Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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somewhere between fifty and sixty stories. There were quite a few swimming pools and a<br />

rooftop helipad. He needed six hundred people to take care of the house for him.<br />

After the house was completed he had a feng shui expert come to check out the house. The<br />

expert said that the house was very harmful; it was not good for him. So then the whole<br />

family moved out, leaving the house empty.<br />

If we were billionaires we could help a lot of poor people even just in India, without talking<br />

about other countries. There are many poor people who are suffering, who are homeless,<br />

without food, and there are many ways in which we could help bring them happiness. We<br />

could build houses for them or we could give them food. This man had an unbelievable<br />

amount of money and all he could think of doing was to build something for his family.<br />

That’s so poor, so sad.<br />

If we were like that man and were to suddenly die in our sleep from a heart attack or<br />

something, what then? Many people die. They go to bed alive and the next morning they<br />

cannot get up because they’ve become a corpse. This happens to millions of people in the<br />

world every day. If we were to suddenly die like that, what is the connection between this life<br />

and the next? We collected all that wealth but only our mind continues into the next life. We<br />

cherished our body more than we cherished the buddhas and bodhisattvas, more than we<br />

cherished all the sentient beings, but even that has to be left.<br />

It is very difficult to feel confident that our next rebirth will be in the upper realms. It<br />

depends on whether we have created virtue or nonvirtue, and the nonvirtue we collect every<br />

day is very strong—it is perfect—whereas whatever virtue we might collect is very weak.<br />

Even if we do manage to create some virtue, we destroy it by getting angry and having ill<br />

will. Whenever we fail to practice patience and compassion, anger arises and blows away our<br />

merit. Since whatever little virtue we have created is not dedicated for enlightenment, our<br />

merit is completely destroyed by anger and the result is rebirth in the lower realms, which is<br />

utterly unimaginable.<br />

When we look at the sentient beings in this world, including ourselves, our entire life is spent<br />

working for attachment, and not attachment to a good rebirth and the samsaric pleasure of<br />

the next life but attachment to this life, attachment only to this life. Except for those who<br />

are practicing Dharma, everybody in the world—billionaires, zillionaires, beggars—is<br />

working for attachment to this life, the eight worldly dharmas. We have become servants to<br />

money, servants to work, servants to attachment to this life.<br />

Furthermore, we also get angry, so we are servants to anger too. And ignorance is there all<br />

the time, especially the ignorance that holds the I and the aggregates as truly existent, the<br />

ignorance that is the root of samsara. Day and night, all the time, we are completely servants<br />

to that as well. This is our life.<br />

Happiness comes from Dharma; our job comes from Dharma; money comes from Dharma.<br />

That is the main cause, good karma, the positive mind, the positive actions of body, speech<br />

and mind. This is something that normally only people who know Dharma would<br />

understand. Worldly people do not know this; they do not know that everything positive, all<br />

happiness, comes from Dharma.<br />


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