Reflections - cover2

Selected Writings & Artwork by Harriett Copeland Lillard

Selected Writings & Artwork by Harriett Copeland Lillard


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Me and Virginia Woolf<br />

I left home today to live in a “room of my own” for part of each week. It was not a decision I had reached easily or without thought. But<br />

doing this, living alone, had become a need as basic to me as my need for air. Once decided, I did it quickly, like pulling a tooth. As I<br />

packed the car, I was haunted by the feeling that something definitive and unalterable was happening.<br />

From the house that had represented my life for almost twenty years, I am setting off on a new course, uncharted and unchartable. I<br />

don’t know what will happen in the next few years, but I know that after today I will never come back home in quite the same way again. I<br />

will never know that house again on such intimate terms. It has been as much a part of me as my own skin. I have known all its squeaks<br />



and cracks and blemishes. I have known its sighs in the night as intimately as those of a lover.<br />

I passed through its rooms, touching the books and paintings, all the things that I have cherished, and I said goodbye. I looked at<br />

photographs and unfinished projects and I saw the history of that part of my life parade before me. I tried to remember what it was like<br />

so many years ago when I first walked through those rooms. I had only two small children then, but two more would come later to shelter<br />

under its ample roof.<br />

I tried to remember my dreams. Life was young then, and endings were something that other people had. Life seemed to be cast in<br />

concrete, so certain was I of all the eternal verities. I thought that nothing would ever really change – perhaps get better, but never<br />

change. It was a sweet and uncomplicated time, full of the laughter and tears of small children, of litters of kittens and puppies, of<br />

multitudes of tiny shoes and broken toys. But I remembered too, how hard it had been, the endless days and nights of tedious<br />

responsibilities and utter fatigue. I remembered how later, as the years wore on in deadly monotony, I had longed to participate in life<br />

directly rather than through those around me, and how I had felt myself dying inside and how I had cried alone in the night, strangling on<br />

my despair and guilt.<br />

In the last few years that house had come to represent to me all the unfinished aspects of my life, my incompleteness. My failures and<br />

inadequacies grew daily with compound interest. And I grew to despise the house. It had become a casket of dead dreams.<br />

The little children are gone now, replaced by big people I hardly know with dreams of their own. I am glad for them, but most of all, I am<br />

glad for myself and my own reborn dreams. It is a time for letting go, not indifferently, but with love. It is a time to recognize the<br />

necessity and inevitability of change – a time for renaissance, beginning-again, and growing into a new awareness. It is a hard and<br />

painful time too, more demanding in many respects than all the years that have gone before. Nevertheless, it is a time to move forward<br />

Opposite, Lillard family home in Jacksboro<br />


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