275 Times February 2018
Mangere community news. This month: we welcome our new editor, look at transport priorities for Mangere and Otahuhu, report on developments at Ihumatao, farewell loved community member Bowen Wi, find out about volunteering for Talking Rubbish and more!
Mangere community news. This month: we welcome our new editor, look at transport priorities for Mangere and Otahuhu, report on developments at Ihumatao, farewell loved community member Bowen Wi, find out about volunteering for Talking Rubbish and more!
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EDITION #38<br />
FEBRUARY <strong>2018</strong><br />
<strong>275</strong><br />
Māngere’s<br />
times<br />
<strong>275</strong> times<br />
Our stories, our people, our Māngere<br />
Kōrero paki ō tatou, Tāngata ō tatou, Ngā Hau Māngere ō tatou<br />
The campaign to<br />
protect the sacred land<br />
at Ihumātao goes from<br />
strength to strength.<br />
However, the foreign-owned<br />
multinational Fletcher Building<br />
is sticking with its plans to<br />
destroy this unique and historic<br />
landscape and to build 480<br />
housing units.<br />
Recently, SOUL (Save Our Unique<br />
Landscape) took the campaign<br />
to Karangahape Road with a<br />
spirited hīkoi, led by Ngāti Whātua<br />
veterans of the epic battle to regain<br />
land at Bastion Point. The huge<br />
hīkoi linked Hape, the ancestor<br />
of Ihumātao, with K-Road.<br />
After twice knocking back<br />
Fletcher's application to destroy<br />
the historic landscape, Heritage<br />
New Zealand finally gave the<br />
green light to the developers.<br />
SOUL is appealing this decision.<br />
Māngere/Ōtāhuhu Local Board<br />
chairperson, Lemauga Lydia Sosene<br />
told <strong>275</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, “I received notice, that<br />
Fletcher were given the all-clear to<br />
begin development." The local board<br />
were kept out of the decision making<br />
for this development, but Sosene<br />
added, “MOLB supports the move<br />
for a resolution, where all voices are<br />
heard and the historical values of<br />
the area are strongly considered.”<br />
SOUL spokeswoman Waimārie<br />
McFarland said, “This whenua<br />
contains the ancient living and burial<br />
sites of our ancestors, and the stone<br />
walls go back to the time when Māori<br />
at Ihumātao grew wheat to feed the<br />
new colonial settlement of Auckland.<br />
Fletcher has tried to downplay<br />
SOUL spokeswoman Waimārie McFarland speaks to supporters at the Karangahape<br />
Rd hikoi. (Photo: Raymond Sagapolutele (Rimoni Photography))<br />
the importance of this precious<br />
whenua, ignoring its Māori history.<br />
In their publicity, they refuse to even<br />
acknowledge that the land was<br />
confiscated unjustly in the 1860s."<br />
Archaeologists Ian Lawlor and<br />
Dave Veart shared their expertise<br />
with the Environment Court. Veart<br />
told <strong>275</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, "The Wallace Block<br />
is as much a part of this precious<br />
landscape as the Stonefields<br />
Historic Reserve. To destroy it<br />
would be as bad as bulldozing<br />
the field next to Stonehenge.”<br />
Māngere MP, Aupito William Sio said,<br />
“If Fletcher decides to force its will,<br />
then the community will have no<br />
choice but to protest in however way<br />
they can - to protect their land.”<br />
“The local community are<br />
not opposed to housing and<br />
development...but the challenge<br />
Free!<br />
CRUNCH<br />
TIME<br />
LOOMS<br />
for us (is that) this is land valuable<br />
enough to be saying - let us get all<br />
the groups together and we find<br />
a solution so that the land that is<br />
