Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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That butcher behind the Potala was the enlightened deity Red Yamantaka. So an enlightened<br />

being doesn’t have to be some being we see radiating light in the sky whereas somebody we<br />

see elsewhere—on the ground, in the bathroom, where meat is sold and so forth—could not<br />

be an enlightened being. Any of those people could be enlightened.<br />

Buddhas manifest as gods or demigods, as all kinds of human beings. For example, when we<br />

are having problems and somebody suddenly appears and helps us, telling us what we need<br />

to hear, showing us the path, that could be a buddha or a bodhisattva manifesting to help us.<br />

This happens many times.<br />

We may think a person is ridiculous, that she doesn’t know any Dharma, but we cannot<br />

judge by the appearance. In reality, what appears to us is totally a projection, or decoration,<br />

of our own karma, our ordinary impure mind. We really cannot say. The way something<br />

appears to us and what we believe to be real can be the complete opposite of what is actually<br />

real. The ordinary person can in reality be an enlightened being. Many times unknown<br />

people have helped or guided us and we have not known who they were.<br />

Buddhas can manifest as hungry ghosts to help hungry ghosts. They are not hungry ghosts<br />

but they manifest in that form in order to help them. They can manifest as all kinds of<br />

animals to help animals. They are buddhas, not animals, but they manifest as animals or<br />

insects or whatever. They can manifest as hell protectors or hell beings. They can manifest as<br />

maras; they are not maras but they show that aspect to help others. There are all kinds of<br />

ways they manifest to help beings.<br />

Because of our deluded mind we find it difficult to know reality and always believe that what<br />

appears to us exists the way it appears. Somebody ordinary appears to us and we believe in<br />

that appearance; we think that that is the reality. We cannot see the reality, that that is a<br />

buddha.<br />

In the Heruka body mandala there are twenty-four holy places. When we do the sadhana we<br />

have to visualize those holy places on the body as they are on earth, in Nepal, Tibet and<br />

India. They are there, but we also visualize them on our body. At that time numberless dakas<br />

and dakinis immediately come and enter our body, blessing our winds, chakras and drops to<br />

make them functional while we are meditating, as in the Six Yogas of Naropa. 57 They enter our<br />

central channel, abide and absorb, and then, after the gross mind is absorbed and the subtle<br />

mind is absorbed, the most subtle mind, the clear light, arises. Then we experience the great<br />

bliss of non-duality with emptiness, ceasing the dualistic mind, the dualistic view, the<br />

superstitions, ceasing the ordinary mind-wind. This is like an atomic bomb. This is the<br />

practice of Highest Yoga Tantra.<br />

At those holy places there are numberless dakas and dakinis with different levels of<br />

realization. There are those who have just achieved the unification of clear light and illusory<br />

body and also enlightened beings. When we go to those holy places we will definitely meet<br />

those holy beings, but the question is whether or not we will be able to recognize them as<br />

such. That is the biggest problem, especially in those places. Of course, this is not something<br />

to speak about in public, but it’s just to get the idea.<br />


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