Annual Report 2011 - Kongsberg Maritime - Kongsberg Gruppen

Annual Report 2011 - Kongsberg Maritime - Kongsberg Gruppen

Annual Report 2011 - Kongsberg Maritime - Kongsberg Gruppen


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The financial statements for <strong>Kongsberg</strong> <strong>Gruppen</strong> ASA have been<br />

prepared in accordance with the Norwegian Accounting Act and<br />

generally accepted accounting practices in Norway.<br />

Subsidiaries and associates<br />

Subsidiaries and associates are measured at cost in the statutory<br />

accounts. The investments are measured at acquisition cost, unless<br />

impairment has been necessary. Such assets are deemed to be impaired<br />

at fair value when a decrease in value cannot be considered to be of<br />

temporary nature and in accordance with generally accepted accounting<br />

principles. Impairments are reversed when the basis for the impairment<br />

no longer applies. Dividends and other disbursements are recognised in<br />

the same period as provisions are appropriated in the subsidiary.<br />

Classification and valuation of balance sheet items<br />

Current assets and current liabilities include items due for payment<br />

within one year after the date of acquisition, as well as items associated<br />

with the operational cycle. Other items are classified as fixed assets/<br />

non-current liabilities. Current assets are measured at the lower of cost<br />

and fair value. Current liabilities are recorded at their nominal values on<br />

the date of acquisition. Fixed assets are measured at acquisition cost<br />

less depreciation. However, fixed assets are impaired when a decrease in<br />

value is not expected to be of temporary nature. Non-current liabilities<br />

are measured at nominal value at the date they are incurred.<br />

Receivables<br />

Accounts receivables and other receivables are measured on the balance<br />

sheet at nominal values less provision for doubtful debts. Provision for<br />

doubtful debts is made on the basis of individual assessment of each<br />

receivable. In addition, a unspecified provision is made to cover expected<br />

losses on other receivables.<br />

Foreign currency<br />

Monetary items in a foreign currency are translated into NOK using the<br />

exchange rate applicable at the end of the reporting period.<br />

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Short-term investments<br />

Short-term investments (shares and units considered to be current<br />

assets) are measured at the lower of acquisition cost and fair value at<br />

the date of the balance sheet. Dividends and other allocations from the<br />

companies are recognised as “Other financial income”.<br />

Pensions<br />

The defined contribution plan<br />

The Group introduced a defined contribution pension plan in 2007 for all<br />

employees under age 52 on 1 January 2008. Employees aged 52 or more<br />

at the time of the transition remained with the defined benefit plan.<br />

Deposit is expensed as incurred.<br />

The defined benefit plan<br />

Pension expenses and pension liabilities are calculated using linear<br />

accrual based on estimated salary level at retirement and on a number of<br />

assumptions including discount rates, future salary adjustments, pensions<br />

and benefits from the National Insurance Scheme, and future interest<br />

income on pension fund assets, as well as actuarial assumptions on<br />

mortality and voluntary retirement. Pension fund assets are measured at<br />

their fair value, less net pension liabilities at date of the balance sheet.<br />

Income tax<br />

The tax expense consists of the tax payable and changes to deferred<br />

tax. Deferred tax/tax assets are calculated at 28 per cent on all<br />

differences between the book value and tax value of assets and liabilities,<br />

and loss carried forward at the end of the reporting period. Taxable and<br />

deductible temporary differences that reverse or may reverse in the<br />

same period are offset. Deferred tax assets are recognised when it is<br />

probable that the company will have a sufficient profit for tax purposes<br />

in subsequent periods to utilise the tax asset. The companies recognise<br />

previously unrecognised deferred tax assets to the extent it has become<br />

probable that the company can utilise the deferred tax asset. Similarly,<br />

the company will reduce a deferred tax asset to the extent that the<br />

company no longer regards it as probable that it can utilise the deferred<br />

tax asset.<br />

Cash flow statement<br />

The cash flow statement presents cash flow using the indirect method.<br />

Cash and short-term deposits comprise cash reserves, bank deposits<br />

and other short-term liquid investments.<br />

Amounts in MNOK Share capital<br />

Retained<br />

earnings Total equity<br />

Equity at 31 December 2009 150 1 084 1 234<br />

Profit for the year - 474 474<br />

Dividends for 2010 - (450) (450)<br />

Actuarial gains/loss on pension expenses - (5) (5)<br />

Equity at 31 December 2010 150 1 103 1 253<br />

Profit for the year - 437 437<br />

Treasury shares - (6) (6)<br />

Dividends for <strong>2011</strong> - (450) (450)<br />

Actuarial gains/loss on pension expenses - (17) (17)<br />

Equity at 31 December <strong>2011</strong> 150 1 067 1 217<br />

Other information about the company’s share capital is provided in Note 22 “Share capital” to the consolidated financial statements.<br />






KONGSBERG <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 57

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