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BOOK REVIEWS 119focused articles. Four articles noticeably discussed agriculture based onarchaeobotanical and environmental data, either supporting the Out ofTaiwan Neolithic dispersal or providing alternatives on how agriculturedeveloped in East and Southeast Asia. One article on zooarchaeology thataddressed the introduction of a domesticated animal actuallyincorporated information from animal population genetics. The articlesdwelt on single and multisite research but the discussions of findingsgenerally cover the Southeast Asia region. The only synthetic articlefocusing on archaeology with worldwide coverage integrated linguisticanthropology. For the manuscripts that integrated both bioanthropologyand archaeology, four synthetic articles incorporated information fromlinguistic anthropology. One of them has actually even integrated thesubfield of cultural anthropology. Two of them have a worldwidecoverage and the other two are limited within the areas of Austronesianspeakingpeople. There are only two research articles and both dwelt onancient human remains. Linguistic anthropology is incorporated inmanuscripts with worldwide and regional coverages. Bothbioanthropology and archaeology addressed settlement history in theregion, supported the Austronesian expansion from Taiwan during theNeolithic, and provided alternative views. On one hand, bioanthropologyutilised ancient and modern human population diversity and generallymore focused on human migrations. On the other hand, archaeologyprovided evidences through material culture, archaeobotanical, andzooarchaeological remains to support and/or contradict the Neolithicexpansion from Taiwan.Summary and Concluding RemarksThe treatment of Austronesian expansion during the Neolithic wastraced and analysed in five leading journals for the span of 15 years. Itwas never discussed as a central issue in American Anthropologist. On thecontrary, the topic is highlighted in Current Anthropology, especially in thelatest article that expounded an alternative framework on Austronesiandispersal in Island Southeast Asia (Donohue and Denham 2010). Thedebates and alternative perspectives are often found in this journal. Onone hand, this topic is central only to one article found in American Journalof Physical Anthropology, where the rests of the articles treated this topic asa reference or part of a bigger picture. On the other hand, theAustronesian dispersal is highlighted along with earlier humanmigrations in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Compared to the four

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