1859 July | August 2018

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PG. 100<br />

Into the Hops<br />

at Rogue<br />

A Farmhouse<br />

“Re-barn”<br />

Hell-O Jello<br />

Shots<br />

THE NEXT<br />

BIG<br />

THING<br />

<strong>1859</strong>oregonmagazine.com<br />

$5.95 display until <strong>August</strong> 31, <strong>2018</strong><br />


<strong>July</strong> | <strong>August</strong> volume 52

A Great<br />

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Sometimes you just click. With so many amazing<br />

species to fall in awe with everyday—we know<br />

exactly how you feel. Come meet your soul mate of<br />

the sea. Visit Aquarium.org to save on tickets today.

A selection of Jell-O shots from<br />

Lizzy Spanbauer’s recently opened<br />

Portland food cart.<br />

4 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

J-E-L-L-Oh yeah<br />

photography by Peter Mahar<br />

Your Jell-O shots are all grown up, thanks to<br />

Lizzy Spanbauer’s new food cart, Hell-O Jello.<br />

Take your old party favorite—now add edible<br />

glitter and fancy flavors like hibiscus, blood<br />

orange and flan. The result? A nostalgic treat<br />

with a twist. (pg. 84)<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 5


JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> • volume 52<br />

78<br />

On the Wild Side<br />

Fifty years ago, Oregon<br />

conservationists took on<br />

powerful private interests—<br />

and won. Today, Hells Canyon<br />

and its Wild and Scenic River<br />

designation serve as a lesson<br />

to a next generation.<br />

written by Lee Lewis Husk<br />

68<br />

Oregon’s Innovators<br />

From the hacky sack to the Beach Bill,<br />

Oregon has been innovating since <strong>1859</strong>.<br />

Here, a look back at our pioneers, as well<br />

as what might be the next big thing.<br />

written by James Sinks<br />

Greater Hells Canyon Council<br />

84<br />

You Had Me at Jell-O<br />

Class up your inner college student with<br />

Hell-O Jello’s grown-up Jell-O shots.<br />

photography by Peter Mahar<br />

6 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Your chance to live the Gorge Lifestyle.<br />

Own a piece of<br />

history nestled<br />

on 19 acres<br />

overlooking the<br />

Columbia River<br />

Gorge.<br />

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JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> • volume 52<br />

LIVE<br />

20 NOTEBOOK<br />

Spend your days outdoors in style—with a campout cookbook and<br />

other tools to make your summer adventures easy. Then kick back with<br />

a cocktail and some “comfort pop.”<br />

28 FOOD + DRINK<br />

Elevensies isn’t just for hobbits anymore—now it’s a tea-infused<br />

cocktail. Weekend Wanderings put you on the road to Central Oregon’s<br />

surprisingly sophisticated food and drink scene.<br />

34 FARM TO TABLE<br />

Grapes are more than just the start of good wine—they’re for sweet<br />

snacking, too. At his farm in Cottage Grove, Mike Satterstrom grows<br />

more than a dozen varieties.<br />

100<br />

Xanterra Travel Collection<br />

42 HOME + DESIGN<br />

Two homes, in Portland and Tumalo, get massive remodels that keep<br />

the character but make the space more livable. Inspired by that Tumalo<br />

farmhouse feel? Create your own concrete veneer countertop.<br />

50 MIND + BODY<br />

The owner of Portland’s BurnCycle learned to balance home and<br />

entrepreneurship on the fly.<br />

50<br />


Roger Nichols wrote many of those songs you find yourself humming<br />

along to. Now, the Bend man is back with a new album.<br />

THINK<br />

58 STARTUP<br />

Tired of dress shopping, table numbers and cake tasting? Try a pop-up<br />

wedding with Pop of Joy.<br />

42<br />

Cheryl McIntosh/greatthingsaredone.com<br />

14<br />

16<br />

110<br />

112<br />

Editor’s Letter<br />

<strong>1859</strong> Online<br />

Map of Oregon<br />

Until Next Time<br />

60 WHAT’S GOING UP<br />

An all-timber high rise is taking shape in Portland, thanks to crosslaminated<br />

timber.<br />


Catching up with one of the Oregon Humane Society’s animal abuse<br />

investigators, who has spent decades making Oregon more safe for our<br />

furry friends.<br />


The Portland Spoon Company offers hand-carved wooden spoons, and<br />

teaches others the craft.<br />


In Independence, a wave of high-tech innovation is making the city more<br />

efficient, and more attractive to visitors and residents alike.<br />



Get your hands dirty with a fossil dig in Woodburn.<br />

94 ADVENTURE<br />

Our writer witnesses firsthand the hops harvest at Rogue Farms.<br />

98 LODGING<br />

Jupiter NEXT may be in a trendy Portland neighborhood, but you’ll<br />

hardly need to leave the premises for a great getaway.<br />

COVER<br />

photo by LEVER Architecture<br />

(see What’s Going Up, pg. 60)<br />

100 TRIP PLANNER<br />

Crater Lake National Park offers a lot more than just great views.<br />


Knock another national park off your bucket list with a trip to Glacier<br />

National Park in Montana.<br />

8 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Stay • Play • Dine<br />

on the beach in Lincoln City I 1-855-285-2659 I CHINOOKWINDSCASINO.COM



Writer<br />

On the Wild Side<br />


Photographer<br />

Oregon’s Innovators<br />


Writer<br />

Northwest Destination<br />


Photographer<br />

Gallery<br />

As an Oregonian for almost sixty<br />

years, I’ve traveled extensively<br />

throughout the state, including<br />

the Hells Canyon. But I had not<br />

heard the extraordinary story<br />

of how a small and dedicated<br />

group of conservationists and<br />

politicians fought the titans of<br />

industry to save North America’s<br />

deepest canyon from further<br />

hydroelectric dams fifty years<br />

ago. The Greater Hells Canyon<br />

Council and former Sen. Bob<br />

Packwood shared details of<br />

the historic fight and ongoing<br />

efforts to preserve this national<br />

treasure.<br />

(pg. 78)<br />

I love photographing portraits,<br />

but what I love more is the<br />

stories behind the images. I was<br />

lucky enough to photograph Lisa<br />

Sedlar, who is giving Portlanders<br />

a convenient, healthy shopping<br />

experience. We set up a little<br />

portrait studio right in the<br />

produce section of her store,<br />

and she even agreed to juggle<br />

a few peaches for me. I also<br />

made the trek to Umpqua Valley<br />

to photograph Scott Henry, a<br />

winemaker who figured out a<br />

new way to grow grapes. Scott<br />

was welcoming, and we probably<br />

did more talking and wine<br />

tasting than photographing.<br />

Both of these experiences<br />

showed me the generosity and<br />

creative spirit of Oregonians in<br />

their best form.<br />

(pg. 68)<br />

I am embarrassed to admit I<br />

lived in Montana nearly four<br />

years before going to Glacier<br />

National Park. On my first trip,<br />

we snowshoed over a frozen<br />

lake, warming up with whiskey at<br />

lunch. On a later visit, my friends<br />

and I slept all day so we would<br />

have the energy for a midnight,<br />

full-moon bike ride. In this story,<br />

I wanted to share some of the<br />

magic from those memories.<br />

(pg. 106)<br />

We love seeing new ideas and<br />

new businesses pop up. I’m a<br />

big fan of just going for it, and<br />

Lizzy is doing just that. She<br />

bought an old food cart and<br />

has transformed it into her cute<br />

little unique Jell-O shot-maker. It<br />

was awesome meeting her and<br />

seeing how warm and inviting<br />

she is as a person. We are going<br />

to have fun watching how Hell-O<br />

Jello grows in the coming years!<br />

(pg. 84)<br />

10 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

AUGUST 17 - 19, <strong>2018</strong><br />

design: tnbd.net<br />




EDITOR<br />











Kevin Max<br />

Sheila G. Miller<br />

Allison Bye<br />

Kelly Rogers<br />

Cindy Miskowiec<br />

Jenny Kamprath<br />

Cindy Guthrie<br />

Jenn Redd<br />

Thor Erickson<br />

Jeremy Storton<br />

Melissa Dalton, Christine Davis, Katrina Emery, Jayme Fraser,<br />

Juliet Grable, Marnie Hanel, Lee Lewis Husk, Holly Hutchins,<br />

Sophia McDonald, Ben Salmon, James Sinks, Jen Stevenson,<br />

Jeremy Storton, Mackenzie Wilson<br />

Carly Diaz, Charlotte Dupont, Joe Kline, Peter Mahar,<br />

Tommy Martino, Daniel Stark, Whitney Whitehouse<br />

Statehood Media<br />

Mailing Address<br />

70 SW Century Dr.<br />

Suite 100-218<br />

Bend, Oregon 97702<br />

Portland Address<br />

1801 NW Upshur St.<br />

Suite 100<br />

Portland, Oregon 97209<br />

<strong>1859</strong>magazine.com/subscribe<br />

@<strong>1859</strong>oregon<br />

Printed in Canada<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publiCation may be reproduCed or transmitted in any form or by any means, eleCtroniCally or meChaniCally, inCluding<br />

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those of <strong>1859</strong> Oregon’s Magazine, Statehood Media or its employees, staff or management.<br />

12 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

FROM THE<br />

EDITOR<br />

THERE WAS A SENSE of innovation here<br />

early on. Anyone who successfully traveled<br />

the Oregon Trail to come west shared traits<br />

of adventure-loving and problem-solving or<br />

they pulled up short in Nebraska. That spirit<br />

of innovation in early Oregon was so pervasive<br />

that even the governor was a skilled practitioner.<br />

Oswald West, Oregon’s fourteenth governor, in<br />

1913, proclaimed that all of Oregon’s beaches,<br />

to the high water point, were public highways,<br />

and saved them as a common treasure for<br />

future generations.<br />

In Oregon’s Innovators on pg. 68, we look<br />

back at some of the innovations that made a<br />

lasting impact on life and the people and ideas<br />

that are part of today’s cutting edge. We ask<br />

what the next big idea is, and our answers come<br />

from many corners of the state and some of<br />

our oldest sectors—wood products, tourism or<br />

wine. James Sinks asks this question and comes<br />

to some interesting conclusions.<br />

You’ll find that same spirit in an early bid<br />

to save the Snake River from more dams in the late 1960s<br />

in a great David versus Goliath story. A group of noname<br />

conservationists came together to fight the federal<br />

government and private hydroelectric power brokers from<br />

damming more of the Snake River. Their chances were slim<br />

to none, yet they enlisted the help of the junior senator Bob<br />

Packwood who, himself, had no relevance or power in this<br />

debate. Little by little, between 1967 and 1975, the scrappers<br />

won out, forming the model for great future conservation<br />

acts and the foundation for the La Grande-based Greater<br />

Hells Canyon Council. Read this fascinating take from Lee<br />

Lewis Husk on pg. 78.<br />

But don’t spend your whole summer reading. Head out to<br />

our favorite places. One glimmering example of conservation<br />

in Oregon is Crater Lake, our only national park. We take<br />

you into its cerulean hypnosis in our Trip Planner on pg. 100.<br />

Juliet Grable gives us many reasons to return to Crater Lake<br />

this summer, including boat tours to Wizard Island.<br />

We also head to Rogue Farms in Independence to witness<br />

the hallowed hop harvest. If you want to get up close and<br />

personal with your beer, this will inspire you to do that. There<br />

are only a few breweries that take their beer as seriously as<br />

Rogue does. This gives you a good behind-the-pint view of<br />

your next beer. (Adventure, pg. 94)<br />

Time to get back to it. Let’s do some Jell-O shots! To bring<br />

a little artistic joy (and nostalgia) to your life, consider the<br />

latest craze in Portland food carts, Hell-O Jello (pg. 84).<br />

These shots are too beautiful and too artistic to eat, and yet<br />

… Alcohol-soaked gems of delight should be on everyone’s<br />

bucket list this summer. Cheers!<br />

14 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

<strong>1859</strong> ONLINE<br />

More ways to connect with your favorite Oregon content<br />

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shows off your<br />

oregon experience?<br />

Share it with us by filling out<br />

the Oregon Postcard form on<br />

our website. If chosen, you’ll<br />

win <strong>1859</strong> gear and a chance to<br />

be published here.<br />

<strong>1859</strong>oregonmagazine.com/<br />

postcard<br />

photo by Jim Mullholand<br />

Cobble Beach tide pools and Yaquina<br />

Head Lighthouse at Yaquina Head<br />

Outstanding Natural Area near Newport.<br />

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<strong>1859</strong>oregonmagazine.com/newsletter<br />

16 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

NOTEBOOK 20<br />

FOOD + DRINK 28<br />

FARM TO TABLE 34<br />

HOME + DESIGN 42<br />

MIND + BODY 50<br />


pg. 34<br />

Grapes are for more than just winemaking.<br />

Carly Diaz

We’ve got greens for days.<br />

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Rogue Valley Manor is a Pacific Retirement Services community and an equal housing opportunity.

notebook<br />

Tidbits + To-dos<br />

mark your<br />

calendar<br />

Pendleton Beach Towel<br />

Lavender Farm Tour<br />

This statewide event is held the second weekend in <strong>July</strong> and<br />

offers visitors the opportunity to tour eighteen farms and nurseries<br />

throughout the Oregon countryside when lavender is in bloom.<br />

Some farms are not open to the public any other time of the year.<br />

Each farm website shows the best times and dates to plan a visit to<br />

each destination based on the status of the bloom. Locations have<br />

activities, from classes to mini-festivals with music, food and vendors.<br />

oregonlavenderdestinations.com/farm-tour<br />

There is a special place in our hearts for our<br />

Pendleton blankets. They’re something we<br />

reach for to warm up the winter nights, but<br />

did you know that Pendleton makes beach<br />

towels, too? Now you can enjoy your favorite<br />

Pendleton patterns during the summer with<br />

spa towels made for one or two people.<br />

Pendleton also has cute kids towel pullovers<br />

perfect for your little ones.<br />

pendleton-usa.com<br />

mark your<br />

calendar<br />

Oregon Brewers Festival<br />

The Oregon Brewers Festival got<br />

its start back in 1988 and has<br />

become the longest running and<br />

largest brewery event in the Pacific<br />

Northwest, drawing crowds of more<br />

than 70,000. You can sample dozens<br />

of brews from more than eighty craft<br />

brewers. This event has a great live<br />

music lineup along with homebrewing<br />

demonstrations and food vendors.<br />

The Crater Lake Soda Garden offers<br />

complimentary handcrafted soda for<br />

minors and designated drivers. The<br />

event runs <strong>July</strong> 26-29 at Tom McCall<br />

Waterfront Park in Portland.<br />

oregonbrewfest.com<br />

20 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

notebook<br />

Terrarium in a Box<br />

Vanport Jazz Festival<br />

Portland Meadows hosts the Vanport Jazz Festival on <strong>August</strong> 4, featuring<br />

a musical lineup made up of Grammy winners and nominees, all in honor<br />

of the voices that helped form the Vanport jazz community. Choose from<br />

general admission or VIP access, where you can meet the artists. Enjoy the<br />

food and beverage area while you’re there and make sure you stop by the<br />

Oregon Historical Society’s Vanport exhibit.<br />

vanportjazzfestival.com<br />

This Portland company offers up a<br />

lot of creative gifts, but our current<br />

favorite is the terrarium in a box.<br />

This hand-assembled DIY kit comes<br />

right to your door with everything<br />

you need to make the perfect<br />

desktop terrarium. Complete with<br />

seeds, ornaments, raw materials<br />

and instructions—all you need<br />

to do is choose your bowl. Seeds<br />

vary depending on the season, and<br />

custom options are available, too.<br />

jpants.com<br />

mark your<br />

calendar<br />

MapleXO Bottle Opener<br />

MapleXO is doing its part to reduce the carbon footprint of<br />

the skateboard industry by creating products from recycled<br />

board manufacturing material. We love this colorful and handy<br />

bottle opener, perfect for summer days and campouts. This will<br />

become a keeper.<br />

maplexo.com<br />

22 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Pillow talk<br />

Maloy's offers a fabulous selection of antique and<br />

estate jewelry and fine custom jewelry, as well as<br />

repair and restoration services. We also buy.<br />

Top Brands. FacTory-direcT prices.<br />

bath & body Works • book Warehouse • bruce’s candy<br />

kitchen • carter’s • christoPher & banks • claire’s •<br />

daisy may’s sandWich shoP • dress barn & dress barn<br />

Women • eddie bauer • famous footWear outlet • gnc<br />

• helly hansen • kitchen collection • l’eggs hans bali<br />

Playtex exPress • nike factory store • osh kosh b’gosh<br />

• Pendleton • Perfect look • rack room shoes • rue 21<br />

• seaside shiPPing center • the Wine & beer haus • tokyo<br />

teriyaki • toys “r” us • Van heusen • ZumieZ<br />

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aPril-december monday-saturday 10-8, sunday 10-6<br />