earmarked for development - is not<br />
...and the historical significance to the<br />
people is understood,” said Aupito.<br />
“I have engaged the Minister of<br />
Conservation, Eugenie Sage and<br />
the Minister for Housing, Phil<br />
Twyford both agree in principle<br />
with a SOUL petition and are<br />
keen to meet with SOUL."<br />
It is not known when this meeting<br />
will happen. SOUL spokesman<br />
Brendan Corbett said, "We can't<br />
just leave it to the government.<br />
'People power will save the land'."<br />
Endorsing a statement made<br />
earlier by MP Aupito William Sio.<br />
A stalwart of the SOUL campaign,<br />
Bev Knowles, added, "I love<br />
this land. I love its history. It<br />
is magic. We must save it."<br />
Readers who want to support the SOUL campaign can visit:<br />
www.soulstopsha.org or email saveihumatao@gmail.com or facebook: @protectihumatao
Safer<br />
you,<br />
safer<br />
me<br />
our<br />
local community<br />
LOOK OUT<br />
FOR US<br />
2<br />
Nine community<br />
groups in Māngere<br />
are working together<br />
to encourage<br />
residents to be safe<br />
on the roads.<br />
From Māngere Bikefit to Papatūānuku<br />
Kōkiri Marae, the Tongan Brass Band,<br />
and the Tiare Taina Cook Island<br />
Mamas’ group, locals are getting<br />
together to talk about safer driving,<br />
slowing down in residential areas<br />
and looking out for tamariki.<br />
Te Whare Koa Māngere Community<br />
House programme coordinator<br />
Fatima Vaaga says locals are<br />
wanting their family members<br />
and friends to travel safely<br />
around their neighbourhoods.<br />
Safety for all<br />
“We want this community to<br />
be safe for children, people<br />
on bikes, and pedestrians to<br />
walk around,” says Fatima.<br />
“More and more residents are<br />
thinking about how they drive around<br />
our neighbourhoods, and how a bit<br />
of speed reduction and safe driving<br />
can make a big difference,” she says.<br />
The Community House is one<br />
of the organisations<br />
partnering with<br />
Auckland<br />
Transport<br />
to raise<br />
awareness of<br />
safer driving in<br />
the Māngere<br />
community.<br />
UNSAFELY..."<br />
The Mamas<br />
are adding a<br />
weekly walk<br />
to their current<br />
Zumba class, and<br />
Māngere Bikefit is getting<br />
more and more tamariki onto bikes.<br />
Car drivers have a big role to play by driving<br />
at a speed that’s safe for walkers and cyclists.<br />
Slowing down to save lives<br />
Seven people were killed and 27<br />
were sent to hospital because of<br />
speed related crashes in the<br />
wider Māngere area between<br />
2012 and 2016 - having a<br />
huge impact on whānau,<br />
friends and communities.<br />
Auckland Transport’s<br />
Community Transport<br />
Manager Claire Dixon<br />
says community<br />
organisations are<br />
working together to<br />
raise awareness of road<br />
safety changes attitudes<br />
and encourages safer driving.<br />
“Everyone, including children<br />
and older people need to be able<br />
Let’s work together to slow down<br />
and keep our community safe.<br />
to walk around our community<br />
safely, how we drive affects that.<br />
“It is good news that so many<br />
community groups want to<br />
encourage conversations<br />
about safe speeds for different<br />
road conditions,” she says.<br />
“Many drivers aren’t aware that<br />
they can be travelling at the speed<br />
limit and still be driving unsafely,<br />
so it is great that people are talking<br />
to their whānau, friends and<br />
neighbours about these issues.”<br />
The probability of death for a<br />
pedestrian increases quickly from<br />
10 per cent at an impact speed of<br />
30km/h to 70 per cent at 50km/h.
