Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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She was finally able to complete all the stupas in different colors. One was built at the<br />

Tibetan nursery school and another one at Norbulingka in lower Dharamsala where the<br />

Tibetans who have come from Tibet have art and handicraft shops and restaurants. There<br />

are many statues there.<br />

She explained this to me in detail, how although the major earthquake could be prevented<br />

there would be a very small one that could not be stopped. That has already happened in<br />

lower Dharamsala and I think one cow died, but the major earthquake with the volcanic<br />

eruption has been stopped.<br />

Once, when she was on a beach in Taiwan, there was about to be a typhoon. She did some<br />

prayers, nothing long at all, and the typhoon stopped. The students who were around her at<br />

the time actually saw this happen and they told me.<br />

She is very powerful. The nagas and worldly protectors who cause violent weather—all those<br />

hail storms and winds and such things—react depending on what people do. If people do<br />

positive things the weather is subdued but violent weather is the result of people’s negative,<br />

violent minds, their violent thoughts.<br />

I’m telling you this in case you are wondering whether it is possible for Khadro-la to go to a<br />

pure land. Maybe you believe it or maybe not, but I can tell you other things so you can<br />

understand what she can do.<br />

The power of the bodhisattvas<br />

Of course, such powers as being able to influence the weather are as yet unknown by<br />

Western scientists. They attribute bad weather to other causes. They can see the physical<br />

conditions but they have yet to understand the most important thing, the inner cause, karma.<br />

Not even the most expert Western scientists have discovered this but it seems their thinking<br />

is getting more subtle and they are getting closer to the Buddhist views.<br />

For example, they used to believe that there were no sentient beings on Mars but then—<br />

before I left America for India last year or the year before—it was announced that they had<br />

discovered the potential for life there. 51 So, it is changing, and it will continue to change the<br />

deeper they check.<br />

Karma has yet to be discovered by the scientists. But once it is discovered—how all<br />

suffering comes from negative karma and all happiness comes from positive karma—it will<br />

blow their minds! It will be such an unbelievable shock. This is what I think. At the moment,<br />

because it is not within the scope of scientific thought, people in the West don’t think about<br />

it. Some people might even think that concepts like karma and reincarnation are crazy, that<br />

they come from people’s imagination. Such people either don’t think about future lives or<br />

what death means or their thoughts are very vague.<br />

One time, on an airplane, I was watching my fellow passengers put their luggage up before<br />

the flight. They were well-dressed, maybe in clothes worth a thousand dollars, and talking<br />

about nothing but this life, nothing else, about how they made ten million dollars and things<br />

like that. But they had no idea at all about the life after this. They had never heard that the<br />


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