Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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to achieve enlightenment. The other reasons were mentioned in the Heruka Body Mandala<br />

transmitted by Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo, which I received from Kyabje Trijang <strong>Rinpoche</strong><br />

and Kyabje Zong <strong>Rinpoche</strong>.<br />

There is a story that Heruka promised Pabongka <strong>Rinpoche</strong> that whoever practices Heruka<br />

for seven lifetimes can be born in the Dakpa Khachö pure land. Similarly, Vajrayogini<br />

promised this to Kyabje Lhatsun <strong>Rinpoche</strong>. Kyabje Denma Lochö <strong>Rinpoche</strong> received the<br />

Vajrayogini initiation from him and I took it from Denma Lochö <strong>Rinpoche</strong> several times.<br />

So, if we practice Vajrayogini for seven lifetimes, we will be guided in the pure land for up to<br />

seven lifetimes.<br />

If we’re born in that pure land we can definitely achieve enlightenment there. That is the<br />

special benefit it has. It is very easy for common people to be born in the Amitabha pure<br />

land but, although that frees you from the lower realms forever, you don’t have this special<br />

opportunity.<br />

Taking initiation: the samayas of the five buddha families<br />

His Holiness the Dalai <strong>Lama</strong> does Yamantaka self-initiation every day. He has said that<br />

when he does, he keeps Geshe Kelsang 112 in his heart. Geshe Kelsang is totally against His<br />

Holiness; he demonstrates and criticizes so much, but His Holiness says he keeps him in his<br />

heart. He told us this.<br />

Sera Je Geshe Dawa was the first resident teacher at Tara House, Melbourne, and also taught<br />

at Buddha House in Adelaide and later at Vajrayana Institute in Sydney. Then he started to<br />

rebuild his old monastery in Tibet. He is now extremely old. When he heard His Holiness<br />

say that about Geshe Kelsang he said, “Oh, I wish I was that!” Geshe Dawa said he wished<br />

he were like Geshe Kelsang so that His Holiness would hold him in his heart!<br />

That is a very good practice. When His Holiness takes the bodhisattva vows he keeps Geshe<br />

Kelsang—who complains about and criticizes him so much—in his heart. If there is<br />

somebody who criticizes you, who abuses you, who blames you, it is good to remember that<br />

and, following His Holiness’s practice, keep that person in your heart.<br />

When you take a Highest Yoga Tantra initiation you must also take the bodhisattva and<br />

tantric vows. Taking the bodhisattva vows is like your contribution to world peace. With<br />

these vows, you dedicate your life to helping all sentient beings.<br />

Keeping the tantric vows is the fundamental practice of a tantric practice. Even if you don’t<br />

meditate on the path, if you keep the vows purely you can become enlightened, if not in this<br />

life then within three, seven or definitely sixteen lifetimes.<br />

There are five samayas that go with the tantric vows, the samayas of Vairochana,<br />

Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi. The first one, the samaya of<br />

Vairochana, represents the three types of morality: the moralities of abstaining from<br />

nonvirtue, ripening your own mind and ripening others’ minds.<br />

The first morality is the morality of abstaining from the ten nonvirtues and so forth. That is<br />

self-explanatory. Then there is the morality of ripening your own mind, which in this context<br />


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