January-march sunday-thursday 10-6, friday-saturday 10-8

notebook<br />

Musician<br />

Get Comfortable<br />

TENTS’ music is from the heart<br />

written by Ben Salmon<br />

Listen on Spotify<br />

THERE’S A REASON TENTS calls its music “comfort-pop.”<br />

Three reasons, actually.<br />

One is rooted in the Portland quartet’s origin story,<br />

which starts in Brian and Amy Hall’s marriage. The couple<br />

loves making music together. He plays keyboards, she plays<br />

percussion, and they both sing. (Guitarist Christopher Hall<br />

and drummer Josh Brine complete the band’s lineup.)<br />

“It’s really, really good for us, especially with young children,”<br />

Brian Hall said. “It’s sort of like going on lots of dates. It keeps<br />

us connected.”<br />

TENTS has been a band for four years—writing songs,<br />

discovering a style, experimenting and ultimately recording<br />

a debut album, Deer Keeps Pace, released in May via the<br />

esteemed Badman Recording Co. The group’s sound is<br />

glassy and groovy and packed with hooks, merging ’80s altpop<br />

vibes (think David Bowie, Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel)<br />

with modern electro-flecked indie rock (a la Destroyer and<br />

Japanese Breakfast).<br />

If nothing else, TENTS’<br />

sound is soothing and likeable.<br />

“Our music is sort of maternal<br />

at times,” Hall said. “Family is an exercise in<br />

comforting others and being comforted by<br />

others, so comfort is just a theme.”<br />

Which brings us to the third reason TENTS plays “comfortpop.”<br />

Hall spent ten years as a core contributor at Marmoset,<br />

a Portland-based music licensing agency. And while he says<br />

making music for ads “absolutely can be creatively gratifying,”<br />

he also took an opportunity to step away from his job and<br />

pursue his dreams—to be vulnerable, make music, find joy and<br />

reach others.<br />

“It’s great to make a living, but it’s also great to make art<br />

that lifts up and helps,” Hall said. “In my mind, if you want<br />

to really serve your neighbor, you have to be able to, at least<br />

temporarily, suspend your desire to self-preserve. So I guess<br />

that’s what the band thing is about for me. Helping.”<br />

24 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

notebook<br />

Bibliophile<br />

Now We’re Cooking with Fire<br />

The Campout Cookbook offers tips and tricks to<br />

up the fun on your next foray into the wilderness<br />

interview by Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson<br />

WHILE KICKING AROUND ideas for their second cookbook,<br />

Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson, the IACP-award-winning<br />

authors of The Picnic, kept coming back to their favorite<br />

childhood food memories, many of which happened to involve<br />

a campfire. The result is The Campout Cookbook, a collection<br />

of more than 100 recipes designed to keep campers sated<br />

from the moment they pile into the station wagon to the<br />

final breakfast before the rubber hits the road. Here, the coauthors<br />

discuss the ins and eats of their writing process.<br />

MH: You camped quite a bit growing up. Did you ever<br />

imagine you’d write a cookbook about it?<br />

JS: Never in a million years. But looking back, it actually<br />

makes a lot of sense. We took very, very long family<br />

camping trips every summer, and most nights, I would<br />

lay in the tent wishing I was at a fancy hotel. The<br />

mosquitos, the dirt, the ceaseless smoke, the raccoons<br />

(or worse) rustling around the underbrush all night—<br />

it all seemed so preventable. I mean, surely that Four<br />

Seasons/Best Western/Bates Motel back in town<br />

had a vacancy. But I loved meal time—from blueberry<br />

pancakes and breakfast sausages first thing in the<br />

morning, to hot dog lunches (the only time we got hot<br />

dogs, so that was major), and s’mores before bed every<br />

night—it made the whole thing worth it.<br />

JS: Besides the importance of wearing fireproof<br />

(preferably dragon-hide) gloves and not leaving a<br />

just-roasted Dutch oven chicken where your dog,<br />

Winnie, can reach it, what was your biggest takeaway<br />

about fire-cooking?<br />

MH: That you’re most likely going to burn something,<br />

and it’s going to be OK. Fire is fickle. One day you’ll<br />

produce the most perfect golden Dutch oven roast<br />

chicken the world has ever seen and feel like a camping<br />

god (until Winnie eats it, that is). The next, you’ve<br />

got a sad charcoal-skinned bird and have to fall back<br />

on making campfire nachos (not the worst fate). You<br />

have to use all your senses, especially smell and, for<br />

best results, forgo the Off the Grid Old Fashioneds until<br />

26 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

notebook<br />

“We took very, very long family camping<br />

trips every summer, and most nights, I<br />

would lay in the tent wishing I was at a<br />

fancy hotel. … But I loved meal time—<br />

it made the whole thing worth it.”<br />

—Jen Stevenson, co-author<br />

of The Campout Cookbook<br />

Illustrations: Excerpted from The Campout Cookbook by<br />

Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson (Artisan Books). Copyright<br />

© <strong>2018</strong>. Illustrations by Emily Isabella<br />

dinner is served. Otherwise you might get so wrapped<br />

up in a game of Truth or Dare you forget lasagna is<br />

cooking in the coals.<br />

MH: We really upped our cooking equipment game<br />

doing this book—so long, deviled-egg piping bags and<br />

tea trays; hello, campfire claws and 10-pound cast iron<br />

skillets. What’s your favorite new tool in our arsenal?<br />

JS: The almighty charcoal chimney, a.k.a. our best<br />

friend forever. I love building a log fire for ambience’s<br />

sake, but when everyone’s ravenous after a day on the<br />

trail, it’s just so much easier to light the charcoal in a<br />

chimney, dump the hot coals into the fire pit, and start<br />

cooking. It’s the difference between stumbling out of<br />

the tent in the morning and having the coffee made<br />

and cinnamon roll dough proofing in fifteen minutes,<br />

versus a half hour of blearily coaxing damp logs to<br />

burn while everyone yells helpful things like, “When’s<br />

the coffee ready? Why’s it so smoky? Did you know a<br />

bear’s eating the bacon?” from the tent doorway.<br />

JS: I’ve read that if you don’t season cast iron properly,<br />

there are consequences. Care to elaborate?<br />

MH: Very funny. As it turns out, if you bake a cherry<br />

blueberry crisp in a brand new cast iron Dutch oven<br />

that hasn’t been sufficiently seasoned, it turns your<br />

teeth a lovely shade of slate grey. I had to brush my<br />

teeth eight times to get them white again and, as I<br />

recall, so did you.<br />

MH: What are the three things you never hit the<br />

campground without? Mine are: the tent, the food<br />

and the hot toddy kit. Oh, and the kids.<br />

JS: The graham crackers, the chocolate and the<br />

marshmallows. You can’t camp without s’mores. You<br />

just can’t.<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 27

food + drink<br />

Cocktail Card<br />

recipe courtesy of Raven & Rose<br />

Elevensies<br />

1½ ounces Hayman’s sloe gin<br />

½ ounce London dry gin<br />

1 ounce lemon juice<br />

¾ ounce Lady Grey tea syrup<br />

¾ ounce egg white<br />

Combine all ingredients in a<br />

mixing tin and shake without<br />

ice for 20 seconds. Add ice and<br />

shake again. Double strain into a<br />

chilled coupe glass and garnish<br />

with malt meringues.<br />


Brew a pot of Lady Grey tea. Once<br />

the tea has finished steeping,<br />

about 4 minutes, combine equal<br />

parts superfine sugar and tea<br />

and stir until in solution. Cover<br />

and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.<br />

Beerlandia<br />

Punch the Beer Belly in the Gut<br />

written by Jeremy Storton<br />

illustrated by Allison Bye<br />

THERE’S A MYTH out there that beer is bad for us. It comes from the beer<br />

belly and the mentality of, “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.”<br />

Know what actually gives beer a bad name? Cartons of ice cream, corn<br />

dogs, curly fries, 32-ounce mochas and other copious amounts of calories.<br />

Alcohol has calories, sure, but beer is fat-free and contains carbs. You know,<br />

those things we load up on before an athletic event.<br />

Excess beer lowers our inhibitions and standards, and that can result in 1<br />

a.m. nachos with a new friend who seemed attractive back at the bar. Used<br />

in moderation, however, this effect can be a tool to improve our mood,<br />

calm the nerves before approaching someone new or inspire the creation<br />

of, say, this month’s beer column.<br />

Beer may also extend and improve one’s life. A study done at my alma<br />

mater, University of California, Irvine, found that moderate beer drinkers<br />

will live about 18 percent longer than those who abstain. Not only is<br />

beer riddled with the essentials of life such as fiber, B vitamins, protein,<br />

potassium and calcium, but beer has empirically been shown to reduce<br />

the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, osteoporosis, bad cholesterol and cancer.<br />

Yes, even cancer. Turns out xanthohumol, a compound found in hops, “has<br />

been characterized as a broad-spectrum cancer chemopreventive agent”<br />

that may also do wonders for menopause, according to a paper published in<br />

Phytochemistry in 2004.<br />

The moral of the beer story is, if we are going to drink, we ought to drink<br />

well and drink often—just don’t drink a lot. Moderation is still the accepted<br />

key to all that is good. Therefore, I propose we skip the diet light beer and<br />

enjoy some proper Oregon suds, especially after earning it with an outdoors<br />

adventure in our great state.<br />

28 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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Jim Bernau, Founder/Winegrower

food + drink<br />

Gastronomy<br />

Counter Culture<br />

written by Jen Stevenson<br />

IF SEEKING a truly memorable summer soirée in Oregon wine country, Anne<br />

Amie Vineyard’s ninth annual Counter Culture on <strong>July</strong> 26 checks all the requisite<br />

boxes. It has the stunning Willamette Valley views, fun-loving company, goofy<br />

props-stocked photo booth, hammocks built for two, sunset bonfire (fire dancers<br />

included), street food-inspired dishes from more than a dozen of the region’s best<br />

restaurants, and perhaps paramount, generous tastings from a bevy of wineries<br />

both local and international. Designed to kick off <strong>July</strong>’s International Pinot Noir<br />

Celebration weekend in style, the festival draws serious culinary talent, and this<br />

year’s restaurant partners include Pok Pok, Bollywood Theater, Biwa, Ned Ludd,<br />

Wares, The Country Cat, Pizza Jerk and Bamboo Sushi. Participating wineries to<br />

watch for include Hiyu, James Rahn and Marshall Davis, while Newberg-based<br />

craft brewery Wolves & People will pour its acclaimed farmhouse ales and barrelaged<br />

beers. For the designated driver and other no-proof partiers, sponsors Smith<br />

Teamaker and Flag & Wire Coffee Co. will provide the non-boozy beverages.<br />

Tickets are $85, and don’t dally—this ever-popular party sells out every year.<br />

anneamie.com<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Fire breathers provide entertainment.<br />

Top restaurants provide the food. Don’t miss a hammock built for two.<br />

30 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>



EN ROUTE<br />

Heading east on Highway 20<br />

from Salem, stop for a marionberry<br />

scone break at homey Rosie’s<br />

Mountain Coffee House in Mill<br />

City, or continue on to Mountain<br />

High Grocery in Detroit for the<br />

homemade doughnuts. If traveling<br />

via Highway 26, brake for blueberry<br />

cake doughnuts and apple fritters at<br />

Joe’s Donut Shop in Sandy.<br />

EAT + DRINK<br />

In Sisters, get a hearty start to the<br />

day with The Cottonwood Cafe’s<br />

Big Tree Benedict, piled on a flaky<br />

homemade herb biscuit. After poking<br />

around the local shops, take a golden<br />

milk latte and crêpe break at Suttle<br />

Tea teahouse, pick up local provisions<br />

and organic smoothies at Melvin’s<br />

Market, then share wood-fired pies<br />

on the patio at Boone Dog Pizza cart.<br />

Or, drop in for lunch at Rainshadow<br />

Organics, an enchanting 200-<br />

acre working farm and market 15<br />

miles northeast of town, then drive<br />

two miles south to scenic Faith,<br />

Hope and Charity Vineyards, a<br />

unique 312-acre high desert winery<br />

specializing in cold-hardy varietals.<br />

If visiting on a Saturday, stay for the<br />

live evening concert and wood-fired<br />

pizza. Otherwise, return to town<br />

and continue wine tasting on The<br />

Open Door wine bar’s picturesque<br />

patio, then grab a few local ribeyes<br />

or homemade kielbasa for the grill at<br />

Sisters Meat and Smokehouse, an<br />

artisanal butcher shop with a strong<br />

sandwich menu and eight local beers<br />

and ciders on tap.<br />

Greet the day in Bend with<br />

a cortado or citrus ginger mint<br />

cold brew at Spoken Moto, part<br />

coffee shop and craft beer bar, part<br />

motorcycle shop. Walk a few steps<br />

to the Box Factory, a historic former,<br />

yes, box factory, turned collective of<br />

hip local restaurants, breweries, bars<br />

and shops—keep things light with<br />

an açai bowl and Meet Your Matcha<br />

smoothie at Fix & Repeat, or indulge<br />

in the sweet potato sage waffle with<br />

poached egg and smoked paprika<br />

hollandaise at beautifully bemuraled<br />

Foxtail Bakeshop. For lunch, chow<br />

down on a meatball sub with arugula<br />

pesto or BLB (Bacon Lettuce Beet) at<br />

Jackson’s Corner’s cheery westside<br />

location, then log a few stamps in<br />

your Bend Ale Trail passport (or book<br />

a seat on the Bend Brew Bus). For<br />

dinner, go the white tablecloth route<br />

at Ariana, join the merry crowd at<br />

globe-trotting Spork for pozole rojo<br />

and spicy pork noodles, or backtrack<br />

to the industrial district for grassfed<br />

burgers with poblano harissa by<br />

the bonfire at Scoutpost food cart,<br />

which also turns out some of the<br />

best doughnut holes ever fried. Cool<br />

down with post-supper scoops at<br />

downtown’s Bonta Natural Artisan<br />

Gelato, then sip a Rozata Sour<br />

nightcap at The Dogwood Cocktail<br />

Cabin.<br />

Before lacing up your hiking shoes<br />

at Smith Rock State Park, stop in<br />

Redmond for a cappuccino at Green<br />

Plow Coffee Roasters, followed<br />

by the thick-cut pepper bacontopped<br />

buttermilk pancake tower at<br />

charming One Street Down Cafe.<br />

After a morning on the trail, brave<br />

the mile-high bacon cheeseburger<br />

and herb-seasoned waffle fries at<br />

the Food Fellas cart, parked next to<br />

Wild Ride Brewing. Burn off a few<br />

calories cruising the local antique<br />

shops, or continue 15 minutes up<br />

Highway 20 to Maragas Winery in<br />

Culver, for an afternoon of sipping<br />

award-winning 2015 Blanco alongside<br />

the bocce ball court.<br />


Plan your Sisters escape mid-week,<br />

and catch one of Suttle Lodge’s<br />

Wednesday Night Cookouts, held in<br />

the lodge’s lakefront beer garden;<br />

or, book one of the summer Dock<br />

Dinners, which pair top Portland<br />

restaurants like Mae and Tusk with<br />

renowned wineries like St. Reginald<br />

Parish and Cameron. In Bend,<br />

check into a luxury lodge room at<br />

Tetherow, and risk never leaving<br />

the 700-acre resort—play a round<br />

of golf on the 18-hole course, take a<br />

yoga or barre class in the new stateof-the-art<br />

fitness facility, lounge in a<br />

poolside cabana and dine on seared<br />

pheasant with a view at Solomon’s,<br />

then settle in on your patio with a<br />

glass of Oregon pinot noir to watch<br />

the high desert sunset.

food + drink<br />




XICO<br />

For a taste of Mexico City and Oaxaca in a<br />

secret urban garden off Portland’s busy Division<br />

Street, ask for a patio table at this mecca of<br />

masa and mezcal. Chef Kelly Myers’ dinner<br />

menu beckons with serrano vinaigrette-tossed<br />

squid atop homemade blue corn tostadas,<br />

grilled chorizo verde with grilled cactus salad<br />

and cinnamon sugar-dusted sopaipillas with<br />

blackberry mezcal sauce. The recently revived<br />

lunch and brunch menu holds its own—<br />

chilaquiles and a Michelada al fresco make for<br />

the perfect summer Sunday morning.<br />

3715 SE DIVISION ST.<br />


xicopdx.com<br />


Take a mini summer road trip to this working<br />

Philomath farm, where the south Willamette<br />

Valley fields and orchards part briefly to<br />

accommodate the cozy covered porch cafe and<br />

market. The menu changes with the crops, so<br />

expect duck breast with boysenberries and Swiss<br />

chard one week, risotto with grilled eggplant,<br />

chermoula and sweet corn butter the next.<br />

Post-meal, browse the farmstand for heirloom<br />

tomatoes and free-range eggs, buy a few fromscratch<br />

potato doughnuts for later (or now),<br />

book one of the monthly wine dinners or sign up<br />

for the twenty-one-week CSA—the farm offers a<br />

dozen pickup points throughout the state.<br />

25159 GRANGE HALL RD.<br />


gatheringtogetherfarm.com<br />


Summer was made for Southern Oregon sipping,<br />

especially at Dan and Cindy Marca’s elegant<br />

Tuscany-inspired winery tucked into the rolling<br />

hills between Medford and charming gold-rushera<br />

Jacksonville. Pick a patio perch overlooking<br />

the lush gardens and lunch on antipasti plates<br />

piled with local Rogue Creamery blue cheese<br />

and Rise Up! artisan baguette, salads made with<br />

greens sourced from nearby Dunbar Farms, and<br />

a few of the crisp-crusted artisan wood-fired<br />

pies, paired with a bottle of award-winning 2015<br />

Coda pinot noir.<br />

4477 S STAGE RD.<br />


dancinvineyards.com<br />

David L. Reamer<br />

Dining<br />

Canard<br />

written by Jen Stevenson<br />

BELLEVILLE MEETS BURNSIDE at two-time James Beard Awardwinning<br />

chef Gabriel Rucker’s latest venture, a beautiful all-day bistro<br />

that shares a wall with his revered inner eastside firstborn, Le Pigeon.<br />

Café by day, spirited wine and cocktail bar by night, Canard’s menu is<br />

ambitious and playful—dunes of golden uni and avocado lay atop Texas<br />

toast fingers, oeufs en mayonnaise buried in trout roe and bacon sit in a<br />

swirl of smoky maple syrup, and there’s as much buzz about the classic<br />

American cheese and pickles-piled steamburgers as the Swordfish Oscar.<br />

Naturally, foie gras makes its mark on Rucker’s menu, this time in the<br />

form of a trio of dumplings crowned with miso-roasted shallots. Coowner<br />

and sommelier Andy Fortgang oversees the glass-pour-heavy wine<br />

list, while bar manager Aaron Zieske crafts uncommon cocktails like the<br />

Foie Turn, a decadent mix of foie gras fat-washed bourbon, Sauternes,<br />

apricot brandy and sherry, and Breakfast of Champions, made with<br />

gin, caper brine, dry vermouth and celery bitters (oyster side optional).<br />

Speaking of booze and bivalves, happy hour features half-off oysters and<br />

$5 aperitifs, a fitting preamble to your ducketta with pineapple chutney<br />

… or steamburger.<br />

734 E BURNSIDE ST.<br />


canardpdx.com<br />

Canard’s uni Texas toast.<br />

32 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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farm to table<br />

