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Place Names, Seascape and Cartography of Marine Rights 37makes it a good site for fishing. Further, this reef crest is beside a seachannel where migrating fish pass; the fish corral often traps some ofthese migrating fish species. Because it is also near the location of theMPA, islanders are of the opinion that the reef crest where Bunsod Tiagostands is an ideal site to trap fish that swim from the MPA zone.The second reef or Ubayon Dos (also called Ubayon Ubây) lies ona sea channel that separates the reefs of Batasan and the island-village ofUbay. Ubayon Ubây is preferred by aquarium fish collectors, hook-andlinefishers, drive-in net fishers, squid fishers and spear fishers. Squidfishers from nearby Hambungan Island are often sighted in this areausing illegally sized mesh nets. Two fish corrals owned by the father of avillage official stand on this site.Lawis-tumóy promontories: Demarcating boundaries, zoning entries andexitsThe term lawis generally refers to a beachhead, promontory, cape,peninsula or tip of an island (Cabonce 1983; Garcia 1990). On Batasan’sreef flat, one fishing ground that forms a series of promontories is calledLawis-Lawis, but is also often called by its proper name Kanjaru, whichused to be a popular site for blast fishing. One of the reefs of Lawis-Lawis(Lawis-LawisGamay) is said to have been claimed by a certain Pilo, aresident of Batasan who has long since passed away. Kanjaru is a sitepreferred by aquarium fish collectors, reef gleaners (manginhasay) andfishers using mobile fish corrals (mamunsoray). There also stands onKanjaru a permanent fish corral established by a former village official.The Marine Aquarium Council (MAC), an international organisation thatpromotes non-destructive collection practices, has identified Kanjaru asone of the major collection sites for Batasan aquarium fish collectors. In2004, the organisation erected three concrete posts on the site to designateit as a fishing zone for MAC-certified fishers. The fishing ground, despitebeing demarcated as collection sites of MAC-accredited fishers fromBatasan, is also open to non-MAC aquarium fish collectors and all othertypes of fishers from the island. The sea channel beside it is a favouritespot for gill net fishers targeting big species of fish.On Batasan’s island itself, residents differentiate the twopromontories on its tips (Figure 3). The first lawis promontory maintainsits lawis label, while the opposite lawis is called tumóy (end tip) todesignate it as the island’s endpoint. In this sense, the original lawis is the‘entrance’ to the island, while the tumóy serves as the backdoor of the

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