Getting about<br />
By Donna Wynd<br />
New government, new transport<br />
priorities?<br />
The election of a Labour-led<br />
coalition government signals<br />
the possibility of a change<br />
in direction for national and<br />
regional transport planning<br />
and spending decisions.<br />
It’s no secret that the previous<br />
government’s priorities were<br />
roads and, well, more roads.<br />
Not local roads, but expensive<br />
motorways deemed to be<br />
of ‘national significance’.<br />
How expensive? The proposed<br />
East-West link – 5 kilometres<br />
of sort-of motorway – on<br />
the northern shore of the<br />
Manukau Harbour had an<br />
estimated cost of $1.8 billion<br />
and no solid business case.<br />
This road was approved by<br />
the Environmental Protection<br />
Authority’s Board of Inquiry<br />
within days of the new<br />
government announcing<br />
the East-West link would<br />
not proceed as planned.<br />
The new government has<br />
announced that the land<br />
transport funding will be<br />
re-prioritised for greater<br />
spending on rail infrastructure,<br />
cycling and walking.<br />
Associate Transport Minister<br />
Julie-Anne Genter (Green<br />
Party) has campaigned for<br />
years on improving public<br />
transport, cycling and<br />
walking and it is likely she<br />
will be active in pushing<br />
changes in these areas.<br />
In addition, New Zealand First<br />
campaigned on a pro-rail<br />
platform and has solid support<br />
in the regions to advance this.<br />
Most recently PM Jacinda<br />
Ardern has noted that there<br />
is better value for money in<br />
fixing local roads, many of<br />
which are in poor repair as<br />
the result of maintenance<br />
having been deferred to<br />
build state highways.<br />
In response, The National<br />
Opposition – with support<br />
from the road transport<br />
industry – has launched<br />
a petition seeking public<br />
support for its roading<br />
projects, including the<br />
East-West Link. There<br />
have been reports of ‘low<br />
morale’ at the New Zealand<br />
Transport Agency.<br />
The road lobby is wellfinanced<br />
and well connected,<br />
and will have no hesitation<br />
in pushing back hard against<br />
this change in priorities.<br />
We need to make sure the<br />
current government sticks to<br />
its announced changes for<br />
the sake of our health, our<br />
environment and our wallets.<br />
New<br />
<strong>275</strong> TIMES EDITOR<br />
Talofa Lava and Kia Ora<br />
Yearly milestones and familiarity. It’s<br />
become almost ‘a thing’ for me to<br />
either embark on bucket-list ventures<br />
or take on new challenges as I near my<br />
<strong>February</strong> birthday. What an adventure<br />
these past few weeks have been – full<br />
of recollection and discovery.<br />
I am no stranger to the journalism world,<br />
having been a part of the family-run Samoana<br />
Newspaper, which was the longest running<br />
Samoan community weekly newspaper<br />
up until 2006 when it was retired to the<br />
history books. A cousin and I were given the<br />
chance to go ‘find ourselves, develop our<br />
passions and make our mark on the world.’<br />
Making their mark – are the people behind<br />
the SOUL petition and fight to stop the<br />
development of the Wallace Block at<br />
Ihumatao. They have identity with this<br />
land and hope that future generations will<br />
understand and appreciate this taonga<br />
tuku iho (cultural property, heritage).<br />
Summertime in Auckland never ceases<br />
to amaze me. Hot, cold, stormy, wet,<br />
dry, social get-togethers on top of family<br />
barbeques - leaving a whole lot of left-overs<br />
and waste that have filled our rubbishbins.<br />
Our community needs our help and<br />
Talking Rubbish is a good place to start.<br />
Lastly, I want to thank the Māngere/Ōtāhuhu<br />
Local Board. With their assistance, I am able<br />
to be the editor for <strong>275</strong> <strong>Times</strong>. The local<br />
board are champions in the support of the<br />