Farm to Table<br />

Goodness Grape-cious<br />

Against the odds, Oregon table grapes<br />

written by Sophia McDonald<br />

photography by Carly Diaz<br />

“When nobody’s<br />

doing something, and<br />

they tell you you can’t,<br />

that’s about the time<br />

I’m gonna try.”<br />

— Mike Satterstrom<br />

34 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

farm to table<br />

AT LEFT Mike Satterstrom stands in the vineyard at Coast Fork Vineyard and Berry Farm. There are more than a dozen varieties of Oregon table grapes on Satterstrom’s farm.<br />

STRING THE WORDS “Oregon” and “grapes” together and most people immediately visualize the vines that<br />

run up and down hillsides in the state’s many wine regions. Those with a good knowledge of native plants may<br />

cite the prickly, yellow-flowered state plant instead. Few will call out the table grapes that come into season in<br />

<strong>August</strong>. That’s because for most people, grapes for snacking and cooking come from California and must be<br />

bought in plastic pouches in grocery stores.<br />

But those willing to wait for the Oregon crop will discover<br />

a whole different side to grapes: something as sticky and juicy<br />

as the first summer peaches—a fruit capable of sending juice<br />

dripping down your chin and becoming as addictive as the<br />

best berries.<br />

Just as Oregon wine grape growers are now giving their<br />

colleagues in California a run for their money, the Oregon table<br />

grape industry hopes to someday do the same—likely not in<br />

terms of quantity, but certainly in terms of quality.<br />

Mike Satterstrom with Coast Fork Vineyard and Berry Farm<br />

in Cottage Grove is one of those growers. From his 35-acre<br />

property near where the Row River meets the Willamette, he<br />

explained that he learned to cultivate this unusual (for Oregon)<br />

crop on the competitor’s soil. For much of his life, he grew<br />

raisin grapes in California’s San Joaquin Valley. He also had a<br />

pumpkin patch that offered hay rides and other festivities in<br />

the fall. The agritourism arm of his business meant long hours<br />

come October, and a heart attack eventually forced him to slow<br />

down. At his wife’s insistence, they sold their farm in California<br />

and bought one in Oregon.<br />

“I was supposed to retire. That didn’t happen,” Satterstrom<br />

said. Instead, he planted berries and table grapes. People<br />

advised him against the latter, but he ignored them. “When<br />

nobody’s doing something, and they tell you you can’t, that’s<br />

about the time I’m gonna try.”<br />

Growing grapes requires a year-round commitment. The<br />

vines must be pruned during their dormant period in the<br />

winter. After bud break in April there’s more pruning and other<br />

maintenance, although less so here than in Satterstrom’s old<br />

home. “The vines here are so clean compared to California,” he<br />

remarked. “There are fewer bugs and less dirt.” He can mow for<br />

weed control rather than using sprays.<br />

Harvest can begin as early as <strong>August</strong> and typically concludes<br />

in mid-October. Satterstrom’s season is extended by the fact that<br />

he has more than a dozen varieties strung between T-shaped<br />

trellises on his farm. Some, like reddish-purple Jupiter, have<br />

an oblong shape like the grapes shoppers are used to<br />

finding in supermarkets. Others, such as pale green<br />

Lakemont and Interlaken and blackish-blue Mars<br />

and Venus, are more akin to those found in backyard<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 35

farm to table<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT A worker harvests grapes in October. Coast Fork Vineyard and Berry Farm grows a number of grape varieties. The vineyard in Cottage Grove.<br />

gardens. His favorite is an unnamed black grape developed at<br />

Cornell University that makes a dusky blue jelly.<br />

When harvest is done, Satterstrom has no problem selling<br />

his bounty to wholesalers. “The Northwest wants table grapes,”<br />

he said. “They’re more valuable here than in California because<br />

for them, grapes are a commodity. Here, they’re still a rarity.”<br />

It’s likely, though, that such a statement won’t be true forever.<br />

Since the table grape industry in Oregon is still in its infancy,<br />

no one tracks growers or total production. What is known is<br />

that most Oregon table grapes are grown in the Willamette<br />

Valley or Columbia Gorge, and they tend to be a marginally<br />

profitable side crop. “If you’re a farmer growing berries, most<br />

of your other varieties are done by [late summer],” said Amanda<br />

Vance, a research assistant in the horticulture department<br />

at Oregon State University who specializes in table grapes.<br />

“Grapes are a nice addition to a diversified small farm.”<br />

Although grapes are most commonly a snack food, there are<br />

many options for cooking with them. Chef Darrell Henrichs<br />

with 10Below in Bend said of his chicken veronique recipe, “It<br />

truly is an old classic that has robust flavors from the tarragon<br />

and a crisp finish from the grapes. I prefer using red grapes, for<br />

they give the sauce a pink color that makes a nice backdrop for<br />

the chive garnish.”<br />

Sweet grapes can also be used in desserts such as the grape<br />

crostata from Alisha Falkenstein, pastry chef at Il Solito in<br />

Portland. The fruit is piled in the center of a pastry crust that<br />

holds in the delectable juices.<br />

For something completely different, try Urdaneta chef<br />

Javier Canteras’s ajo blanco with green grapes. Ajo blanco is<br />

a cold gazpacho made with almonds, sherry vinegar and dayold<br />

bread. Grapes add sweet flavor to this unusual, delicious<br />

summer delicacy.<br />

36 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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farm to table<br />

Oregon Recipes<br />

Grape Creations<br />


Urdaneta’s ajo blanco with green<br />

grapes. Chicken Veronique from<br />

10Below. Il Solito’s grape and<br />

frangipane crostata.<br />

38 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

farm to table<br />

Ajo Blanco with Green Grapes<br />

PORTLAND / Urdaneta<br />

Javier Canteras<br />

SERVES 6-8<br />

1½ cups blanched almonds<br />

2 2-inch slices of day old baguette, toasted<br />

6 peeled garlic cloves<br />

6½ cups cold spring water<br />

1 cup extra virgin olive oil<br />

2 tablespoons sherry vinegar<br />

Zest and juice of 1 lemon<br />

1 tablespoon sea salt<br />

24 green grapes, halved<br />

Spanish smoked paprika<br />

Extra virgin olive oil for garnishing<br />

Place all ingredients except for the grapes, paprika<br />

and olive oil in a blender and puree until very<br />

smooth, about 1 minute. Strain the soup through<br />

a fine mesh strainer and chill in the refrigerator<br />

for 1 hour. Divide soup into six to eight bowls<br />

and garnish with the halved green grapes and a<br />

dusting of smoked paprika. Finish the dish with a<br />

drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.<br />

Chicken Veronique<br />

BEND / 10Below<br />

Darrell Henrichs<br />

SERVES 2<br />

2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves<br />

2 tablespoons butter<br />

1 shallot, chopped<br />

2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon<br />

1 teaspoon orange zest<br />

⅔ cup small green and/or red seedless<br />

grapes, cut in half<br />

½ cup dry white wine<br />

½ cup whipping cream<br />

Thin-cut chives for garnish<br />

Cut or butterfly chicken lengthwise so it is all the<br />

same thickness. Salt and pepper chicken breasts.<br />

Melt butter in heavy medium skillet over mediumhigh<br />

heat. Add chicken breasts to butter and sauté<br />

until brown and cooked through, about 3 minutes<br />

per side. Transfer chicken breasts to plates.<br />

Add shallot, tarragon and orange zest to<br />

drippings in skillet. Sauté over medium-high heat<br />

until shallot begins to soften, about 2 minutes.<br />

Add grapes, wine and cream and boil until sauce<br />

thickens enough to coat spoon, about 5 minutes.<br />

Season sauce with salt and pepper. Spoon sauce<br />

over chicken and serve.<br />

Grape & Frangipane Crostata<br />

PORTLAND / Il Solito<br />

Alisha Falkenstein<br />


1½ cups all-purpose flour<br />

¼ teaspoon salt<br />

1 teaspoon granulated sugar<br />

4 ounces unsalted butter, cold<br />

4-5 tablespoons cold water<br />


¾ cup unsalted butter, softened<br />

¾ cup granulated sugar<br />

¾ cup almond flour<br />

1 lemon, zested<br />

1 egg<br />

¼ teaspoon vanilla extract<br />

¼ teaspoon almond extract<br />


13 ounces whole red seedless grapes, about 25 grapes<br />

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil<br />

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon<br />

2 tablespoons granulated sugar<br />

1 teaspoon coarse sea salt<br />


Combine dry ingredients and cut in the cold butter using<br />

your hands, until the mixture resembles a coarse cornmeal.<br />

Slowly add cold water just until dough starts to form. You<br />

may not need all of the water. Keep mixing until dough is<br />

just combined, but do not overmix as it will lead to a tough<br />

crust. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour,<br />

or overnight.<br />


In a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream butter,<br />

sugar, almond flour and lemon zest together. Slowly add in<br />

egg, vanilla extract and almond extract. Scrape the bottom of<br />

the bowl and mix until smooth.<br />


Combine all ingredients, and toss together. Be sure the grapes<br />

are evenly covered.<br />

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. If the pie dough was<br />

refrigerated overnight, let it sit out to soften just enough to<br />

easily roll out. Roll dough on a floured surface into as much<br />

of a circle as possible. Roll dough so it is ¼-inch thick, then<br />

cut dough to make into an even circle. Place rolled dough on<br />

a parchment lined sheet pan.<br />

Spread frangipane on prepared dough, being sure to leave<br />

a 1-inch border on the outside edge. Evenly arrange grape<br />

mixture on top of the frangipane. Fold dough over grapes,<br />

creating about a 1-inch wide crust. Brush with egg wash or<br />

heavy cream, sprinkle with turbinado or granulated sugar.<br />

Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce temperature<br />

to 350 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes or until crust<br />

is golden brown and the grapes begin to split. Let cool slightly,<br />

then serve with vanilla bean ice cream or whipped cream.<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 39

farm to table<br />

Home Grown Chef<br />

Grape Expectations<br />

written by Thor Erickson<br />

photography by Charlotte Dupont<br />

MY DAD WOKE me up at 5 a.m..<br />

He and I had slept on the floor of our<br />

’71 Dodge van—my three sisters had<br />

gotten the royal treatment and slept<br />

on the seats. Hitched to the back of<br />

the van was a 5-yard grape gondola<br />

that we had picked up the night<br />

before. After a quick breakfast of<br />

day-old pastries and oranges, my dad<br />

handed out gloves and curved bladed<br />

knives. The sun was already warm and<br />

getting warmer on the mid-<strong>August</strong><br />

morning. We were picking grapes.<br />

My family owned a (very) small<br />

winery, and every year made the<br />

journey to pick the grapes, which we<br />

would later crush and press, yielding<br />

the juice that would become wine.<br />

If we filled the gondola by lunchtime,<br />

a picnic under a shady tree would<br />

be the reward. I very quickly began<br />

picking grapes, placing each plump<br />

bunch into a green pickle bucket. I<br />

filled my first 5-gallon bucket and<br />

dumped it carefully into the gondola.<br />

The emptiness of the big trailer was<br />

expansive. It seemed as if we would<br />

never fill it. After my third bucket<br />

was dumped in, I stopped looking and<br />

just kept picking grapes and dumping<br />

them in. My sisters were working at<br />

a much slower pace and seemed to<br />

be complaining a lot. Soon a group<br />

of “professional” grape pickers was<br />

around us, picking grapes for another<br />

winery. “We’ll never get that picnic,” I<br />

said to myself. My 11-year-old hands<br />

started moving more quickly. I began<br />

running to the gondola, my bucket<br />

brimming with grapes. I soon needed<br />

to travel farther into the vineyard to<br />

get grapes, making my travel time to<br />

the trailer even longer. My neck and<br />

ears were becoming sunburned. This<br />

was not what I had signed up for.<br />

As the day moved on, I kept<br />

working and soon lost track of time.<br />

My dad called to me as I dumped a<br />

bucket of grapes into the seemingly<br />

full gondola. “Come and have lunch,”<br />

he yelled. I stopped and joined my<br />

sisters, who looked as if they had<br />

already been enjoying lunch for a<br />

while. While enjoying the picnic, I<br />

pondered the trailer full of grapes and<br />

what they would become.<br />

Columbia River King Salmon<br />

with Roasted Grapes<br />

Thor Erickson<br />


2 large bunch red seedless grapes<br />

4 tablespoons olive oil, divided<br />

8 sprigs fresh thyme<br />

Salt and pepper to taste<br />

Zest of one lemon<br />

2 pounds wild Columbia River<br />

King Salmon, divided into four<br />

8-ounce pieces<br />

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place grapes<br />

on a baking tray and toss with 1 tablespoon<br />

olive oil. Season lightly with salt and pepper.<br />

Roast grapes for 15 to 20 minutes or until<br />

softened and beginning to caramelize.<br />

Remove from heat and set aside.<br />

Season salmon with salt and pepper. Add<br />

remaining olive oil to a cast iron skillet over<br />

medium-high heat. When oil is hot but not<br />

smoking, add salmon and cook for about 3 to<br />

4 minutes on each side. The salmon is perfect<br />

when the internal temperature reaches<br />

135 degrees.<br />

Transfer salmon to plates and top with<br />

roasted grapes. Garnish with fresh thyme<br />

leaves and fresh grated lemon zest.<br />

40 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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home + design<br />

New Beginnings<br />

Oregon designers reinvent classic buildings<br />

BELOW After a fire, Office 52 Architecture<br />

redesigned and rebuilt a friend’s Foursquare<br />

with modern touches.<br />

written by Melissa Dalton<br />

A Modern Foursquare in Southeast Portland<br />

WALK DOWN ANY street in inner Southeast Portland and you’ll see the Foursquare. As a popular build<br />

after the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition of 1905, Foursquares stand two-and-a-half stories high,<br />

usually have a wide front porch, and eschew the ornate flourish common to their Victorian predecessors.<br />

Even the name is straightforward, referring to the four boxy rooms on the main level. “The Foursquare is<br />

a classic Portland typology,” said architect Isaac Campbell, who runs Office 52 Architecture with partner,<br />

architect Michelle LaFoe. “The only house we have more of are bungalows.”<br />

In 2013, close friends of the pair lost their 1906<br />

Foursquare in a devastating fire that occurred when the<br />

family was out. “The family got back from dinner and the<br />

house was engulfed,” Campbell said. Afterward, friends and<br />

neighbors immediately pitched in to help rebuild, including<br />

Campbell and LaFoe. “The house was still standing but the<br />

smoke and fire damage was such that it wasn’t salvageable,”<br />

Campbell said. “We stepped forward to design the house<br />

and reimagine what it could be.”<br />

At the beginning of the process, the family thought they<br />

might like to build something very modern. But they soon<br />

realized that such a design wouldn’t fit with the feel of<br />

the Sunnyside block they had lived on for a decade. “That<br />

became interesting for the project,” Campbell said. “How<br />

do we give the family what they need—a modern house—<br />

but also keep it respectful of the neighborhood in terms<br />

of its massing and materials?” Their answer was a modern<br />

Foursquare, built on the foundation of the old, but tweaked<br />

in strategic ways.<br />

To start, the architects expanded the original Foursquare<br />

layout into a six-square, adding depth but not<br />

width to the building, so that from the sidewalk<br />

the house appears to sit much as it did before.<br />

Then they nudged up the roof height just 3 feet,<br />

Office 52 Architecture<br />

42 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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PORTLAND 1235 W. Burnside St. TUALATIN 18862 SW Teton Ave. BEND 937 Newport Ave.

home + design<br />

FROM TOP The Foursquare’s living room<br />

now flows into the dining and kitchen<br />

spaces. The new home’s exterior.<br />

Photos: Office 52 Architecture<br />

which enabled them to slip in an occupiable third floor, and<br />

insert more bathrooms, bedrooms and storage throughout.<br />

The main floor retains the previous Foursquare’s room<br />

placement, only now the living, dining, and kitchen spaces flow<br />

into one another, and a wide tri-fold door opens the interior to<br />

the backyard.<br />

A vital alteration to the original Foursquare plan was the<br />

location of the staircase. “The stair in the old house had been<br />

tucked into the corner by the entry. It was difficult to keep it<br />

there because it didn’t meet code,” Campbell said. The architects<br />

moved the staircase to the center of the home and capped it<br />

with six skylights in the roof, so that now “light cascades all the<br />

way down through the house,” Campbell said. “With three kids,<br />

it also allows them to hear what’s going on between floors.” On<br />

the third floor, a new laidback family room soaks up the sun, its<br />

windows capturing fantastic city views that hadn’t previously<br />

been accessible in the attic.<br />

Construction finished in 2015, with the new Foursquare’s<br />

completion a catharsis for the family. “They wanted<br />

the new house to have memories of the old house,”<br />

Campbell said. “It’s a house that is respectful of its<br />

neighborhood and past, but also forward-looking.”<br />

44 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>


Bend, Oregon<br />

“Amazing agent; our experience couldn't<br />

have been better. We had the smoothest<br />

transaction—all made possible by Natalie and<br />

her assistant’s quick and accurate responses.<br />

No detail is left unchecked with these two on<br />

your side. I'm originally from the Bay Area and<br />

we do things at a speed that Natalie and Laura<br />

not only kept up with but surprised us!!!! I'd<br />

recommend them to anyone without hesitation!!!”<br />

—JB<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

1186 NW<br />

Redfield Cir.<br />

$2,100,000<br />

F<br />

2452 NW<br />

Drouillard Ave.<br />

$849,000<br />

C<br />

B<br />

60470<br />

G 2459 NW<br />

Arnold Market Rd. Crossing Dr.<br />

$1,700,000 $667,000<br />

E<br />

C 2702 NW H 20398<br />

Collett Way Big Bear Ct.<br />

$1,180,000 $600,000<br />

D<br />

F<br />

D 61385<br />

I 20157<br />

Meeks Trail Stonegate Dr.<br />

$1,150,000 $509,000<br />

E<br />

1844 NW<br />

Perspective Dr.<br />

$985,000<br />

J 1222 NW<br />

Davenport Ave.<br />

$505,000<br />

I<br />

G<br />

H<br />

Brokers are Licensed in the State of Oregon.<br />

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Natalie Vandenborn, Broker<br />

