lifetime interests including pipe organs. Idon’t play but I do listen and appreciate their power and effect.This is my second trip with Michael.David Moon I live on a farm where I’ve lived for 74 years. I’malso a retired history and English teacher. I enjoy classical music;my favorite is the Messiah. I’m looking forward to the trip,especially the opportunity to visit Oxford and Cambridge. I’vebeen to London four times.Eddy Muka Physicist – Retired, specialized in digital imagingat Kodak Research Laboratories and at Mallinckrodt Institute <strong>of</strong>Radiology, Washington University School <strong>of</strong> Medicine. Activecycler in Tucson, AZ (winter) and Victoria, BC (summer). BoardMember – AZ Friends <strong>of</strong> Chamber Music. Attended 5 previous<strong>Pipe</strong>dreams tours – Southern Germany, Netherlands, Austria,Southern France and Northern Germany. Usually digitally recordsorgan performances on the tour for my use and study.Edward Pettengill was born in Elmira, New York. His parentswere both pr<strong>of</strong>essional violinists, and his father worked forAustin Organ Company 1928-1932. Ed graduated EastmanSchool <strong>of</strong> Music with degree in Music Education and a minor inviola. He played two seasons with the Rochester Philharmonicand recorded with Howard Hanson and the Eastman-RochesterOrchestra as section violist. Ed taught music for 16 years fromcollege ages through Kindergarten, then taught himself to be apiano technician and has been tuning full time since 1969. Edis married to his lovely wife, Esther. At age 80 he is still playingviolin and viola with the Binghamton (NY) Philharmonic, flyinggiant scale radio controlled aircraft, showing zoo animals topeople, and is an active volunteer fire police <strong>of</strong>ficer.John Phillips Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Humanities and Social Sciences,Benedictine University at Springfield, has taught for more thanforty years. He has also held various administrative positions,including those <strong>of</strong> dean, vice-president for academic affairs,provost, and acting-president. His research on late 19th andearly 20th century British-<strong>American</strong> administrative thoughtfocuses particularly on the writings <strong>of</strong> Mary Parker Follett, FrankJ. Goodnow, and Woodrow Wilson. He studied organ during hisundergraduate years at Centre College.Janet Prince Founder <strong>of</strong> benefits communication consultingfirm in 1981; have gradually scaled back firm to just two clients.Vice chair <strong>of</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees <strong>of</strong> New Hampshire <strong>Public</strong> Radio.Volunteer, Portsmouth, NH African Burying Ground MemorialPark fundraising committee. Greater Boston Youth SymphonyOrchestra (violin) during junior high and high school (now takingfiddle lessons). <strong>Pipe</strong> organ lover. Workout enthusiast, hiker,foodie.Jerry Royer is a 40 year resident <strong>of</strong> San Francisco, California,now retired. Jerry discovered organ music five years ago andis now an avid collector <strong>of</strong> organ music CDs. Except for a year<strong>of</strong> clarinet in the grade school band he has no experience inmusic.Lise Schmidt was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, butraised in Bemidji, Minnesota. She has a BA in Sociology, a Mastersin Geographic Information Science, and a law degree, allfrom the University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota. She has been employed as astaff attorney at the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Court <strong>of</strong>Appeals for 23 years. Lise plays piano and sings and can managea few simple pieces on the organ. She shares 2 cats with,and enjoys concerts and recordings (including organs), theater,sailing, bicycling, camping, and cars with Michael Barone in herspare time.Ellen Seibert I am an active musician but do not play theorgan. I am mainly a violist da gamba but I am also a pianistand play some harpsichord. A lifelong singer <strong>of</strong> oratorios,madrigals, and church music I continue to participate in theMedieval Women’s Choir in Seattle, conducted by MargrietTindemans, who is also my viola da gamba teacher. I haveadministrated early music summer workshops in the PacificNorthwest and attend several each year around the USA.Peter Seibert I am a composer and conductor. My outputincludes works written for choir (including two Masses and a

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