Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media

Pipe Organs of England - Pipedreams - American Public Media


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PAGE 78SUNDAY, 20 MAYThe Dutch Church, LondonThe Organist: Daniel MoultThe Organ: 1954 van Leeuwen - 1995 Flentrop,III/26The organ in the Dutch Church was built in 1954 by the Dutch organbuilder Willem van Leeuwen. The Van Leeuwen organ is characteristic <strong>of</strong>the period in which it was built. As a result <strong>of</strong> the “Organ Reform Movement”in Germany during the 1920s, some organ builders in the Netherlandsbegan, after the Second World War, to gravitate towards classical organbuilding. The most important firms were Flentrop, Van Leeuwen andVan Vulpen. The organ in Dutch Church is a result <strong>of</strong> this revival in organbuilding and the increase in knowledge about the classical organ, as interpretedby Van Leeuwen. As was characteristic for this period a Baroquesonority was pursued, but inside the instruments are examples <strong>of</strong> a verymuch “improved” twentieth century spirit. Some <strong>of</strong> the “improvements”have not led to a lasting success and several <strong>of</strong> these had to be replacedby a more classical solution, in order to enable this organ to functionmore reliably in the long term. In 1995, the organ was completely restoredand revoiced by Flentrop Orgelbouw <strong>of</strong> Zaandam.Stop List:Pedaal Ho<strong>of</strong>dwerk Rugpositief CouplersSubbass 16’ Prestant 8’ Quintadeen 8’Rugpositief to PedaalHo<strong>of</strong>dwerk to PedaalPrestant 8’ Roerfluit 8’ Holpijp 8’Rugpositief to Ho<strong>of</strong>dwerkBourdon 8’ Spitsgamba 8’ Prestant 4’Octaaf 4’ Octaaf 4’ Roerfluit 4’AccessoriesVlakfluit 2’ Baarpijp 4’ Octaaf 2’Free composition pedal under pedal (duplicate)Free composition piston under RugpositiefRuispyp V Octaaf 2’ Nasard 1 1/3’ Tremulant pedal for Rp.Bazuin 16’ Mixtur IV-VI Scherp IVRoerschalmey 4’ Sesquialter II Dulciaan 8’Kromhoorn 16’ TremulantTrompet 8’

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