541.508.9581<br />

nvandenborn@gmail.com<br />


home + design<br />

Photos: Cheryl McIntosh/greatthingsaredone.com<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT The barn’s exterior was painted red to give it character. The fireplace’s<br />

chimney is in a faux watertower. A lookout tower gives room to take in the views of the mountains.<br />

A Refreshed Barn in Tumalo<br />

Sometimes it takes a little elbow grease to reveal a building’s<br />

character. Such was the case with this rustic barn on a Tumalo<br />

ranch. The barn’s second floor had been converted into a<br />

slapdash one-bedroom apartment of an indeterminate era.<br />

Basic finishes, like knotty pine paneling with a waxy sheen<br />

and blah beige carpeting, did nothing to evoke the barn’s<br />

provenance or show off the fantastic views of the Three Sisters<br />

and surrounding ranch land. Neither did the exterior fare any<br />

better: “It was brown on brown on brown,” said Alexandria<br />

Reid, an interior designer with the Bend-based firm Legum<br />

Design. In 2015, Reid and contractor Kevin Rea, owner of Rea<br />

Company Homes, teamed up with the homeowners to gut<br />

the “remuddle” and tap the building’s potential.<br />

Throughout the eight-month remodel, the team’s top<br />

priority was to ensure the barn’s interior and exterior meshed.<br />

“The idea was to redo it but not have it look like we redid it.<br />

The client wanted it to be fresh, but he didn’t want it to be<br />

out of character,” Reid said. To that end, the exterior received<br />

new siding and a coat of traditional red stain, X-panel doors<br />

and all new windows. Then the waxy paneling and lackluster<br />

drywall inside was replaced with vertical whitewashed, handdistressed<br />

pine planks, and cedar paneling and a series of Fir<br />

collar ties at the ceiling. “There’s no sheetrock in the whole<br />

place,” Rea said.<br />

Two additional moves fulfilled the design ethos. First, the<br />

team rebuilt the staircase leading to the barn’s third-story<br />

observation tower. Metal accents, via steel mesh panels and<br />

a custom railing, deliver cool contrast to the wealth of wood.<br />

The fireplace feature proved a bit more tricky, Reid said:<br />

“We asked, ‘How do we get this to speak to the rest of the<br />

house?’ We wanted it to feel purposeful.” The solution was the<br />

addition of a faux exterior water tower with metal banding,<br />

its barrel carried inside so as to provide a striking focal point<br />

to the open layout, as well as a chimney for the fireplace<br />

to vent.<br />

Choosing colors was a balancing act between the deep red<br />

of the kitchen cabinets and the blue tones in the chic living<br />

room upholstery.<br />

“The pop of red is the only super warm tone that we have in<br />

the remodel,” said Reid. “It definitely gives you that barn feel<br />

to have the red kitchen.” Concrete countertops, a sheet metal<br />

backsplash, and a custom metal stove hood temper the fiery<br />

hue and sync up with the bespoke metal fireplace surround<br />

and staircase.<br />

In the lookout tower, walls sheathed in cedar and a counter<br />

fashioned from a chunk of juniper picked up in the desert<br />

create a cozy nook to appreciate the views. “The tower is<br />

the best spot ever to drink your coffee in the morning,” Reid<br />

said. In fact, since the remodel wrapped, the guest digs have<br />

become the preferred retreat for the homeowners. “They<br />

started staying there because they loved it so much,” Reid<br />

said. “It’s like you’re in your own world.”<br />


For more home and design photos, go to <strong>1859</strong>magazine.com<br />

46 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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1817129 © Touchmark, LLC, all rights reserved

home + design<br />

Cheryl McIntosh/greatthingsaredone.com<br />

If you like the look of the Tumalo barn<br />

remodel’s concrete countertops, consider<br />

trying a concrete veneer in your own home.<br />

DIY: Concrete Veneer Countertops<br />

CONCRETE IS A VERSATILE MATERIAL. It acts as a modern accent on the kitchen counters in the Portland<br />

Foursquare and also adds an industrial element to the Tumalo barn. If you’re looking to spruce up your own<br />

kitchen countertops and want to bring concrete into the mix, consider concrete veneer. Whereas pouring and<br />

forming concrete counters is much more time-intensive, applying concrete veneer over existing surfaces, like<br />

laminate or tile, is a temporary upgrade that can be done over a few days. Here are the basic steps:<br />

1<br />



2<br />

Ardex Feather Finish (available on Amazon) is a<br />

popular choice among industrious bloggers who<br />

have done this project. There’s also SkimStone, a<br />

hybridized cement coating available in store and<br />

online at the Portland-based specialty finishes shop<br />

Brush & Trowel. Be sure to read all manufacturer<br />

instructions before applying any product.<br />


Surface prep will depend on the substrate being<br />

covered and the product used. For instance,<br />

SkimStone recommends applying a base coat<br />

of its Bonding Primer over existing counters to<br />

give the veneer purchase. Other products might<br />

require the surface be sanded first. Make sure<br />

the substrate is clean of dust and grease before<br />

moving on.<br />

4<br />

Spread a thin layer of concrete veneer over the<br />

countertop with a trowel, making sure to hold it at<br />

a consistent angle and use steady pressure. Allow<br />

the coat to dry completely and sand gently between<br />

layers. Sanding creates a lot of dust, so wear safety<br />

glasses and a mask. Depending on the product and<br />

the look you’re after, the process typically requires<br />

several rounds of application.<br />


Choose a food-safe sealer for kitchens and test<br />

before using to see if it changes the color of the<br />

concrete. Follow manufacturer instructions, which<br />

will typically include applying several coats with a<br />

brush or roller, so the sealer fully penetrates and<br />

covers the concrete coating. Be sure to let the<br />

countertop cure before heavy use.<br />

48 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

home + design<br />

A Rustic Revamp<br />

Homey pieces for a barn makeover look<br />

Upgrade the living room sofa with a Frazada de los<br />

Andes Throw, a vibrant handwoven blanket sourced<br />

from South America and exclusively available from L<br />

Market, the shop filled with handpicked items from<br />

the designers at Legum Design.<br />

In 2012, designer and Wallowa County native<br />

Tyler Hays purchased the 107-year-old M. Crow<br />

& Co. General Store in Lostine to prevent its<br />

closure. Today he stocks its shelves with unique<br />

home goods and his custom designs, like this<br />

rustic pitcher shaped from Wallowa County clay<br />

in Hays’ Philadelphia studio.<br />

mcrowcompany.com<br />

shoplmarket.com<br />

Keeping it hyperlocal could be the<br />

motto of Eugene-based woodworkers<br />

Urban Lumber Co. The studio salvages<br />

wood in the Eugene metropolitan area,<br />

mills it in Springfield, then designs and<br />

builds furniture. We like the lines of<br />

the Live Edge Cedar and Steel Bench<br />

for how it marries the organic curve of<br />

the wood seat with the strict geometry<br />

of the custom steel plate base.<br />

urbanlumber.co<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 49

mind + body<br />

Feel the Burn<br />

Jessi Duley builds a fitness empire<br />

while balancing a hectic home<br />

written by Mackenzie Wilson<br />

Jessi Duley<br />

Owner, BurnCycle<br />

Age: 36<br />

Born: Portland<br />

Residence: Portland<br />


I do spin three days a week and<br />

strength train two to three times<br />

a week. I’ve been an avid spinner<br />

for years, hence why I started<br />

BurnCycle. But after I had my son,<br />

Fox, I realized my body needed<br />

more, which is why I opened my<br />

cross-training studio, The Lab.<br />


Backup bananas because we go<br />

through about a bushel a day in the<br />

Duley house. Emergency burritos<br />

and wine in a can because I have<br />

too much energy and too many<br />

kids to put it in a glass and not<br />

break it.<br />


Anyone actually doing something<br />

inspires me, but I also make it a<br />

point in my life to find mentors.<br />

Investing in people and seeing their<br />

growth really inspires me, too.<br />

I have to give credit where credit<br />

is due. A lot of what has allowed<br />

me to live this lifestyle is my<br />

partner. He is an entrepreneur as<br />

well and has been at it longer than<br />

me, so he helps guide me on this<br />

crazy path.<br />

EVENTS<br />

<strong>July</strong> 22: The Summer of Joy Games<br />

A decathlon at Portland’s<br />

Providence Park to benefit the<br />

Children’s Cancer Association. Sign<br />

up at burn-cycle.com.

mind + body<br />

IMAGINE OPENING three businesses in two<br />

states in less than five years. Jessi Duley did all<br />

that while raising three kids under the age of 5.<br />

In 2008, she moved to Oregon after traveling<br />

through India and Nepal, where she was doing<br />

some soul searching. “It was kind of like a snow<br />

globe moment where you need the world to flip<br />

you upside down, kick the shit out of you and then<br />

you put yourself back together and go figure out<br />

where you’re going to land,” Duley said. “I decided<br />

to come back to Portland.”<br />

She returned to a career in TV and film<br />

production and that’s when the epiphany—“This is<br />

not my life”—hit her. A month later, she’d created<br />

a business plan for a cycling studio. Duley opened<br />

BurnCycle in Portland’s Pearl District at the end of<br />

September 2013. By February 2014, the business had<br />

hit her 2015 projections. “It was the entrepreneurial<br />

dream,” Duley said.<br />

Part of her success came from striking while the<br />

iron was hot. She says she launched BurnCycle<br />

right when boutique fitness was hitting the scene<br />

in Oregon. Her quest to create big moments was<br />

the other key component to BurnCycle taking off.<br />

“Anything I do, I just have to go big,” she said. “I just<br />

live for the boom.”<br />

BurnCycle offers a forty-five minute, full-body<br />

workout on a stationary bike, with music and<br />

an instructor.<br />

Duley doesn’t make a big deal of the fact that<br />

she had her first child a month before opening<br />

BurnCycle, but she’ll gush about how it prepared<br />

her to help others along their own fitness journey. “I<br />

gained 42 pounds with my first pregnancy, then we<br />

opened our doors and I couldn’t physically do the<br />

physical fitness that I was trying to sell,” Duley said.<br />

Finding time to work out solidified the concept of<br />

self-care for her.<br />

When it comes to fitness, nutrition and the<br />

elusive work-life balance, Duley believes in giveand-take.<br />

She shops on the perimeter of the grocery<br />

store where the less processed foods are and she’s<br />

OK with eating off her kids’ plates when the night<br />

calls for dino-nuggets. She crosstrains to combat the<br />

effects of a go-go-go lifestyle. As an entrepreneur,<br />

she’s realized working past midnight doesn’t do her,<br />

her business or her family any favors.<br />

“I’m trying to find moments of contentment,”<br />

Duley said. “I’m so grateful to have been given this<br />

platform to be able to do what we’re doing and give<br />

the community this space because if it was just<br />

me or just the instructors, we wouldn’t be doing<br />

anything. … Everybody else meets us halfway and<br />

that’s where the magic happens.”<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 51

artist in residence<br />

Songwriter Roger Nichols sits at<br />

the piano in his home in Bend.<br />

He’s Only Just Begun<br />

Bend man made, and still makes, iconic music<br />

written by Holly Hutchins<br />

photography by Joe Kline<br />

IT STARTED AS a Crocker Bank TV commercial. It evolved<br />

into one of popular music’s most iconic songs, eventually<br />

voted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.<br />

“We’ve Only Just Begun,” made famous by Richard and<br />

Karen Carpenter in 1970, owes its origin to legendary<br />

songwriter and longtime Bend resident Roger Nichols. To<br />

date, this classic has played on the air more than 4 million<br />

times, earning the distinction of being one of the top fifty<br />

songs of the twentieth century.<br />

Over the years, Nichols’ music, co-written with Paul<br />

Williams, Tony Asher, Bill Lane and other notable lyricists,<br />

has been recorded by hundreds of artists worldwide, including<br />

Barbra Streisand, Three Dog Night, Barry Manilow, Paul<br />

Anka, Johnny Mathis and on and on.<br />

Nichols also composed commercial spots for a client<br />

list that reads like a “Who’s Who” of corporate America,<br />

including several commercials for Kodak with lyrist Lane.<br />

One, titled “The Times of Your Life,” became a huge hit for<br />

Paul Anka in 1976.<br />

He earned gold records and nominations for Grammys,<br />

an Emmy and an Academy Award, wrote music for some of<br />

the most famous artists and corporations of all time, then<br />

largely stepped away from the music industry in the 1980s to<br />

live under the radar in Bend. Now he’s back, with his first allinstrumental<br />