peoples’ voice. Fa’afetai tele lava.<br />
See you next month<br />
Tuataga Hermann Arp Jr<br />
No Way to new ‘Hi Sport Bar’ pokie-tavern<br />
By Grant Hewison<br />
No sooner had the local community<br />
succeeded in closing ‘Grace's<br />
Place’ in Māngere East than<br />
the notorious gambling<br />
lounge is trying to<br />
obtain a new licence<br />
under a different name<br />
– Hi Sport Bar.<br />
As a new alcohol<br />
licence, Hi Sport Bar<br />
must be treated as a new<br />
business coming into the<br />
shopping centre in Savill Drive.<br />
But it is right opposite a Medical<br />
Centre. There are two liquor stores<br />
already in the centre as well as<br />
numerous food outlets.<br />
“This is not the right<br />
place for a new tavern”,<br />
says the group<br />
opposing the tavern,<br />
Communities Against<br />
Alcohol Harm.<br />
The shopping centre<br />
is well used by the<br />
community, there are<br />
school kids there on their<br />
way home from school and it<br />
is a family orientated environment.<br />
“What’s more, the owner has not<br />
changed a thing. This business<br />
looks to be first and foremost about<br />
gambling – just like the old one. In<br />
that case, they should not be given a<br />
tavern licence for the same reasons<br />
they got refused one.”<br />
“We encourage everyone in the<br />
community to make an objection”.<br />
Simply send an email to alcohol_<br />
licensing_south@aucklandcouncil.<br />
govt.nz saying - I oppose the new<br />
Hi Sport Bar in Māngere East - for<br />
the kinds of reasons above - as<br />
soon as you can.<br />
SAFE<br />
Penrose, Mangere,<br />
Otahuhu<br />
Major Hazard Facility<br />
Operators’ Group<br />
Mangere<br />
Inlet<br />
Major Hazard Facility (MHF)<br />
operators in the Mangere/Otahuhu/<br />
Penrose area are undertaking a<br />
joint community consultation<br />
project in response to new health<br />
and safety regulations.<br />
We want to advise how the community<br />
might protect itself in the event of an<br />
emergency stemming from a MHF.<br />
First responders (Fire Service, Police, St<br />
Johns, Civil Defence etc) work together<br />
as to achieve a single, cohesive response.<br />
These services will guide you in the event<br />
of an emergency.<br />
The four types of emergencies that could<br />
affect a MHF site are:<br />
1. Those which can be contained on<br />
the site.<br />
2. Those which could involve the<br />
surrounding community.<br />
3. Those which could originate in the<br />
surrounding community such as a<br />
fire in a neighbouring site.<br />
4. Civil Defence Emergencies such as<br />
earthquakes and floods.<br />
How to respond to i<br />
Operator<br />
manages on<br />
site<br />
Evacuate<br />
Under notification<br />
by Police<br />
Types of incidents<br />
Container failure Explosion Fire<br />
Off sit<br />
Dial 11<br />
Stay p<br />
Close all do<br />
windows &<br />
air conditio<br />
Flood Earthquake Lightning<br />
Chemical Care and Storage Ltd.<br />
192 & 252 James Fletcher Drive,<br />
Otahuhu.<br />
Solid, liquid and gaseous<br />
hazardous materials<br />
Rohm and Haas NZ Ltd.<br />
16 Beach Road Otahuhu.<br />
Liquid hazardous materials<br />
Lonza. 265 James Fletcher Drive,<br />
Otahuhu.<br />
Liquid hazardous materials.<br />
Air Liquide NZ.<br />
259 James Fletcher D<br />
Otahuhu. 19 Maurice<br />
Penrose.<br />
Allnex NZ Ltd. 12 Ind<br />
Penrose<br />
Solid and liquid haza<br />
materials<br />
Owens.<br />
3-5 Kahu Street, Ota<br />
Solid and liquid hazard<br />
Maramataka – Matiti<br />
Raurehu <strong>February</strong><br />
Major Hazard Facility Sites<br />
Other Hazardous Facility Sites<br />
By Ayla Hoeta<br />
Matiti Raurehu is the<br />
fifth phase of summer.<br />
Tohu o te whenua<br />
(Signs on land)<br />
This period is marked<br />
by the appearance<br />
of the Raurehu, a<br />
white substance that<br />
covers the lawn.<br />
It usually occurs in early<br />
<strong>February</strong> and signals the<br />
end of Matiti Kaiwai (the<br />
driest part of the year).<br />
Traditionally, this was a<br />
