Annual Report 2015




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KenziBox, an innovative approach to education through creativity and imagination, recently won the first prize for<br />

Ro’Ya 5102, an initiative run by the Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) and MasterCard. Founders of<br />

KenziBox, Leyla Lahsini and Shirin Benamadi, won the grand prize of $50,000 towards investment into the business<br />

and also took home the ‘People’s Choice’ award, which was voted for live at the event by attendees.<br />

Commenting on their win, Lahsini said: “We started KenziBox with the goal of bringing the magic of crafts into all<br />

homes, without the hassle. We want mothers to enjoy quality time with their children without wasting time<br />

looking for the ideas or driving all over town hunting for materials. Thanks to the Ro’Ya initiative we will be able to<br />

expand our business and reach out to more moms. During Ro’Ya we were able to develop and enhance our<br />

business through the mentorship and knowledge we gained, and now with this prize money we will be able to<br />

push our business further.”<br />

KenziBox provides arts and craft activities specially designed to stimulate children’s learning through creativity and<br />

imagination and caught the attention of the judges for its originality and innovative approach to education. The<br />

concept showcased multiple levels of creativity, practicality, an ability to meet the needs of the market and clarity<br />

of vision for implementation.<br />

“The benefit of KenziBox go beyond the simple pleasure of back to basics in childhood activities. Various academic<br />

studies have found that arts and crafts are important in the cognitive and emotional development of children.<br />

KenziBox provides an outlet to nurture the decision making, problem solving, spatial reasoning and team work<br />

skills of children. The exact skills that are often hindered as a result of excessive screen time,” added Lahsini.<br />

Leyla and Shirin aim to take their business to the next level and expand their operations around the UAE and the<br />

region and change hope to change more lives through their products.<br />

Ro’Ya also recognized two other winners for Ro’Ya 5102 namely, Abir Moussa who was awarded the third prize<br />

and $51,111 for her business concept called ‘Officetag’ while Amira Awwad took the second prize and $31,111 for<br />

her concept called ‘MedsConnect’. The three winners will receive a free six-week Accelerator program by venture<br />

Fin, one of Ro’Ya 5102 Think Tank Partners.<br />

For more information about the Ro’Ya initiative or to learn more about the DBWC, http://www.royadubai.ae.<br />

مشروع ‏"كنزي بوكس"‏ يروج لتعليم األطفال من خالل الخيال واإلبداع<br />

المشروع الفائز بالجائزة األولى في مبادرة رؤية يحفز على التعلم من خالل استخدام طرق مبتكرة<br />

‎20‎ديسمبر 5102<br />

فاز مشروع كنزي بوكس،‏ وهو فكرة مبتكرة تروج للتعلم من خالل اإلبداع والخيال،‏ مؤخراً‏ بالجائزة األولى في مبادرة رؤية 5102، وهي مبادرة أطلقها<br />

كل من مجلس سيدات أعمال دبي وشركة مساتركارد.‏ وقد فازت كل من ليلى الحسيني وشيرين بنامادي المؤسستان لمشروع كنزي بوكس بالجائزة<br />

األولى وقدرها ألف دوالر أمريكي وذلك لالستثمار في هذا المشروع،‏ كما حصل المشروع على جائزة ‏"أختيار الجمهور"‏ والتي تم التصويت لها<br />

بشكل حي خالل حفل توزيع الجوائز.‏<br />

وتعليقاً‏ على فوزهن بالجائزة األولى،‏ تحدثت ليلى الحسيني قائلة:‏ ‏"لقد بدأنا مشروع كنزي بوكس ونحن نهدف إلى إيصال سحر األعمال الفنية إلى جميع<br />

البيوت،‏ بدون عناء.‏ نحن نسعى إلى جعل األمهات يقضين وقتاً‏ ممتعاً‏ مع أوالدهن بدون الحاجة إلى قضاء الوقت في البحث عن األفكار والتجول في<br />

أنحاء المدينة للحصول على المواد.‏ وبفضل مبادرة رؤية سنتمكن من توسيع مشروعنا والوصول إلى عدد أكبر من األمهات.‏ وخالل مبادرة رؤية تمكنا<br />

من تطوير وتحسين المشروع من خالل اإلرشاد والمعرفة التي اكتسبناها،‏ واآلن ستمكننا الجائزة النقدية من دفع عجلة تقدم المشروع إلى األمام."‏<br />


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