album, a collection of new and up-tempo tunes<br />

titled, “Music for the Fun of It.”<br />

Why Bend? His answer in large part is the same that<br />

countless transplants have given over the years—quality of<br />

life. But that was mixed with a dynamic change in the music<br />

industry and a budding interest in real estate. When Karen<br />

Carpenter died in 1983 after a long struggle with anorexia,<br />

Nichols reflected—gone was the warm, melodic sound of The<br />

Carpenters and with it, he felt, the heart and soul of that genre.<br />

It was time for a change. A high school friend living in<br />

Bend introduced him to a commercial real estate<br />

agent who in turn showed him the dilapidated<br />

downtown O’Kane building. “I really wasn’t looking<br />

to do something besides music, but this building<br />

52 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

OCTOBER 11-14, <strong>2018</strong><br />



artist in residence<br />


Roger Nichols has a new<br />

all-instrumental album<br />

that he describes as<br />

a combination of new<br />

tunes and classics that<br />

“are mostly up-tempo.”<br />

“It’s happy music and<br />

just for fun,” he added.<br />

Thus the title, “Music<br />

for the Fun of it.”<br />

He wrote “The Wedding<br />

Procession” at<br />

age 19 when enrolled<br />

in a UCLA piano class.<br />

Not only did he play it<br />

for his final exam, he<br />

orchestrated it later for<br />

his wedding to his wife,<br />

Terri.<br />

“The Winner’s Theme”<br />

is an instrumental<br />

Nichols wrote for NBC<br />

and the 1980 Olympics<br />

in Moscow. The U.S.<br />

boycott of the games<br />

in response to Russia’s<br />

invasion of Afghanistan<br />

meant NBC drastically<br />

cut its coverage, thus<br />

limiting exposure for<br />

Nichols’ theme.<br />

Even so, the song<br />

earned Nichols a<br />

sports music Emmy<br />

nomination.<br />

For television, Nichols<br />

wrote the original theme<br />

music for the popular<br />

“Hart to Hart” series. At<br />

first used as the opening<br />

music, it was later<br />

re-orchestrated for use<br />

in the background during<br />

love scenes.<br />

The CD is available<br />

for purchase by calling<br />

800-235-0471.<br />

and downtown Bend just struck a nerve<br />

with me,” he recalled. In 1985, he bought<br />

the building, saving the 1916 relic from<br />

an impending tear-down, then launched<br />

an elaborate four-year restoration and<br />

got the building on the National Register<br />

of Historic Places. He eventually moved<br />

to Bend in 1988, married his wife, Terri,<br />

and together they raised three daughters,<br />

Claire, Caroline and Caitlin.<br />

“But I’ve always managed to keep my<br />

fingers in music,” he said. Examples include<br />

albums in 2007 and 2012 that include<br />

many of his best-known tunes from the<br />

1960s and 1970s. He also collaborated<br />

with his wife and Dr. Sheila O’Connell-<br />

Roussell to produce a musical in 1992,<br />

“HerStory: The Mother’s Tale,” a portrait<br />

of the mother of Jesus and other women<br />

in the gospels that had more than 100<br />

performances throughout the U.S. and<br />

traveled to Ireland.<br />

Born in Missoula, Montana, Nichols<br />

grew up in Santa Monica, California,<br />

enjoying the musical and artistic influence<br />

of his parents—his mother a classical<br />

pianist and his father an accomplished<br />

photographer and college dance band<br />

saxophone player. Nichols said he got his<br />

first inspiration for songwriting from his<br />

father. “My father was intrigued with many<br />

of the songwriters of the time, particularly<br />

Johnny Mercer,” he said. “Looking back,<br />

he really increased my awareness and<br />

appreciation of good songwriters.”<br />

After graduating from high school,<br />

Nichols put together a singing group<br />

called Roger Nichols and the Small<br />

Circle of Friends. Given an opportunity<br />

to record a couple of demo tapes at one<br />

of Hollywood’s top recording studios,<br />

Nichols remembers being blown away by<br />

the experience. “Once we heard our music<br />

being played back in a professional studio,<br />

we kinda flipped out. This was really cool!”<br />

Others heard the demo tapes, including<br />

musician Herb Alpert. When Alpert<br />

listened to Nichols’ instrumental, “The<br />

Treasure of San Miguel,” he said, “Wow, I<br />

love that tune,” then asked, “Who did you<br />

write it for?” Quick on his feet, Nichols<br />

responded, “I wrote it for you!” This was<br />

Nichols’ breakthrough recording, and<br />

Alpert became one of his biggest fans and<br />

mentors over the years. Soon after, Paul<br />

Williams joined Nichols, their string of<br />

Carpenter hits followed, and the rest is<br />

history. Nichols always wrote the melodies<br />

first, then Williams would write the lyrics.<br />

Their portfolio of Carpenter hits includes<br />

“We’ve Only Just Begun,” “Rainy Days and<br />

Mondays,” “I Won’t Last a Day Without<br />

You,” and “Let Me Be the One.”<br />

When “We’ve Only Just Begun” was<br />

rocketing up the charts, so was another<br />

Nichols-Williams classic, “Out in the<br />

Country” for Three Dog Night. It was<br />

an extremely rare occurrence for any<br />

songwriter to have two smash hits on the<br />

airwaves at the same time.<br />

The accolades have been lavish—he<br />

has three gold records, two Grammy<br />

nominations, one Emmy nomination, a<br />

CLIO award for “Times of Your Life,” and<br />

even an Academy Award nomination for<br />

theme music for the 1971 documentary<br />

short film “Somebody Waiting.”<br />

He has two explanations for his<br />

inspiration. Nichols’ pragmatic answer is<br />

“the phone call.” Nichols tells the story of<br />

when famous songwriter Sammy Kahn was<br />

asked, “What comes first, the words or the<br />

music?” Kahn responded, “the phone call.”<br />

So it was with Nichols—the phone call<br />

from Crocker Bank wanting a song with a<br />

wedding theme, which led to “We’ve Only<br />

Just Begun,” the phone call from Bill Lane<br />

wanting music for a story of photographic<br />

memories for Kodak, all the calls from The<br />

Carpenters. “They were looking for music,<br />

so Paul and I wrote for them.”<br />

His deeper answer is his innate talent.<br />

“I can sit at the piano and write anywhere,<br />

anytime, if I need to or want to. It’s just in<br />

my bones,” he said.<br />

Looking back, Nichols said it was heady<br />

stuff working with Paul Williams and other<br />

supernovas like The Carpenters, Streisand<br />

and Alpert, and said Hollywood was a<br />

gracious, respectful and enjoyable place<br />

to work then. “I really don’t have any bad<br />

memories from Hollywood,” he said. “I<br />

had a good career, moving from one great<br />

artist or project to another, staying busy<br />

and successful, thanks to some wonderful<br />

partners in music.”<br />

54 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>



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STARTUP 58<br />

WHAT’S GOING UP 60<br />




pg. 64<br />

Tools of the trade for a spoonmaker.<br />

Monterey Anthony


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startup<br />

Keeping It Simple<br />

Pop of Joy wants to keep your wedding<br />

manageable, simple and beautiful<br />

written by Sheila G. Miller<br />

WEDDINGS ARE SUPPOSED to be about one thing—two<br />

people declaring their love and commitment to one another.<br />

But over the years, they’ve also morphed into focusing on other<br />

things, like twenty bridesmaids and photo booths and donut<br />

walls and sparkler sendoffs and coordinated dances and multiple<br />

dress changes.<br />

Now, Sharayah Dancer has a plan to bring the meaning back<br />

into focus with her new company, Pop of Joy.<br />

“We want to make sure to make it so easy for brides,” Dancer<br />

said. “Weddings get crazy and so stressful, and there are so<br />

many parts to weddings that people don’t understand until they<br />

start planning.”<br />

Dancer, with a business partner, used to run Blush Events,<br />

a wedding planning company in Salem. But after her business<br />

partner moved to Bend, the pair began to phase out the business<br />

and she chose to focus on Pop of Joy.<br />

Having worked in the wedding industry for about eight years,<br />

at a venue, in catering and rentals, she was well-versed in the<br />

challenges of throwing a wedding on a budget. She had personal<br />

experience, too—her budget when she got married was $3,000.<br />

The pair found that while Blush Events was fun, it wasn’t as busy<br />

as they’d hoped—partly because Salem is simply not as affluent<br />

an area as, say, Portland or Bend. There weren’t a lot of clients<br />

interested in big-budget weddings.<br />

“I wanted to continue working in the wedding industry, and<br />

I wanted to find a way to make affordable weddings for brides,<br />

especially in this area,” Dancer said. “Most of my brides, when I<br />

worked at Blush, their budget was about $25,000. It’s just so hard<br />

to find affordable vendors, and I really wanted to be able to give<br />

them something that was beautiful but still affordable.”<br />

So she used her connections. Dancer, who owns the<br />

company with her husband, relied on mentors in the industry,<br />

and reached out to inexpensive vendors she’d cultivated over<br />

the years. For example, she works with For the Love of Pete,<br />

a Salem company that provides reasonably priced rentals for<br />

weddings and other celebrations.<br />

“We contacted some vendors and people were really excited to<br />

get on board,” she said. “They feel the same way that I do, they all<br />

want to be able to provide affordable weddings to brides.”<br />

The average couple coming to Pop of Joy has a budget between<br />

$2,500 and $3,000. “They’re looking for something that’s a bit more<br />

simple than a traditional wedding,” she said. “They’re more casual.”<br />

Dancer calls it “semi-all inclusive,” as in, you provide the venue,<br />

we’ll provide the rest.<br />

There are three package options, all designed for twenty-four<br />

people to attend—more people means more money. The first<br />

“We want to make<br />

sure to make it so easy<br />

for brides. Weddings get<br />

crazy and so stressful, and<br />

there are so many parts to<br />

weddings that people don’t<br />

understand until they<br />

start planning.”<br />

package, $600, for a two-hour ceremony and reception, includes<br />

an officiant, twenty-four chairs, an arch to get married under,<br />

a table for cake and drinks, and the setup and take down of the<br />

event. More time can also be arranged for a higher cost.<br />

The second package, $1,700, adds in florals including a<br />

bouquet and boutonniere, a cake with plates and utensils,<br />

napkins, champagne flutes, sparkling cider, bottled water and<br />

trash and recycling. The most robust package, $2,500, includes a<br />

photographer. Couples pick flowers and cake flavors.<br />

“We wanted to make sure we were going to be affordable for all<br />

budgets,” Dancer said. “We realized that some brides have family<br />

members to help out, who want to bake a cake, or brides want to<br />

go to the Saturday Market and pick up their own flowers. So we<br />

want to provide the important basics.<br />

“Everyone wants to do something different, so it’s fully<br />

customizable.”<br />

The company is currently planning a wedding on the beach in<br />

Gearhart. “A lot of brides want to get married on the beach but<br />

they don’t quite know how to do it, how to get that set up,” Dancer<br />

said. “Plus, there are very few vendors there.”<br />

For now, the couple picks the venue—often a friend or family<br />

member’s backyard or a park—and she brings the wedding to<br />

them. Eventually, she hopes to have her own small venue in the<br />

Salem area.<br />

“Something really beautiful, small and simple and with lots of<br />

natural light,” Dancer said. “That’s extremely difficult to find in this<br />

area. We want to provide not just weddings but also do other types<br />

of events, parties and bridal showers.”<br />

In the end, Dancer said, couples will have saved money and had<br />

a beautiful day.<br />

“People can use the money for a house down payment instead<br />

of on one day.”<br />


— Sharayah Dancer, of Pop of Joy<br />

To learn more or to book your pop-up wedding, go to<br />

popofjoyoregon.com<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 59

what’s going up?<br />

FROM TOP The lobby of Framework<br />

will include a bank and an exhbiit about<br />

the building. Framework, a 148-foot-tall<br />

building, will be the first of its kind.<br />

Renderings: LEVER Architecture<br />

Knock On Wood<br />

Building rising in Portland first of its kind<br />

written by Sheila G. Miller<br />

COMING SOON TO Portland’s Pearl District: an all-wood<br />

high-rise building.<br />

The building, called Framework, is expected to be completed<br />

in late 2019 and will be the country’s first timber high-rise,<br />

clocking in at twelve stories and 148 feet tall.<br />

In order to be approved, the building had to undergo extensive<br />

fire and structural testing. It will primarily be built using crosslaminated<br />

timber, which are structural panels consisting of<br />

layers of wood glued at right angles.<br />

The ground floor will be retail, including the Beneficial<br />

State Bank, and will have a “Tall Wood Exhibit” explaining the<br />

project. It will also include a bike room with eighty spaces for<br />

bike parking. The second floor will have community areas and<br />

offices for the bank. The next four floors will be offices, and five<br />

floors above that will have sixty affordable-housing apartments.<br />

The top floor will have a roof deck and garden.<br />

Home Forward—the public housing authority in Multnomah<br />

County—and project^, a commercial real estate developer,<br />

developed the building.<br />

The project was awarded $1.5 million from the U.S. Tall Wood<br />

Building Prize Competition as well as several other prizes.<br />

60 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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what i’m working on<br />

Must Love Dogs<br />

(and Cats and Horses, etc.)<br />

Making animal welfare a priority<br />

interview by Sheila G. Miller<br />

A SPECIAL AGENT commissioned with the Oregon State Police and<br />

employed by the Oregon Humane Society, Austin Wallace is in his<br />

thirteenth year serving in this role. He’s worked in law enforcement<br />

and animal welfare around the country for nearly twenty years.<br />

As a child in Scotland, he grew up with budgies (Scottish slang for<br />

parakeets) and felt a kinship with animals. After an aborted attempt<br />

in the air force, he got into law enforcement, first covering the animal<br />

control officer on vacation and eventually taking over the position<br />

full time. “It wasn’t my main career goal, but it found me,” he said.<br />

The Oregon Humane Society, which this year celebrates its<br />

150th anniversary, receives more than 5,000 calls and emails to its<br />

investigations line each year, and Wallace and the rest of the team<br />

work on more than 1,000 of those. “Call in,” Wallace said. “No matter<br />

how small a concern it is, we’ll always get to it. Whether it’s a dog<br />

without a blanket or water, up to an aggravated abuse crime, we will<br />

treat it with respect and care, and we will always get there.”<br />

Austin Wallace handles animal-abuse investigations.<br />

As an animal lover, does it get difficult<br />

to see so many animals in pain?<br />

It’s the opposite, as odd as that sounds.<br />

I really feel that with my work, I’ve been<br />

able to be that voice for the voiceless.<br />

I’m doing work lot of people would<br />

not necessarily consider serious. Not<br />

everybody considers animal welfare<br />

crimes as bad as person crimes. It’s<br />

awful to see, but I feel like being able<br />

to be a voice for them, I’m proud of it,<br />

even though it can be horrible. It’s like,<br />

by being in this position and staying, I’m<br />

professionalizing it, and I’m spreading<br />

the word. It makes me feel good instead<br />

of bad.<br />

I’m totally sure that there are people<br />

who look at me like I’m a critter cop—<br />

but there are people out there who<br />

really recognize the importance of<br />

what we do.<br />

Are you seeing more or less animal<br />

abuse than you did at the start of<br />

your career?<br />

I’ve definitely seen an increase in<br />

crime, but it’s not a losing battle. The<br />

statistics may go up from year to year,<br />

but to me the crimes have always been<br />

there. It’s more awareness—people are<br />

not getting away with it. There is now<br />

a way to report this stuff anonymously,<br />

and the awareness really gets people<br />

to come out of the woodwork. It used<br />

to be, someone kicked a dog and it<br />

got a broken leg and you said, ‘What a<br />

shame,’ but now there are animals cops<br />

who can investigate this stuff and seize<br />

the animal.<br />

Are there trends in animal abuse that<br />

you’re seeing these days?<br />

When I first came on, you heard a lot<br />

about hoarding situations, huge cat<br />

populations and things like that. It’s<br />

still an issue, but we’ve seen a definite<br />

upswing in aggravated crimes, animals<br />

that have been seriously injured or<br />

killed from violent attacks. And then<br />

we see a lot of malnutrition of horses—<br />

it’s unbelievable the huge increase in<br />

starved horses we’ve seen in the last few<br />

years. A lot of it is a lack of knowledge.<br />

But it really amazes me. I’ve seen some<br />

horrible cases, but I’ve never understood<br />

the idea of, ‘I can’t afford this animal,<br />

and it’s not my fault, so I’m going to let<br />

it starve to death.’ There’s never a need<br />

to let that happen.<br />

So how do we prevent this behavior? Is<br />

there something that works?<br />

One of the biggest things in Oregon that<br />

truly makes a difference is the stipulation<br />

we have that if you, say, starved your<br />

dog or broke its leg, if you’re convicted<br />

in Oregon of that misdemeanor you’re<br />

not allowed to be in possession of an<br />

animal for five years. For certain crimes,<br />

when you cross the threshold with the<br />

number of animals, it becomes a felony.<br />

That possession rule is better than any<br />

jail time on a case.<br />

62 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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my workspace<br />