time to get equipment<br />
ready for the start of the<br />
harvest season in March.<br />
is fading and other<br />
stars are becoming<br />
more prominent.<br />
Matariki and Puanga are<br />
now in the sky and will<br />
reappear in the dawn sky<br />
for the New Year in June.<br />
Tohu o te moana<br />
(signs in the water)<br />
We come to the end of<br />
the kahawai season and<br />
welcome the blue moki.<br />
Blue moki run between<br />
<strong>February</strong> and March.<br />
Keep an eye out for<br />
them if you go fishing!<br />
ncidents<br />
e<br />
1<br />
ut<br />
ors &<br />
turn off<br />
n units<br />
First Responders<br />
attend<br />
Don’t go sightseeing<br />
Communications<br />
to public<br />
Radio/mobile phone<br />
Tohu o te rangi<br />
(Signs in the sky)<br />
In earlier stories, our<br />
tupuna recognised the star<br />
known as Poutūterangi<br />
(Altair) as this month's<br />
tohu o te rangi. These<br />
days, however, this star<br />
is usually associated<br />
with early March.<br />
By this time of the<br />
year, Rehua's influence<br />
Thanks whanau. For a<br />
maramataka dial email<br />
me at ayla.hoeta@<br />
aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.<br />
Kakite!<br />
Rakaunui: Highest energy day Jan 31<br />
Liquid spills<br />
Cryogenics (gas)<br />
strike Storm Chemical reaction<br />
rive,<br />
Rd<br />
ustry Road<br />
rdous<br />
huhu<br />
ous materials<br />
Chemstore Ltd.<br />
7-11 Rymer Place Mangere<br />
Solid and liquid hazardous<br />
materials<br />
BOC NZ.<br />
970 - 988 Great South Rd<br />
Penrose<br />
Gaseous hazardous materials<br />
Oturu & Rakau Ma Tohi:<br />
High energy days. Plant root crops & watery<br />
crops. (If you plant root crops on the high<br />
energy days, we suggest you eat them as<br />
soon as you harvest them. They won't store<br />
well because of their high water content.)<br />
Takirau: Plant kumara, riwai<br />
& other root crops.<br />
Korekore Te Whiawhia,<br />
Korekore Te Rawea & Korekore Piri:<br />
Low energy days – good for reflecting.<br />
Tangaroa A Mua, Tangaroa A Roto<br />
& Tangaroa kiokio:<br />
Fishing & planting days. (On Tangaroa<br />
kiokio rats come out during the day!)<br />
Orongonui, Omauri & Mutuwhenua:<br />
Good days for planting all types of kai.<br />
Whiro: Lowest energy day. Best for resting &<br />
planning. Also a good night to torch for eels.<br />
Jan 29 & 30<br />
Feb 1<br />
Feb 2<br />
Feb 4,<br />
5 & 6<br />
Feb 7,<br />
8 & 9<br />
Feb 11,<br />
12 & 13<br />
Feb 14<br />
LOVE<br />
YOUR<br />
MAUNGA<br />
A community celebration of Māngere Mountain and the Tūpuna Maunga<br />
(ancestral mountains) of Tāmaki Makaurau<br />
LIVE on stage<br />
Vince Harder<br />
Nofo Lameko<br />
RAZE<br />
TJ Taotua & Friends<br />
The Oneill Twins<br />
-<br />
Supported by<br />
Lavina Williams<br />
Gatoraway Group<br />
PTG<br />
Queen Shirlie<br />
Kapahaka and more<br />
By Shirl'e Fruean<br />
Smoke and alcohol free<br />
The 'Love Your Maunga’ event popped<br />
www.maunga.nz<br />
into mind and I felt this would be great<br />
to kick off my column for <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
Sat 17 <strong>February</strong><br />
11am–3pm<br />
Māngere Mountain<br />
Māngere<br />
Food stalls<br />
Craft markets<br />
Kids Zone<br />
So this event is quite special as it celebrates the different<br />
Maunga (Ancestral Mountains) across Auckland. The<br />
aim is to 'celebrate the Treaty settlement and the<br />
significance of the Tūpuna Maunga to Mana Whenua<br />
-<br />
Brought to you by<br />
and to maintain the living<br />
connection to local communities.<br />
It is a great opportunity to also<br />
celebrate the Maunga as a place<br />
to be treasured, respected and to<br />
acknowledge its value so that it is<br />
maintained for future generations.<br />
I’m very proud to hear that it's now coming to Māngere<br />
Mountain. I attended the opening in 2016 held at<br />
Maungawhau/Mount Eden. There, I discovered that<br />
'part of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement, 14 Tūpuna<br />
