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A Case of<br />

Hair Loss<br />


“People just don’t understand.”Marisa definitely had hair,<br />

but that didn’t stop her from being devastated. “I’m afraid to wash my hair. I’m<br />

shedding worse than a German Shepherd in spring [1].”<br />

I’ve learned how important it is to listen to all of what my patients have to<br />

say; and this is especially true when doing consultations about hair loss. After<br />

a good five minutes of venting, I was able to start asking some questions.<br />

“Anything else?”<br />

“Besides my pony tail not being as thick as it used to be? I’m so worried I<br />

won’t have any hair left that my stomach is tied up in knots. I wear St. Agnes of<br />

Rome around my neck hoping my prayers will be heard soon [2]. Until then, I<br />

have to take Pepcid with my coffee.”<br />

“Other than prayer, have you tried anything else?”<br />

“I’ve seen every type of doctor you can imagine. My primary scolded me for<br />

doing the hCG diet and made me start eating again [3]. My GYN said I’m not yet<br />

in menopause so she referred me to an Endo. My thyroid tests were ‘in range’<br />

so he sent me to the dermatologist. I’m not a candidate for steroid injections so<br />

I then went to the hair transplant surgeon for a consult. I left him with Viviscal<br />

vitamins and shampoo, prescriptions for spironolactone, Propecia, and Rogaine,<br />

but still, no hair.”<br />

“Hmmm …” As Marisa was speaking, I was simultaneously reviewing her<br />

old records. “I don’t see where they ever checked you for estrogen dominance,<br />

thyroid antibodies, insulin resistance, or adrenal fatigue [4].”<br />

“<br />

“Dr. Woliner, that’s why I’m here. You’re known all over the Internet as<br />

someone who looks at everything.”<br />

“My practice is named ‘Holistic Family Medicine’ because I take a holistic<br />

approach. After our 80-minute consultation today, I’ll check for things that<br />

weren’t looked at yet to find the cause(s) of your hair loss. Then, we’ll put<br />

together a comprehensive plan of behavior changes, diet, exercise, vitamins,<br />

OTC meds, and even prescriptions, as necessary.”<br />

Marisa came back ten days later to go over her labs. “I have bad news and<br />

good news. It’s not just one thing; you have twelve different findings that are<br />

abnormal. I break them down into ‘things you’re missing that you need to get’,<br />

‘things you got that you need to get rid of’, and ‘hormone balancing’ [5].”<br />

“What’s the good news?”<br />

“They’re all treatable! Instead of using the same cookie-cutter approach to<br />

everybody, I can tailor my therapies directly to the specific problems you have.”<br />

“Like what?”<br />

“For starters, you might not be anemic, but you’re really low in iron [6].”<br />

“I can’t take iron pills. I’m nauseated already.”<br />

“That’s okay; we can give iron to you by injection here in the office. Quite a<br />

few of my patients periodically tank up their body’s iron stores that way.”<br />

“What else did you find?<br />

“When I see a slightly low WBC (white cell) count; that’s a sign of excessive<br />

stress [7]. Your coffee isn’t the culprit, but it’s your half-fast way of selfmedicating<br />

this problem. Herbs and other supplements that support your<br />

adrenals are a better answer.”<br />

“And you said something about hormones?”<br />

“Thyroid hormones (not just T4 but also T3), are necessary to keep your hair<br />

in anagen, or the ‘growing phase’, as well as to keep its coloring [8]. Without<br />

thyroid your hair loses its luster and becomes dull, dry, and grey. Your TSH<br />

might be normal, but you tested positive for Reverse T3 and Hashimoto’s<br />

Thyroiditis, both of which cause thyroid hormone resistance [9].”<br />

Over the next 40 minutes, I went over the rest of Marisa’s labs and the<br />

game plan to regrow her hair and rejuvenate her body. “You’ll first notice less<br />

shedding, but since hair grows only at a rate of one-half inch per month, it<br />

might take a year and a half to regain the length you used to have [10].”<br />

Six months later, Marisa gave me an update. “Dr. Woliner, my hairdresser<br />

thinks St. Agnes answered my prayers, but between you and me, I think you had<br />

something to do with it too.”<br />

Without thyroid your hair loses<br />

its luster and becomes dull,<br />

dry, and grey.<br />

“<br />

References:<br />

[1] Reid EE, et al. Clinical severity does not reliably predict quality of life in<br />

women with alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, or androgenic alopecia.<br />

J Am Acad Dermatol. 2011 May 24.<br />

[2] Trüeb RM. St. Agnes of Rome: patron saint for women with hair loss? Dermatology.<br />

2009; 219(2):97-8.<br />

[3] Trozak DJ. Letter: Hair loss after therapy with chorionic gonadotropin.<br />

Arch Dermatol. 1976 Jul; 112(7):1035.<br />

[4] Mirmirani P. Hormonal changes in menopause: do they contribute to a<br />

‘midlife hair crisis’ in women? Br J Dermatol. 2011 Dec; 165 Suppl 3:7-11.<br />

[5] Baker SM. What is Biomedical? Presentation to the National Autism Association.<br />

April 7, 2011.<br />

[6] Deloche C, et al. Low iron stores: a risk factor for excessive hair loss in<br />

non-menopausal women. Eur J Dermatol. 2007 Nov-Dec; 17(6):507-12.<br />

Epub 2007 Oct 19.<br />

[7] Dhabhar FS, et al. Diurnal and acute stress-induced changes in distribution<br />

of peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations. Brain Behav Immun.<br />

1994 Mar; 8(1):66-79.<br />

[8] Van Beek N, et al. Thyroid hormones directly alter human hair follicle<br />

functions: anagen prolongation and stimulation of both hair matrix keratinocyte<br />

proliferation and hair pigmentation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.<br />

2008 Nov; 93(11):4381-8.<br />

[9] Guran T, et al. Alopecia: association with resistance to thyroid hormones.<br />

J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Nov; 22(11):1075-81.<br />

[10] Sinclair R, et al. Hair loss in women: medical and cosmetic<br />

approaches to increase scalp hair fullness. Br J Dermatol.<br />

2011 Dec; 165: Suppl 3:12-8.<br />

Dr. Kenneth Woliner is a board-certified family physician in<br />

private practice in Boca Raton. He can be reached at 9325<br />

Glades Road, #104, Boca Raton, FL, 33434 • 561-314-0950<br />

knw6@cornell.edu; www.holisticfamilymed.com

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