My Workspace<br />

Carving<br />

Out a Niche<br />

Portland arborist uses<br />

tree waste for spoons<br />

written by Katrina Emery<br />

The Portland Spoon Company<br />

was born out of an excess<br />

of wood and a little hobby.<br />

Russell Clark, a carver, works<br />

by day as an arborist in the<br />

Portland Metro area. From<br />

tending to the dead and<br />

downed trees, he saw so<br />

much wood go through the<br />

chipper that when he picked<br />

up spooncarving he found<br />

himself with a glut of material.<br />

He taught himself from books,<br />

videos and fellow carvers, online<br />

or in person. “The first few were<br />

terrible,” he laughed, but he now<br />

sells the beautiful spoons, ladles<br />

and spatulas online and in a<br />

handful of shops around Portland,<br />

like the Hoyt Arboretum gift shop.<br />

64 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

my workspace<br />

With all the tips and tricks in his arsenal,<br />

and so much passion for the craft, he’s<br />

partnered with Wildcraft Studio School to<br />

teach spoon carving in its Portland studio<br />

space. Four or five times a year, on Sundays,<br />

he helps folks form their first spoons.<br />

Photos: Monterey Anthony<br />

They start with the basics—<br />

how to hold a knife and the<br />

importance of good tools, how<br />

to make safe cuts and not end<br />

up with stitches. They practice<br />

by making a simple butter knife,<br />

then move on to spoons. A firsttime<br />

carver will finish a spoon<br />

in three to four hours—it takes<br />

Clark thirty to forty-five minutes<br />

these days. “Take it slow,”<br />

he advises. “Pay attention.<br />

Don’t get stitches.” Clark’s not<br />

worried about competition—<br />

in fact, he’d love to see more<br />

professional carvers. As for him,<br />

he’ll keep carving.<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 65

game changer<br />

FROM LEFT Fourth of <strong>July</strong> is<br />

a busy time in Independence.<br />

Tracking technology for<br />

agriculture. Independence<br />

installed its own municipal<br />

broadband in 2007.<br />

Independence, Oregon:<br />

City of the Future<br />

How one small town is embracing tech<br />

written by Sheila G. Miller<br />

EVERY FOURTH OF JULY, as many as 25,000 people flock to<br />

the city of Independence—population 9,666—to celebrate the<br />

holiday with a multiday festival.<br />

“The town grinds to a halt,” said Shaun Irvine, the city’s<br />

economic development director. “Staffing is never quite<br />

enough. We needed a way to be more efficient.”<br />

This year, it would be different.<br />

Working with TeamDev, the city plans to create a virtual<br />

situation room to make the festival smarter. Irvine described<br />

it as, essentially, a map of the community with real-time<br />

updates—traffic incidents, police calls, live video streams,<br />

employees’ locations. Garbage can sensors can tell employees<br />

when it’s time to empty them. Employees will be able to<br />

monitor social media. “We’ll be able to know if someone’s in<br />

the park and tweets at a friend that the bathroom is a mess,”<br />

Irvine said. “That will pop up on our screen and we can turn it<br />

into action—send someone to clean the bathroom.”<br />

It’s just one way in which this small, rural community is<br />

putting technology to work and improving life for its citizens.<br />

“We’ve set a North Star goal of being a vibrant, active, rural<br />

community,” Irvine said. “We want to be a place where you can<br />

live, work and play. It’s a common thing that people say, but<br />

everything we’ve done since then has gone toward that goal.”<br />

The city installed its own municipal broadband in 2007<br />

after learning it would take years to get high-speed internet<br />

from a provider.<br />

“We did that with the intent of being on the right side of the<br />

digital divide, and creating economic opportunity,” Irvine said.<br />

“We looked around and we’d gotten great uptake, everybody<br />

was able to download Netflix really fast. But we said, we can do<br />

more with this.”<br />

That’s where the partnership with TeamDev came in. A<br />

European open-source software platform called FIWARE<br />

awarded the city $25,000 to deploy the technology through<br />

its Global City Teams Challenge. The idea is that, after the<br />

festival, the technology can be used for other events and dayto-day<br />

city business.<br />

Or take Independence’s project with Intel, “farm-to-fork<br />

tracking.” Intel has developed a small, cheap sensor that can be<br />

placed in every box tote in a field as a crop is being harvested.<br />

“Then we can monitor environmental conditions,” Irvine<br />

said. “Light, temperature, humidity, the location all the way<br />

from the field to the end user.”<br />

The first trial run was done with Rogue Ales’ nearby hops<br />

farm. The pilot program followed hops as they were harvested<br />

for fresh-hop beer in Independence until they went into the<br />

kettle in Newport.<br />

66 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

game changer<br />

Now Intel will work with a local blueberry farm this summer.<br />

The sensors can determine how long the blueberries sit in the<br />

field, their temperature over time in a refrigerated truck, how<br />

long they sit in a storage facility. More notably, the information<br />

helps food safety—by adding a sort of chain of custody, the<br />

sensor can include the food safety paperwork and a list of every<br />

person who touches the harvest. If the person who harvested<br />

the crop gets sick with a communicable disease a few days after<br />

the harvest, pulling those berries from the shelves becomes<br />

very easy.<br />

The city recently debuted Pacific Power smart meters, which<br />

allow power users to see in real time, in half-hour increments,<br />

how much power they’re using.<br />

“You can really tell, ‘Gee, I’m using a lot of power in this<br />

timeframe. I should think about what we’re doing and see if I<br />

can reduce that,’” Irvine said.<br />

“It gives a lot more detail and information about our own<br />

power usage. And of course it provides a lot of benefits to<br />

Pacific Power—people can report outages and breaks in lines<br />

in a lot more detail.”<br />

Irvine knows there are more opportunities for a small town<br />

with good internet access and open-minded citizens.<br />

“I think in general, with the revitalization efforts, we’ve<br />

fostered a lot of community pride,” Irvine said. “People<br />

remember what it was like in the ’90s and they say, ‘We’ve come<br />

a long way.’ I think the technology just folds into that. People<br />

here recognize that technology is the wave of the future, it’s<br />

what is going to happen. And I think they find it comforting to<br />

know that we are a community that is keeping up with it. We’re<br />

not just putting our heads in the sand.”<br />

Kate Schwarzler is part of that buy-in. She opened Indy<br />

Commons, a coworking space in Independence, about a year<br />

ago. She grew up in Alsea, the kind of town that she assumed<br />

she’d have to move away from in order to get a good job. She did<br />

just that, living in Portland, Seattle and Denver before moving<br />

to Independence, where her parents live.<br />

“My idea was I would end up back in Portland or somewhere<br />

else like that,” she said. “But the quality of life is so nice here, the<br />

traffic and the housing prices. It felt really great to be back in a<br />

smaller, more rural community.”<br />

Schwarzler started a consulting company, but couldn’t<br />

stand working from home. What if there was a coworking<br />

space in town? Now there is, because she started one. She<br />

found a downtown building that had been sitting empty for<br />

a decade, signed up a mix of people, and the rest is history.<br />

Indy Commons hosts the city’s chamber of commerce and<br />

the downtown association’s manager, as well as the state<br />

representative for District 20. There’s also a tax preparer, web<br />

designer, political consultant and others.<br />

“We’re changing people’s perceptions about a small town<br />

main street,” she said. “It doesn’t take long to figure out this is a<br />

community where we’re trying to do things.”<br />

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OREGON’S<br />


A look back, and ahead,<br />

at our state’s best ideas<br />

written by James Sinks<br />

68 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

n the yellowed pages of history, the promise of Oregon bade<br />

explorers to plunge headlong into the rugged—and often damp—<br />

frontier. It was no place for fear of the unknown.<br />

That same unforgiving ethos goes for the Oregon trailblazers of<br />

Ithe business sort.<br />

“The cowards never started and the weak<br />

died along the way,” said Nike cofounder Phil<br />

Knight, in his bestselling memoir, Shoe Dog.<br />

The Oregon economy of today has been<br />

shaped by big thinkers, like Knight and others,<br />

whose ideas and dogged tenacity created<br />

opportunities and jobs by the thousands,<br />

spawned spinoffs, saved lives and—to help<br />

all of us celebrate more effectively—made<br />

vineyards more productive.<br />

Of course, some Oregon inventions are just<br />

plain fun, and tasty.<br />

The beanbag Hacky Sack that helped occupy<br />

the time of countless college students before<br />

dating apps? Created in 1972 in Oregon City.<br />

And marionberries were cobbled together<br />

(genetically) by the fertile minds of crossbreeders<br />

at Oregon State University in<br />

the 1940s.<br />

Sure, when it comes to the world of business<br />

innovation, Oregon lives in the shadow of its<br />

neighboring states.<br />

But don’t let that fool you, says Eric Rosenfeld,<br />

co-founder of the Oregon Venture Fund, which<br />

connects investment capital with promising<br />

tinkerers. “Oregonians have our place on the<br />

cutting edge. We don’t have the same resources<br />

that feed innovation like major research<br />

universities that fuel commercialization, but<br />

that hasn’t stopped some pretty interesting<br />

ideas from starting here.”<br />

Oregon’s innovators benefit from the tailwind<br />

created by pioneers who forged landmark<br />

niche industries, such as Tektronix, he said.<br />

Simultaneously, many in-state entrepreneurs<br />

are thinking bigger than products and services<br />

to do something meaningful.<br />

“The next generation of ideas is pretty<br />

exciting,” Rosenfeld said.<br />

You’ll find innovation from border to border,<br />

in experimental farm plots and kitchens, in<br />

the rugged backcountry of Eastern Oregon,<br />

in university classrooms, and in signature<br />

research centers like the Oregon Translational<br />

Research and Development Institute<br />

(OTRADI), a bioscience incubator perched on<br />

the Willamette River in Portland.<br />

And who knows? Maybe the next<br />

trailblazing Oregon breakthrough is taking<br />

shape in your garage.<br />

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IN THE LATE 1950s, Dr. Albert Starr<br />

was a young cardiovascular surgeon<br />

and a New York transplant who’d been<br />

lured to Oregon to run the cardiac unit<br />

at University of Oregon Medical School,<br />

now OHSU. The idea of salmon fishing<br />

also helped bring him west.<br />

Shortly after he arrived, he met Lowell<br />

Edwards, who’d previously invented a<br />

hydraulic de-barker for logs. Edwards<br />

initially wanted to build an artificial<br />

hydraulic heart at his workshop in<br />

Sandy.<br />

Instead, the two collaborated on a<br />

prosthetic replacement heart valve,<br />

which came to be known as the Starr-<br />

Edwards valve.<br />

Starr performed the first successful<br />

implant in 1960 on a then-52-year-old<br />

truck driver. Initially given just months,<br />

the patient lived healthily for more than<br />

a decade—with his chest making the<br />

telltale click of the working valve—until<br />

falling to his death from a ladder.<br />

“Oregon,” Starr said, “is a great place to<br />

be a pioneer. (The valve) was the biggest<br />

career move of my life because it put me<br />

into a new world of innovation in the<br />

early stages of cardiac surgery, when the<br />

field was just beginning.”<br />

Before the Starr-Edwards valve, no<br />

patient lived longer than three months<br />

after valve-replacement attempts.<br />

Afterward, people lived decades.<br />

The valve is part of the collection<br />

at the Smithsonian National Museum<br />

of American History, and on the<br />

Smithsonian website admirers boast<br />

about the longevity of recipients—one of<br />

them for fifty-one years.<br />

Starr, who has worked at several<br />

Portland area health centers and is a<br />

FROM LEFT Dr. Albert Starr mentors physician<br />

fellows. Starr performs an artificial heart valve surgery.<br />

partner in a clinic, is now back at OHSU.<br />

And he’s still innovating.<br />

“I’m now working on an artificial<br />

heart,” he said.<br />


Fueled by $1 billion in fundraising, the Knight<br />

Cancer Institute at OHSU will assemble at least 250<br />

experts, led by director Dr. Brian Druker, to attempt<br />

to find a cure. The $160 million facility is being built<br />

in Portland’s south waterfront district.<br />

Photos: OHSU<br />


INSPIRATION STRUCK when Joseph<br />

Cox was cutting firewood in 1946. Rather,<br />

it gnawed.<br />

He couldn’t help but notice that a<br />

timber beetle larva in a nearby tree trunk<br />

was having a much easier time going<br />

through the wood than he was.<br />

He disappeared into his basement<br />

shop and, a year later, debuted a steel<br />

saw chain based on the beetle jaws—and<br />

revolutionized wood cutting nationwide.<br />

The name? Oregon Chipper Chains,<br />

which grew into today’s Blount<br />

International, whose workforce includes<br />

900 in Milwaukie and sells product<br />

lines in the forestry, construction and<br />

agricultural sectors.<br />

“I spent several months looking for<br />

nature’s answer to the problem,” Cox said,<br />

in a biography on the company website. “I<br />

found it in the larva of the timber beetle.”<br />

The design of that original chain is still<br />

widely used today, the company says, and<br />

represents one of the biggest influences in<br />

the history of timber harvesting.<br />


The DR Johnson sawmill in Riddle in Southern Oregon<br />

is the nation’s first to earn certification to fabricate<br />

cross-laminated timber panels, a sturdy building<br />

material made of perpendicular and glued beams<br />

rated highly enough for building construction—<br />

giving the state’s timber industry a foothold in midrise<br />

and potentially high-rise construction.<br />

(See What’s Going Up, pg. 60)


TRAVEL TO beaches around the world,<br />

and long sandy stretches are off limits. Yet<br />

you won’t see a “no trespassing” sign on the<br />

entire length of Oregon’s 362-mile coastline.<br />

Whom to thank? Governor Oswald West,<br />

and later, Governor Tom McCall.<br />

More than a century ago, West—who<br />

served from 1911 to 1915—had an audacious<br />

idea that the beach should be a highway<br />

which would then belong to the public in<br />

perpetuity. “No selfish interest should be<br />

permitted, through politics or otherwise, to<br />

destroy or even impair this great birthright<br />

of our people,” he said.<br />

In those days, Oregon’s beaches were not<br />

as important to tourism as they were for<br />

commerce: In some places, the beaches were,<br />

in fact, the roads.<br />

In 1967, McCall led the effort to expand<br />

the Beach Bill by including sand up to the<br />

vegetation line.<br />

The Oregon Coast annually attracts<br />

more than 17 million visitors and their<br />

wallets—adding up to some $1.9 billion<br />

in economic activity.<br />

“The efforts of visionary Oregonians<br />

like Governor Oswald West declaring the<br />

Oregon Coast a highway and Governor<br />

Tom McCall’s effort to pass the Oregon<br />

Beach Bill, have forever preserved an<br />

Oregon icon in true Oregon fashion,” said<br />

Todd Davidson, executive director of<br />

Travel Oregon.<br />


Getting away from it all is harder than it used to<br />

be. As Oregon continues to attract waves of people,<br />

quiet solitude can be a rarity. That’s giving rise to<br />

new opportunities for establishments in remote<br />

destinations—like the Minam River Lodge, accessed<br />

by hiking trail or plane (no road) in the Eagle Cap<br />

Wilderness in northeast Oregon.<br />

FROM TOP Bandon Beach on<br />

the Oregon Coast. Governors<br />

Oswald West and Tom McCall<br />

passed protections to keep<br />

Oregon’s beaches public.<br />

Photos: Oregon Historical Society<br />

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Scott Henry, shown here at Henry<br />

Estate Winery, invented a widely used<br />

trellis system for growing wine grapes.<br />

72 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

You can find examples of Scott Henry’s trellis system at Henry<br />

Estate Winery in Umpqua.<br />

WINE<br />

YOU DON’T need to be a rocket scientist<br />

to grow wine grapes, but for Scott Henry<br />

of Umpqua, it sure didn’t hurt.<br />

An aerospace engineer who was trying<br />

to nurture vineyards at his family’s<br />

homestead north of Roseburg, Henry<br />

wanted to get more sunlight to his grapes<br />

after a wet season in 1982.<br />

So he bent some of his vines in a new<br />

direction: Rather than allowing shoots<br />

to grow normally, he forced half of them<br />

downward and sideways.<br />

It worked. While more time-consuming,<br />

the new method yielded more fruit with<br />

less crowding and better quality. And in a<br />

competitive business like wine growing,<br />

more production per acre matters.<br />

The innovation, known as the Scott<br />

Henry Trellis, grew in popularity and<br />

is now used in similar winegrowing<br />

regions worldwide.<br />

You’re still likely to find Henry, now<br />

81, among the grapes at Henry Estate<br />

Winery when he isn’t consulting for<br />

other vineyards.<br />

Henry didn’t get a patent for his system.<br />

That’s just not his style, said Donna<br />

Reynolds, the winery’s marketing manager.<br />

“He believes in helping everybody make<br />

great wine, because that is making our<br />

world happier,” she said.<br />

Photos: Daniel Stark<br />


A good wine can help cleanse your palate. Soon, bad<br />

wine could help clean your kitchen sink. Researchers<br />

at Oregon State University have discovered a<br />

potential new market for white wine that doesn’t<br />

make the cut for serving: A spray to fight microbes<br />

and food-borne disease.<br />

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Photos: Oregon Historical Society<br />

FROM TOP An early Fred Meyer store. Fred G. Meyer introduced<br />

one-stop shopping that still thrives throughout the West.<br />

RETAIL<br />

FRED G. MEYER, who started out delivering coffee to<br />

timber camps, changed the way Oregonians shop when<br />

he introduced the idea of convenient one-stop shopping.<br />

His insight was profitable in an era when more people<br />

were climbing into cars.<br />

Convenient and sizeable Fred Meyer stores with offstreet<br />

parking multiplied across the state and the West.<br />

After the company was sold to a private equity firm in<br />

1981, it grew to become the nation’s fifth largest food<br />

and drug store operator, with almost 100 stores under<br />

different brands across the western U.S.<br />


The rise of destination bargain retailers pinched neighborhood<br />

corner stores. But in Lisa Sedlar’s vision—and her business plan—<br />

convenience stores are poised for a comeback.<br />

As more Oregonians want to drive less and eat healthier, Sedlar’s<br />

Green Zebra Grocery is breathing new life into the neighborhood store<br />

model, with a healthy twist: fresh, organic food. She calls it a hybrid<br />

of Whole Foods and 7-Eleven. The company, which has three Portland<br />

locations, is looking to expand to 100 stores across the western U.S.<br />

A former CEO of New Seasons Market, she dreamed for years of<br />

making healthy food sales work in a smaller footprint. She says the<br />

name Green Zebra came from a tomato variety that grows well in the<br />

Northwest—also the goal for the niche markets.<br />

74 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

As more Oregonians<br />

want to drive less and<br />

eat healthier, Lisa<br />

Sedlar’s Green Zebra<br />

Grocery is breathing<br />

new life into the<br />

neighborhood store<br />

model.<br />

Daniel Stark<br />

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Photos: Tektronix<br />

Tektronix’s<br />

MSO58<br />

mixed signal<br />

oscilloscope.<br />


WHEN RESEARCHERS at Portland State University<br />

created a celestial metaphor to help visualize the<br />

evolution of Oregon’s high-tech ecosystem, it put<br />

Tektronix at the center of the universe.<br />

Shortly after the company was founded in 1946,<br />

Howard Vollum, one of four original partners, came up<br />

with an advanced oscilloscope to measure the strength<br />

and patterns of high-speed electric waves.<br />

The breakthrough put Oregon on the high-tech map<br />

and catapulted the company to become the world’s top<br />

manufacturer of specialized measurement instruments,<br />

according to the Oregon Historical Society. The<br />

company attracted keen high-tech minds and it also<br />

trained workers via its education program, dubbed the<br />

“University of Tektronix.”<br />

Innovations and talent spun off into startups, making<br />

Tektronix the first sapling in what would become<br />

Oregon’s Silicon Forest. The companies it seeded<br />

included Planar Systems, TriQuint Semiconductors,<br />

PixelWorks and Mentor Graphics. Tektronix also helped<br />

lure Intel to Oregon in the 1970s.<br />

Tektronix’ market dominance and workforce have<br />

fallen since its heyday. But you can’t understate its<br />

importance, said Rosenfeld of the Oregon Venture Fund.<br />

“You can see the signature DNA of Tektronix in how it<br />

shaped the entire region’s tech economy,” he said. “All of<br />

the digital display and imaging companies we have here<br />

may not have started here if not for them.”<br />


A world away from the Silicon Forest, a major investment in Lakeview<br />

could tap the actual forest for jobs. Set to break ground this year, the<br />

Red Rock Biofuels project proposes to convert tons of woody biomass<br />

into renewable jet fuel, with the U.S. Navy as one of the buyers.<br />

FROM TOP Today’s Tektronix campus. Howard Vollum was one of the<br />

company’s four original partners. The first oscilloscope from Tektronix.