Maunga were returned to the 13 Mana Whenua iwi and<br />
hapū of Auckland, marking an important milestone in<br />
the restoration of these iconic taonga (treasures).<br />
It's great news to know that this event will be held on the<br />
17th Feb <strong>2018</strong> from 11am - 3pm at the Māngere Mountain<br />
domain...and...it’s FREE! This year there will be special<br />
live performances by the incomparable Lavina Williams,<br />
Vince Harder, Razé, Pakkz the General, Gatorway Music<br />
(winner of the FLAVA radio station Hip Hop Quest song<br />
comp) and...me...QS...performing a few songs as well.<br />
There will be market stalls (food, information, community)<br />
so bring the whole whanau & come along to celebrate<br />
our beautiful Māngere Mountain and its cultural history.<br />
For the full programme, please visit the 'Love your<br />
maunga' Facebook event page or tune in to Waatea Radio<br />
- Māngere radio station - to hear more about this kaupapa.<br />
It will be a fun, whanau friendly community event<br />
for everyone, I hope to see you all there.<br />
He whakamaumahara<br />
After seeking assistance from Ohomairangi<br />
Trust two years ago, Bowen Wi became a<br />
mentor for Hoki ki te Rito - Mellow Dads, and<br />
gave back tenfold.<br />
A good man and generous colleague, whose insights<br />
into fatherhood and family separation came from his<br />
own life experience, Bowen is sadly missed by us all at<br />
Ohomairangi Trust and the Māngere East Community<br />
Centre.<br />
"Haere ra e te rangatira. E kore koe e ngaro, he kakano<br />
i ruia mai i Rangiatea."<br />
If you have a passion<br />
for contributing to the<br />
regeneration of your<br />
community, and would<br />
like to share the Talking<br />
Rubbish message with<br />
your friends, family,<br />
community group, school<br />
or workplace, we’d love<br />
to hear from you.<br />
Justine Skilling<br />
Talking Rubbish,<br />
ME Family Services<br />
We’re planning to offer some<br />
training sessions this year where<br />
we’ll provide resources and ongoing<br />
support for anyone that wants to<br />
become a Talking Rubbish volunteer<br />
in their own setting. Everyone’s<br />
contribution is valued and welcomed.<br />
In volunteering with us, you’ll<br />
gain useful skills and experience,<br />
become part of a network of waste<br />
and sustainability champions, see<br />
positive changes in your community<br />
and have access to all the resources<br />
and support of the wider ME Family<br />
Services family. Long-standing<br />
Talking Rubbish volunteer Toha<br />
Wade says she loves the interaction<br />
she gets with people through her<br />
volunteer work. “I get a buzz out<br />
of teaching kids how to separate<br />
waste, and seeing them doing the<br />
right thing and then showing their<br />
friends how to do it as well”. Toha is<br />
grateful for what she’s learnt about<br />
reducing waste herself and feels<br />
she’s gained more confidence.<br />
To find out more about the work<br />
we do, or to register your interest<br />
in taking part in our training and<br />
becoming a Talking Rubbish<br />
volunteer, please check out our<br />
facebook page (www.facebook.com/<br />
wastechamps/) or website (www.<br />
mefsc.org.nz/what-we-do/talkingrubbish/),<br />
and get in touch with us at<br />
justine@mefsc.org.nz/ 0221028195.<br />
WHO WE ARE<br />
Four years ago the ME Family<br />
Services added Talking Rubbish<br />
to its team of social workers, Early<br />
Childhood Centre and Men’s Shed.<br />
We’ve connected with hundreds<br />
of local groups, organisations and<br />
Māngere/Ōtāhuhu residents, finding<br />
plenty of waste champions and<br />
sharing practical ideas for reducing<br />
waste in our homes, workplaces,<br />
churches and community. Through<br />
our work, we aim to reconnect<br />
people with the cultural wisdom<br />
and about how to live in harmony<br />
with nature. It’s been exciting to<br />
see people rediscovering what<br />
it’s like to grow their own food,<br />
make, repair and upcycle, and to<br />
