Lama Zopa Rinpoche




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115. Shravakayana, Pratyekabuddhayana and Paramitayana. The first two are regarded as<br />

Hinayana; the latter, one of the two Mahayana vehicles, the other being the Vajrayana. The<br />

three yanas can also refer to the two Hinayana ones and the Mahayana in general.<br />

116. Traditional offerings to the Three Rare Sublime Ones, they are: water for drinking (Skt:<br />

argham), water for cleaning the feet ( padyam), flowers ( pushpe), incense (dhupe), light (aloke),<br />

perfume ( gandhe), food (naivedya) and music (shabda).<br />

117. “Bodhicitta” here refers to the bodhicitta drops or subtle substances that permeate the<br />

body. The white drop, which originated from the father, is said to reside in the crown chakra<br />

and the red drop, which originated from the mother, is said to reside in the navel chakra.<br />

This is according to Guhyasamaja tantra; other tantras may describe them slightly differently.<br />

118. The Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa. See jetsundhampa.com.<br />

119. Since this is not an academic work, in the interests of simplicity we have decided not to<br />

use diacritical marks and to use pronounceable Tibetan phonetics rather than transliteration.<br />


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