IT WAS the waffle iron that could.<br />

The search for a better and lighter<br />

running shoe for sprinters at the<br />

University of Oregon took legendary<br />

coach Bill Bowerman to the kitchen,<br />

where he found the perfect tool to melt<br />

the rubber soles of shoes: A waffle iron.<br />

The resulting shoes—the Waffle Trainer—<br />

were among the early products at the<br />

fledgling company he formed with one of<br />

his middle-distance runners, Phil Knight.<br />

“A shoe must be three things,” he<br />

is quoted as saying on the company’s<br />

website. “It must be light, comfortable,<br />

and it’s got to go the distance.”<br />

Launched in 1964 as Blue Ribbon<br />

Sports and first selling imported shoes,<br />

the company adopted its moniker of Nike<br />

Inc. in the 1970s—named after the Greek<br />

goddess of victory.<br />

With Knight at the helm, Nike became<br />

the world’s leading athletic footwear<br />

maker and supplier, living up to the<br />

company name.<br />

And the waffle iron? Rescued from a<br />

garbage pile, it now lives in a protective<br />

case at Nike’s World Headquarters in<br />

Beaverton.<br />


When it comes to innovation,<br />

it’s a safe bet that Nike will<br />

just do it. Oregon’s cluster of<br />

athletic apparel companies is<br />

churning out patents, and Nike is<br />

leading the charge. According to<br />

Investor’s Business Daily, Nike<br />

was granted almost 500 patents<br />

in 2015 alone and ended the year<br />

with 5,060 issued patents—<br />

more than Ford, Pfizer and<br />

Lockheed Martin.<br />

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WILD<br />

A fifty-year anniversary by the unlikely<br />

victors who saved Hells Canyon<br />

written by Lee Lewis Husk<br />

IN THE LATE 1960S, a small band of passionate,<br />

committed conservationists battled to save Hells Canyon<br />

from additional dams on the Snake River. The odds were<br />

daunting, often described as David versus Goliath. They<br />

faced stiff opposition from forces never before challenged—<br />

public and private hydroelectric power companies of<br />

Oregon, Idaho and Washington, big agriculture and much<br />

of the political power structure at the time, including U.S.<br />

senators and presidents.<br />

78 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Hells Canyon is the deepest<br />

canyon in North America.<br />

ON THE<br />

SIDE<br />

Greater Hells Canyon Council<br />

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The battle raged in court and in Congress from<br />

1967 until 1975, ending when President Gerald<br />

Ford signed legislation introduced by Senator Bob<br />

Packwood, R-Oregon, making the Snake River below<br />

the Hells Canyon Dam a Wild and Scenic River and<br />

creating the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.<br />

By the time the conservationists had their victory,<br />

they’d given hope and the fighting spirit to other<br />

groups lobbying Congress for the Clean Air and the<br />

National Environmental Protections Acts passed in<br />

the 1970s. They’d also won important allies among<br />

diverse groups of people who loved the canyon and<br />

its wild river.<br />

Out of the struggle grew the Hells Canyon<br />

Preservation Council, founded in 1967 and recently<br />

renamed the Greater Hells Canyon Council to reflect<br />

its expanding mission.<br />

Its support was critical to the effort and for<br />

fifty-plus years has carried the banner to protect<br />

North America’s deepest gorge and its surrounding<br />

ecosystems.<br />

Lessons learned from the Hells Canyon campaign<br />

are relevant today as conservationists face off against<br />

the Trump Administration’s denial of climate change,<br />

efforts to turn public lands over to industry for profit<br />

and to reduce the size of public lands within our<br />

national monuments, including the Cascade-Siskiyou<br />

National Monument in southwestern Oregon and<br />

northwestern California.<br />


Though countless individuals contributed to the<br />

victory, two young attorneys stand out for their<br />

temerity and passion.<br />

Brock Evans, then 29 years old, was a new Sierra<br />

Club staff attorney tasked to “do something to save<br />

Hells Canyon from pending dams,” he recalled. There<br />

was no legal precedent for fighting dam building and<br />

at stake were the last 120 miles of the Hells Canyon<br />

inner gorge, which draws the border between<br />

northeast Oregon and Idaho.<br />

A consortium of public power utilities was<br />

appealing before the Supreme Court a decision by<br />

the Federal Power Commission to give the dambuilding<br />

license to private companies. “The license<br />

had already been granted, and the only issue before<br />

the Supreme Court was about who got to do the<br />

terrible deed,” Evans said.<br />

But in a turn of fate, Justice William Douglas<br />

persuaded his fellow justices that the issue wasn’t<br />

who should build the dam but whether there should<br />

be a dam at all. Evans said Douglas’s opinion was a<br />

landmark in American environmental history. “As for<br />

me and our tiny band who wanted to save the canyon,<br />

it represented hope and a fighting chance—if we<br />

could seize it,” Evans wrote in a collection of papers<br />

about the case.<br />

He requested and was granted permission to<br />

present the Sierra Club and Idaho Alpine Club’s side<br />

in hearings before the Federal Power Commission.<br />

Evans described the preliminary hearing before an<br />

FPC trial judge at the Portland Federal Courthouse<br />

on Sept. 27, 1967 this way: “Thirty attorneys gathered<br />

in the ancient dark-oak-paneled courtroom. Twentyeight<br />

favored the dam. My friend, Tom Brucker, an<br />

experienced trial attorney, and I listened as each<br />

party made its opening statement. Lawyer after<br />

lawyer delivered the most compelling speeches<br />

about why there simply had to be this one last dam.<br />

Just before noon, the judge finally got to me. He<br />

leaned over the bench and said harshly, ‘Mr. Evans,<br />

does the Sierra Club really have anything else to add<br />

to these proceedings?’<br />

“‘Well, yes, your honor, if it please the court,’ I<br />

stammered. ‘The Sierra Club believes that the highest<br />

and best use of the Snake River in Hells Canyon is in<br />

its free-flowing, natural state, and we intend to put on<br />

a case that will demonstrate this fact. There are other<br />

ways to provide electric power to the Northwest, but<br />

there is no way to replace what will be lost if the dam<br />

is built.’”<br />

The first volley in court had been fired. As the FPC<br />

hearings proceeded, Evans and the Hells Canyon<br />

Preservation Council simultaneously began to<br />

court D.C. politicians and bring the plight of the<br />

last free-flowing section of the Snake River to the<br />

public’s attention.<br />

In 1969, Evans traveled to Washington, D.C., to<br />

enlist the help of the new Nixon Administration. The<br />

White House sent him over to meet with Rus Train,<br />

the undersecretary of the Department of the Interior.<br />

“We had a wonderful talk, and the administration<br />

changed its position and came out against the dam,”<br />

Evans said.<br />

He also met with freshman senator Packwood.<br />

“Brock came to see me in 1969 about Hells Canyon,”<br />

Packwood recalled. “As a newly elected senator, I was<br />

80 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

The 10-mile-wide canyon has no roads across<br />

it, and only several forest roads in it.<br />

Greater Hells Canyon Council<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 81

The Snake River was declared<br />

Wild and Scenic in 1975.<br />

“Our work today is built on<br />

conservation efforts from<br />

the past fifty years. The<br />

fact that our mission area<br />

remains largely wild is not<br />

just due to chance.”<br />

—Darilyn Parry Brown, executive director<br />

of the Greater Hells Canyon Council<br />

Greater Hells Canyon Council<br />

82 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

ninety-ninth in seniority and not on the relevant<br />

(interior) committee. I had utterly no power, and no<br />

one in Congress would undertake or sponsor a bill. I<br />

was their only choice.”<br />

Packwood began rallying support for his bill to<br />

create a Hells Canyon Recreation Area in 1971, and<br />

the FPC in 1972 granted a dam license to the nowunified<br />

public and private power consortium but<br />

postponed the effective date of the license until late<br />

1975. Both sides believed it would give them time to<br />

press their case in Congress.<br />

Meanwhile, public support to preserve the wild<br />

nature of the canyon gained momentum. Evans<br />

and the Preservation Council engaged in intense<br />

lobbying, taking on the titans of Washington. In a<br />

stroke of political acumen, Packwood convinced<br />

conservative Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arizona,<br />

former presidential candidate, to favor his bill, which<br />

led to a diverse group of senators as cosponsors.<br />

“We provided the Interior Committee chairman the<br />

names of twenty-five sponsors, evenly split between<br />

Ds and Rs,” Packwood said. “On that day, when they<br />

knew we had the votes and within two weeks, they<br />

scheduled hearings in D.C., Lewiston and La Grande.<br />

Everyone knew the battle was over.”<br />

Yet it was another four years before President<br />

Ford signed the bill on Dec. 31, 1975, which<br />

declared the Snake River a Wild and Scenic River,<br />

the dam deauthorized and wilderness areas created<br />

in Seven Devils and Inner Canyon, Imnaha River<br />

and other tributaries included in the 700,000-acre<br />

recreation area.<br />


The La Grande-based Greater Hells Canyon<br />

Council, or GHCC, continues its work to connect,<br />

protect and restore wild lands, waters, native species<br />

and habitats of the greater Hells Canyon region using<br />

such tools as collaboration with public and private<br />

groups, education, litigation and grassroots pressure.<br />

As it celebrates fifty-plus years on the frontline<br />

of public advocacy, it renamed itself to reflect an<br />

expanded mission in the region beyond Hells Canyon.<br />

The 4 million acres currently within its advocacy<br />

include mountains, valleys and river canyons—Hells<br />

Canyon, the Snake River, plus the Seven Devils,<br />

Elkhorn, Wallowa and Blue mountains. This work is<br />

funded by individual members, businesses and private<br />

organizations, such as Patagonia, Meyer Memorial<br />

Trust, Mazamas, Wilburforce, Wildhorse Foundation<br />

and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative.<br />

“The Hells Canyon is the type of place that<br />

inspires people to take action, even those who<br />

might not otherwise go out and work to protect<br />

the environment,” said Greg Dyson of WildEarth<br />

Guardians in Santa Fe. An attorney, he previously<br />

worked at the GHCC for seven years, including five<br />

as its executive director.<br />

The WildEarth Guardians have teamed up with<br />

GHCC to facilitate wildlife connectivity in the greater<br />

Hells Canyon area. “We spend a lot of time in court<br />

ensuring that the Endangered Species Act and the<br />

National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA, aren’t<br />

undermined by Congress,” Dyson said. “We bring<br />

in larger expertise, but GHCC brings important<br />

expertise on the ground and in local relationships.”<br />

“Both organizations are dealing with the current<br />

president who is dead set to hand over our public lands<br />

to industry—coal mining, extractive industries—for<br />

personal gain rather than keeping it the benefit for all<br />

of us,” he said.<br />

One of the council’s newest pushes is the<br />

Wild Connections Campaign. Kirsten Johnson,<br />

development director, said GHCC is working with<br />

scientists to help identify important species and<br />

wildlife corridors to protect within its mission area.<br />

It’s not just about the iconic species, such as moose,<br />

wolves, pronghorn, grouse, salmon and steelhead.<br />

“Species that often fly under the radar, such as<br />

amphibians and insects, are important parts of their<br />

ecosystems and worthy of protection. We’re still<br />

learning about incredibly rare plant species, even<br />

some newly discovered plants in the Blue Mountains,”<br />

she said.<br />

“The greater Hells Canyon area is a national treasure<br />

that deserves to be protected,” said Darilyn Parry<br />

Brown, executive director of the council. “People live<br />

here because there’s a quality of life, and those who<br />

come to recreate do so because it’s such a spectacular<br />

area. Our work today is built on conservation efforts<br />

from the past fifty years. The fact that our mission<br />

area remains largely wild is not just due to chance.”<br />

Looking back over the past half century, early<br />

GHCC member Evans said he lives by the mantra<br />

of endless pressure endlessly applied is what wins.<br />

“Never give up, never quit. Hells Canyon exemplified<br />

that,” he said. “If we quit, we live through fear.”<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 83


JELL-O<br />

photography by Peter Mahar<br />

Lizzy Spanbauer serves up a variety<br />

of creative Jell-O shots from her<br />

recently opened Portland food cart.<br />

84 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE outgrown Flip Cup<br />

and Edward Forty Hands (you have, haven't<br />

you?) doesn't mean you have to step away<br />

from Jell-O shots. Lizzy Spanbauer opened her<br />

food cart, Hell-O Jello, this spring in Portland.<br />

The cart serves up the alcohol-filled treats<br />

with flair—saucy names, silly flavors and all<br />

sorts of designs and toppings.<br />

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86 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Lizzy Spanbauer hangs out at the<br />

Hell-O Jello food truck. Spanbauer serves a variety of creative Jell-O<br />

shots topped with fun decorations, edible glitter and whipped cream.<br />

The Hell-O Jello food truck is outside Crackerjacks Pub & Eatery in<br />

Portland. Customers taste their Jell-O shots.<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 87

CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT Spanbauer laughs with customers at her Portland food truck. Spanbauer is always developing<br />

new flavors, such as cotton candy. Customers select their shots. Reminder: Jell-O shots are not dog-friendly.<br />

88 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>


ADVENTURE 94<br />

LODGING 98<br />

TRIP PLANNER 100<br />


pg. 106<br />

Water rules in Glacier National Park.

V I S I T<br />

Redmond<br />

O R E G O N<br />











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Meet the Locals

A Bone to Pick<br />

Travel Spotlight<br />

A vacation in ‘the pits’<br />

written and photographed by Christine Davis<br />

AN ANNUAL SUMMER paleontological<br />

excavation at Woodburn High School<br />

offers a perfect hands-on educational<br />

holiday for parents and kids who dig<br />

ancient bones and like digging in dirt.<br />

The first discoveries were accidental,<br />

when in 1987 workmen found Pleistocene<br />

bones of giant mammals at a site near the<br />

school. Archaeologists started developing<br />

the site in 1996, hitting pay dirt a couple of<br />

years later when they found the bones of<br />

a giant ice-age bird (teratorn), which was<br />

later determined to be a new species.<br />

In 2004, after the professionals wound<br />

down their work, Woodburn High School<br />

biology teacher Dave Ellingson took over,<br />

leading annual digs for his biology students<br />

as well as community digs open to the<br />

public. His students made the largest and<br />

most exciting find in 2008, unearthing an<br />

almost complete skeleton of an extinct<br />

ice-age bison.<br />

Every year, both groups find ice-age<br />

remnants of leaves, seeds, wood and cones,<br />

as well as the bones of small and large<br />

animals. At last year’s digs, a 12,000-yearold<br />

female bison skull was found, along<br />

with 400 pieces of a large swan.<br />

“What kid isn’t interested in dinosaurs?”<br />

Ellingson asked. “Technically, birds are<br />

dinosaurs. A lot of dinosaurs didn’t go<br />

extinct—they evolved and are closely<br />

related to today’s modern birds.”<br />

People enjoy finding fossils, and Ellingson<br />

likes giving them the opportunity to do so.<br />

Digs will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 14-19.<br />

92 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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adventure<br />

Rogue Ales & Spirits<br />

Adventure<br />

On The Farm<br />

Dare, risk, dream—and harvest<br />

hops at Rogue Brewery’s farm<br />

written by Jeremy Storton<br />

THE SUN HAD not yet risen to its peak<br />

in the late summer sky, but it was already<br />

getting warm. From far off I could see the<br />

unmistakable outline of hop bines reaching<br />

into the sky like beanstalks. The faint smell<br />

of tractor diesel and hop resin greeted me<br />

when I arrived. I came to Rogue Farms in<br />

Independence to witness, firsthand, a hop<br />

harvest and see where my beer comes from.<br />

Somehow I found myself staring nose to<br />

snout with two pigs named Voo and Doo,<br />

named for the Portland doughnut shop<br />

that made bacon maple bars famous. And<br />

to think, none of this would exist<br />

without Rogue Nation’s desire to<br />

dare, risk and dream.<br />

Rogue grows its own<br />

hops in Independence.<br />

94 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

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adventure<br />

FROM LEFT A tractor slices hop bines from the top, then places the bines in a truck. Head brewer John Maier smells a hop. Hops in a processing facility.<br />

Kyle Ward, the farm’s tasting room manager, walked me<br />

through rows of hops that stood 20 feet tall. As if introducing me<br />

to his good friends, he shared a little of their story.<br />

Oregonians have grown hops since before Oregon became a<br />

state in <strong>1859</strong>. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the area<br />

surrounding Independence was the “Hop Center of the World.”<br />

This is because hops grow best within the hop belt at 35 to 50<br />

degrees latitude. Rogue Farms sits right in the sweet spot, at<br />

44 degrees. These days, Oregon is no longer the primary hop<br />

producer, but along with Idaho and especially Washington, the<br />

Northwest dominates the country’s hop production. Compound<br />

this with the fact that Oregon State University has been pioneering<br />

hop research since the 1930s. Dr. Alfred Haunold continued the<br />

work at OSU in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s and created some of the<br />

most prolific and iconically American hops still used today. This<br />

inspired Rogue to grow its own hops, but it was disaster that<br />

spurred the brewery into action.<br />

In 2006, a hop storage facility in Yakima, Washington, caught<br />

fire and quickly decimated 4 percent of the entire nation’s hop<br />

supply. Not long after, hail storms in Germany destroyed even<br />

more hops, which quadrupled the price of what remained.<br />

Brewers did what was necessary. “There was a massive shortage,”<br />

Rogue’s head brewer, John Maier, told me. “We were buying<br />

Cascades from Argentina for awhile. Totally different hop.”<br />

Prompted by this desperate time and in keeping with its credo<br />

of Dare, Risk and Dream, Rogue Brewery decided it needed to<br />

get into the farming biz. Growing its own ingredients would be<br />

substantially more costly and without guarantee of success. By<br />

doing so, however, it could control its supply chain, its costs and<br />

its destiny. “We know what the risks are,” Ward said, “but we do<br />

it anyway.” Rogue Farms now leases 200 acres of farmland. Fiftytwo<br />

of those are dedicated to growing ten proprietary hops. The<br />

rest of the acreage goes to hazelnuts, pumpkins, cucumbers,<br />

jalapeños, marionberries, corn, honey bees, raptor nests, and of<br />

course, two pigs.<br />

After entertaining Voo and Doo, Ward and I ate lunch in<br />

the shadow of the hops. I washed mine down with the 7 Hop<br />

IPA, named for using seven of the ten hops grown on the farm.<br />

Meanwhile, tractors drove through the hop bines like a car wash.<br />

I watched as Ward gave me a play by play of what was happening.<br />

The tractors sliced the tops and laid them over trucks that then<br />

drove the bines to the picker, a machine with rotating claws that<br />

separates cones from bines. The freshly liberated cones are taken<br />

to another part of the musty wooden building to dry in vast fields<br />

of green above giant furnaces. The sweltering heat and humidity<br />

blasted us as we watched the dried hops travel along a conveyor<br />

to a building next door to wait their turn—either for further<br />

processing into pellets or simply to be baled and sent to brewers.<br />

Ward and I wandered back to the tasting room for another<br />

beer and to discuss how the hops, the pigs and the rest of the<br />

farm weave together to create an experience in a glass.<br />

Many brewers dream of having ground-to-glass control over<br />

their beer, which winemakers take for granted. Few breweries<br />

are intimately involved with ingredient production. For Rogue<br />

Nation, it is another day in the life.<br />

Rogue simply wanted to make better beer by creating a farm to<br />

grow better ingredients. For Maier, it is a place to connect with<br />

the land and conjure inspiration for the next idea. While the pigs<br />

are safe from the ingredient list, beer drinkers can pick up one of<br />

myriad creations and taste the hops, the honey, the pumpkins or<br />

the peppers that all grew up in the same neighborhood.<br />

I left the farm. As I watched the bines shrink in the distance, I<br />

thought about how Maier explained the whole farming thing with<br />

a simple statement. “It’s kind of cool to grow your own stuff.”<br />

96 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Photos: Rogue Ales & Spirits<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 97