revalue the skills their parents and<br />
WE<br />
NEED<br />
YOU<br />
Above: Justine Skilling (left) and Koia Teinakore, Waste Minimisation Facilitators.<br />
grandparents took for granted.<br />
Māngere is a big place. At the<br />
last census count, there were<br />
over 70,000 people living in our<br />
local board area. 43% were born<br />
overseas. With the growing interest<br />
in finding ways to reduce waste in<br />
our community, Talking Rubbish<br />
is looking to find ways to connect<br />
with a diverse audience and to see<br />
our vision of a “zero waste Māngere/<br />
Ōtāhuhu” become a reality.<br />
Justine Skilling<br />
Talking Rubbish, ME Family Services<br />
ENROL<br />
NOW<br />
Hoki ki te Rito<br />
O – ranga wha _ nau Mellow Mums & Dads<br />
Mellow Bumps<br />
Antenatal sessions<br />
Incredible Years<br />
For Parents<br />
Day & evening programmes start this month (<strong>February</strong> <strong>2018</strong>).<br />
Ma _ ngere East Community Centre, 372 Massey Rd, Ma _ ngere East<br />
ph. 09 263 0798 | e. admin@ohomairangi.co.nz | www.ohomairangi.co.nz<br />
Community Notices<br />
FREE drop-in session: Thurs 15 Feb, 6pm - 8pm at Centre Park,<br />
Robertson Road, Māngere. Learn how to ride, improve your<br />
cycle skills, or find out how to look after your bike. No need<br />
to book, just turn up. Bikes will be available to borrow for the<br />
session on a first-come, first-served basis - so be early! For<br />
more info, visit: http://bit.ly/2ngMA4u or check the events page<br />
of @aucklandtransportcycling on Facebook.<br />
Get an insight into the ever-advancing field of technology at<br />
this FREE student-organised event. Meet professionals, attend<br />
cool workshops, win prizes, eat free food and more! For 15- to<br />
18-year-olds. Sat 17 Feb, 10am – 5pm at Datacom, 58 Gaunt St,<br />
Auckland. Register at Facebook: @ytech2k18<br />
SPCA Auckland is working with local vets to offer FREE desexing<br />
for cats. Spaces are limited and bookings are essential. Cats<br />
and kittens weighing 1kg or more can be desexed. Please call<br />
the SPCA today on 09 256 7310 to book in.<br />
Māngere East Primary students work in a modern environment<br />
and are encouraged to develop their independence. The<br />
school offers high quality programmes, with specialist teaching<br />
in design-robotics, food/cooking, fabric/sewing, art, and tutors<br />
for choir, kapahaka and hiphop. No donations requested.<br />
Stationery $28. Spaces limited. Contact Karen: 09 276 4689 or<br />
karennep@meps.school.nz.<br />
FREE Knitting & Craft Club: 10:30am every Thurs. Bring your<br />
knitting or craft projects, or simply drop by for a cup of tea<br />
and a chat. Make new friends; learn a new hobby. All welcome.<br />
FREE Wriggle & Rhyme – Active Movement to Music: 11am<br />
every Tues. Fun and interactive sessions to help develop baby’s<br />
brain and body. For babies and toddlers up to two years old.<br />
Older siblings also welcome. For more info, ph. 09 <strong>275</strong> 5420 or<br />
drop in to the Māngere East Library at 370 Massey Rd.<br />
Māngere East Community Centre runs FREE and low-cost<br />
community classes in parenting, te reo Māori, Samoan,<br />
literacy and numeracy, korowai, drivers licence theory, tai chi,<br />
zumba – and more! Visit www.mangereeast.org, email: fiona@<br />
mangereeast.org, ph. 09 <strong>275</strong> 6161 or drop in to 372 Massey<br />
Road, Māngere East to find out more.<br />
Community Notices are FREE for community groups.<br />
To list your group or event in the next issue, send<br />
us a 50-word summary by 15 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
<strong>275</strong> times<br />
<strong>275</strong><br />
Māngere’s<br />
times<br />
Editor: Hermann Arp<br />
Design: Belinda Fowler & Jo Latif<br />
Publisher: Māngere East Community Centre<br />
<strong>275</strong>times@gmail.com<br />
www.facebook.com/<strong>275</strong>times<br />
www<br />
www.<strong>275</strong>times.com 09 <strong>275</strong> 6161<br />
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