ROOMS<br />

X and XX-level rooms, which come<br />

with king or double queen beds, are<br />

outfitted with glass-cube bathrooms,<br />

flat screens and high-speed WiFi.<br />

In the XL VIP suites, find in-room<br />

bar areas and cocktail kits, living<br />

areas with convertible sofas and<br />

oversized windows with grand views<br />

of downtown Portland. Speaking of<br />

which, watch the summer sun set<br />

over the West Hills from the hotel’s<br />

beautiful guests-only open air lounge<br />

on the fifth floor.<br />


Modern conveniences abound—<br />

guests are greeted by self check-in<br />

kiosks, enjoy the ease of keyless room<br />

entry, and can direct any questions<br />

to the curated Roxy digital concierge<br />

systems installed in each room. For<br />

business travelers and party planners,<br />

there are five event spaces, from the<br />

2,550-square-foot ballroom to the<br />

450-square-foot boardroom, all serviced<br />

by a full on-site catering kitchen. Each<br />

floor has a “fresh-air patio,” with views<br />

of the second-floor garden.<br />

DINING<br />

The hotel’s jungle-themed restaurant<br />

and bar, Hey Love, is helmed by local<br />

industry veterans Emily Mistell (Rum<br />

Club), Sophie Thomson (Mississippi<br />

Studios, Bar Bar, Revolution Hall), and<br />

Dig A Pony co-owners Aaron Hall and<br />

Nick Musso. Should guests wish to<br />

explore the local restaurant scene, it’s<br />

not far—James Beard Award-winning<br />

chef Gabriel Rucker’s esteemed Le<br />

Pigeon, and newly opened Canard,<br />

are a block away. Expand your radius<br />

to two blocks and find local favorites<br />

Nong’s Khao Man Gai, Mirakutei and<br />

Burnside Brewing Company.<br />


Portland-based photographic collagist<br />

Beth Kerschen created the Portlandinspired<br />

headboards for each bed,<br />

while local fabric designers Seek &<br />

Swoon crafted the brightly patterned<br />

knit throws from recycled cotton<br />

yarn. Metal fabricationist Laura Sol<br />

of Sol Creations, whose prior projects<br />

include the elaborate wire wall sconces<br />

inside the historic Bagdad Theater,<br />

built the signature metal staircase<br />

connecting the first and second floors.<br />

Should all this creativity inspire, leave<br />

your own artistic mark on your room’s<br />

chalkboard door.<br />

Lodging<br />

Jupiter NEXT<br />

written by Jen Stevenson<br />

SINCE 2004, the Jupiter Hotel has been the inner eastside’s main boutique<br />

hotel squeeze, providing a uniquely Portland experience with its eclectic<br />

design, wildly popular basement music venue and lively Doug Fir Lounge<br />

(hence the earplugs on every nightstand). This summer, the Jupiter team<br />

debuts its latest project, Jupiter NEXT, a sleek six-story stunner that<br />

embraces that same edgy local style, but with luxurious touches like 60-inch<br />

flat screens, glass-cube bathrooms and in-room digital concierges.<br />

The 67-room, Works Progress Architecture-designed hotel’s location<br />

couldn’t be more prime. Portland’s inner eastside is hotter than ever, and<br />

while it’s easy to hop on a downtown-bound bus or the Portland streetcar,<br />

there’s really no reason to leave the neighborhood. After dinner, grab a<br />

rummy nightcap at the jungle-themed hotel restaurant and bar, Hey Love,<br />

or head back to your room and mix a cocktail in the in-room bar, relax in<br />

your private living room, and take in the big views of the downtown Portland<br />

skyline before heading to bed—earplugs optional.<br />

900 E BURNSIDE ST.<br />


jupiterhotel.com/jupiter-next<br />

Jupiter NEXT is a six-story hotel in Portland<br />

with lots of modern amenities.

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Oregon’s gem of the Cascades<br />



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trip planner<br />

Into the Deep of Crater Lake<br />

Visiting Oregon’s only national park<br />

written by Juliet Grable<br />

100 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

trip planner<br />

Crater Lake is the deepest<br />

lake in the United States.<br />

CRATER LAKE IS the deepest lake and the snowiest<br />

inhabited place in the country. The facilities are<br />

buried under fathoms of snow for much of the year,<br />

and even in <strong>July</strong> surprised tourists arrive in shorts<br />

and T-shirts only to shiver against the wind.<br />

But, as Brian Ettling, who served as a seasonal park<br />

ranger at Crater Lake for nearly twenty-five years,<br />

said, “Extreme weather creates extreme beauty.”<br />

Crater Lake was born of violence. After a massive<br />

eruption 7,700 years ago, Mount Mazama collapsed,<br />

forming a caldera which gradually filled with rain and<br />

snow. Evidence suggests that lurking underneath,<br />

Mazama’s volcanic heart is active, giving the visitor<br />

something extra to contemplate when peering over<br />

the rim.<br />

Cerulean, sapphire, azure—descriptors don’t do it<br />

justice. You just have to see it. Whether highlighted<br />

by snowfields, shrouded in fog, or magnified by<br />

a robin’s egg sky, the lake is enthralling. Though<br />

practically in my backyard, every time I visit, I end<br />

up standing at the rim, snapping photos like any<br />

first-timer.<br />

With a natural focal point, iconic lodge, and varied<br />

menu of activities, Crater Lake National Park makes<br />

for an exciting day trip, but it really takes a few days<br />

to do it right.<br />

All roads lead to the rim—but that doesn’t mean<br />

they’re always open. Especially if you’re coming<br />

from the north, be sure to check the website for road<br />

conditions and closures.<br />

Day<br />


Whitney Whitehouse<br />

I recommend taking Highway 62 and entering<br />

from the south, where the road is flanked with<br />

cinnamon-barked Ponderosa pines. Stop at the Steel<br />

Visitor Center for your first taste of rustic lodge<br />

architecture—look for the “snow tunnel”—and to<br />

watch the short but instructive film on the lake’s<br />

origins. Then proceed to Rim Village, where you’ll<br />

see license plates representing just about every state<br />

and Canadian province and hear myriad languages.<br />

Here you can catch your first glimpse of the<br />

legendary blue water and stretch your legs on the<br />

Discovery Point Trail. Easy enough for families<br />

with young children, the 1.3-mile trail<br />

parallels Rim Drive, offering several<br />

tantalizing views of the lake with virtually<br />

no elevation gain.<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 101

trip planner<br />

FROM TOP Crater Lake Lodge was<br />

built in 1915 and was largely rebuilt to<br />

avoid being razed. Visitors can take a<br />

boat ride to Wizard Island.<br />

Want more? Continue on to the fire lookout at Watchman<br />

Peak, which, at 8,013 feet, is one of the highest points in the<br />

park. After the steep climb, enjoy the payoff: an unparalleled<br />

view of Wizard Island in its bowl of blue.<br />

You’re in for a treat, because you planned ahead—way<br />

ahead—and booked a room in the Crater Lake Lodge. Originally<br />

completed in 1915, this classic example of “Parkitecture” was<br />

almost lost. The building was failing under the heavy snow<br />

loads each winter, and it took a huge public outcry—and great<br />

expense—to prevent its razing. Though much of the lodge was<br />

re-built entirely, the design remains true to and even improves<br />

upon the original vision, with larger guest rooms and updated<br />

amenities.<br />

Step into a different century and enter the splendid dining<br />

room, with its unpeeled tree trunk columns, exposed wood<br />

ceilings, large windows and muscular stonework. Or, if the<br />

weather cooperates, sit on the veranda and sip Chardonnay<br />

while contemplating the view. The experience is made even<br />

lovelier with Northwest fare such as sweet corn fritters, field<br />

green salad with Oregonzola cheese, and balsamic-glazed<br />

lamb chops.<br />

Day<br />


If day one was all about the views, today is about getting<br />

up close and personal with an open-air boat tour of the lake.<br />

Pack a picnic and take East Rim Drive to the Cleetwood Cove<br />

Trail, which provides the only legal shore access in the park.<br />

If you’re brave, launch yourself off a short cliff once you reach<br />

the shore. Brace yourself: the water averages 55 degrees, even<br />

in <strong>August</strong>.<br />

If you opt for the full tour package, you’ll have three hours to<br />

explore Wizard Island’s cinder cone, which formed after Mount<br />

Mazama’s main eruption. Once you’ve had enough hiking,<br />

settle in with a fishing pole. You don’t need a license to drop a<br />

lure (no live bait allowed)—you’ll be doing the native bull trout<br />

a favor if you snag a rainbow trout or Kokanee salmon, which<br />

were first stocked in the late 1800s. Catch the afternoon boat<br />

to the dock and climb back up to the rim. Though only a mile,<br />

even the fittest will likely feel the 700-foot elevation gain.<br />

Camp at Mazama Village near the south entrance so you can<br />

catch an evening ranger program. Aside from pocketing some<br />

good bits of trivia about the lake, such as its depth (1,943 feet),<br />

average annual snowfall (43 feet), and how many gallons of<br />

water go into making all that blue (5 trillion), you’ll likely learn<br />

something surprising from talks such as Ettling’s interesting—<br />

and believe it or not, funny—program on how climate change<br />

is impacting the park’s flora and fauna. (If you sign<br />

up for one of the Ranger-led hikes, you may find<br />

yourself doing something surprising, such as bellyflopping<br />

down a snowy slope.)<br />

102 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong><br />

Photos: Xanterra Travel Collection

Top 12 Global Wine Region to Visit, Forbes, 2017<br />

World Class Wines<br />

AUGUST 23 - 26, <strong>2018</strong><br />


TheOregonWineExperience.com<br />

Your<br />

Journey<br />

begins at<br />


trip planner<br />


EAT<br />

Crater Lake Lodge<br />

craterlakelodges.com<br />

Annie Creek Restaurant<br />

craterlakelodges.com<br />

Diamond Lake Resort<br />

diamondlake.net<br />

Beckie’s Cafe<br />

unioncreekoregon.com<br />

STAY<br />

Crater Lake Lodge<br />

craterlakelodges.com<br />

Cabins at Crater Lake<br />

craterlakelodges.com<br />

Photos: Xanterra Travel Collection<br />

Diamond Lake Resort<br />

diamondlake.net<br />

Union Creek Resort<br />

unioncreekoregon.com<br />

Natural Bridge<br />

Campground<br />

fs.usda.gov<br />

Prospect Hotel Bed<br />

& Breakfast<br />

prospecthotel.com<br />

PLAY<br />

Volcano Boat Tours<br />

craterlakelodges.com<br />

Ranger programs<br />

and guided hikes<br />

Steel Visitor Center<br />

Hikes<br />

Crater Lake Zipline<br />

craterlakezipline.com<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP Wizard Island sits in the<br />

impossibly blue water. The Boundary Springs Trail will<br />

lead you to the source of the Rogue River. Mazama<br />

Village campground offers rugged camping.<br />

Day<br />


To leave the park, take West Rim Drive to the<br />

north junction. By now you will have experienced<br />

all 33 miles of this “theater in the round.” Take<br />

a tip from Ettling and stop at random points to<br />

explore, or simply to marvel at the wind-sculpted<br />

whitebark pines set against the jewel of the lake.<br />

Not that you’re done exploring. If you’re<br />

headed south, stop at the Crater Lake Zipline for<br />

some aerial fun. Or, head west on Highway 230<br />

for 5 miles until you find the Boundary Springs<br />

trailhead. This trail will technically take you back<br />

into the park, but more importantly, it will take<br />

you to where the Rogue River springs forth from<br />

the earth.<br />

Sufficiently inspired, continue west on 230<br />

just past where it merges with OR-62. Stop at<br />

Union Creek Resort, where you can replenish at<br />

Beckie’s Café. Be sure to save room for a slice of<br />

one of the famous pies. If you’re not quite ready<br />

to return to civilization yet, you can stay at the<br />

resort, or pitch your tent in one of the roomy<br />

riverside campsites at Natural Bridge Forest<br />

Service campground. Here the Rogue River<br />

does another magic act, disappearing into a lava<br />

tube, only to emerge 250 feet downriver. Dream<br />

of snow and water, and vow to return to Crater<br />

Lake in winter.<br />

104 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

northwest destination<br />

Backbone of the World<br />

Glacier National Park has drawn adventurers<br />

and inspired reflection for generations<br />

written by Jayme Fraser<br />

BEFORE POSTCARDS FEATURED Glacier National Park’s sky-scraping peaks,<br />

prospectors hunted for gold and railroad workers laid track west through America’s<br />

northernmost Rocky Mountains. Today’s adventurers pitch tents where the Blackfeet,<br />

Kootenai, Salish and Pend O’Reille tribes have traveled for centuries to hunt, fish and<br />

visit sacred sites.<br />

The Backbone of the World has always been<br />

a marvel.<br />

Dense evergreen forests cover most of<br />

the park’s million acres, although the steep<br />

mountains mean visitors can explore numerous<br />

ecosystems, from grassy prairies to barren alpine<br />

tundras, within a single day. Elevations range<br />

from 3,153 feet at the shore of Lake McDonald<br />

to nearly 10,500 feet at the summit of Mount<br />

Cleveland. Glacial silt stains rivers and lakes a<br />

bright turquoise. In places, fallen, mossy logs<br />

paint a dark contrast, or the water is so still that<br />

you see dabs of red, brown and green from rocks<br />

on the bottom.<br />

Late-summer hikers often pick tart<br />

huckleberries and sweet thimbleberries as they<br />

climb into the many valleys carved by advancing<br />

glaciers. (There are inedible fruits that look<br />

similar. Be sure to carry a guide for proper<br />

identification.) Huckleberries are a favorite snack<br />

of grizzly bears, so make lots of noise as you<br />

munch to avoid bumping into one on the trail.<br />

Those who visit in early summer should expect<br />

some snow or mud at higher elevations. In 2017,<br />

the road to Logan Pass did not open until late<br />

June. Sometimes, families celebrate the Fourth of<br />

<strong>July</strong> by snow sledding.<br />

With 734 miles of trails, people can pick a<br />

different view each day—a shoreline stroll of<br />

Saint Mary Lake, a moderate trek through the<br />

wildflowers of Hanging Gardens to reach the<br />

popular Hidden Lake, or a weeklong backpacking<br />

trip that covers dozens of miles to reach the most<br />

remote parts of the park. Permits are required for<br />

remote camping, so apply early or call the ranger<br />

station for details on how to secure a last-minute<br />

itinerary in person. Most visitors enjoy the hot<br />

summers and chill alpine lakes, but many locals<br />

drive to Glacier in the winter to snowshoe or<br />

cross-country ski.<br />

Those who bring (or rent) a bicycle can see<br />

a spectral version of Glacier with an earlymorning<br />

or late-night ride up Going to the Sun<br />

Road during a full moon. Those who come early<br />

enough in the year will find the road still closed to<br />

vehicle traffic, leaving it clear for people to coast<br />

down in the cool, crisp air. Daytime bike riders in<br />

the peak summer season share the narrow road<br />

with lines of cars, a hair-raising experience for<br />

most. Dedicated bikers can peddle into the park<br />

for a cheaper entrance fee than cars and RVs.<br />

While Glacier draws outdoor adventurers,<br />

serene views and alpine lodges also offer quiet<br />

vacations outside of cell phone range for those<br />

looking to disconnect. For a leisurely trip,<br />

consider booking a night on Swiftcurrent Lake<br />

at the remodeled Many Glacier Hotel, whose<br />

lobby is anchored by a double helical staircase.<br />

If you don’t want to drive or fly to the park,<br />

consider buying an Amtrak ticket to Essex, just<br />

south of Glacier. There, passengers disembark<br />

at the Izaak Walton Inn & Resort, which offers a<br />

few refurbished cabooses and luxury railcars as<br />

rooms in addition to those in the 1939 lodge.<br />

Those interested in learning more about the<br />

people who have cared for or sought to conquer<br />

the mountains of Glacier should visit the George<br />

C. Ruhle Library in West Glacier and the<br />

Museum of the Plains Indian in Browning.<br />

If you stop at the Apgar Visitor Center, look for<br />

“Ranger Doug” Follett. He has led hikes in Glacier,<br />

offered recommendations and told stories about<br />

its history since 1961. If you have a few minutes<br />

(or hours), he will share tales of the days when<br />

most of the West looked like Glacier and what<br />

American can learn from those roots.<br />

Allison Bye<br />

106 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Tommy Martino<br />

northwest destination<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP Lake McDonald is both the<br />

deepest and largest lake in Glacier National Park. Climb<br />

Going to the Sun Road for spectacular views of the park.<br />

After a day of adventuring, cozy up at Many Glacier Hotel<br />

on the northeastern side of the park. Visitors to Logan Pass<br />

can often glimpse mountain goats and other wildlife.<br />


EAT<br />

Ptarmigan Dining Room<br />

at Many Glacier Hotel<br />

glaciernationalparklodges.com<br />

Lucke’s Lounge at Lake<br />

McDonald Lodge<br />

glaciernationalparklodges.com<br />

Backslope Brewing<br />

and Kitchen<br />

backslopebrewing.com<br />

Three Forks Grille<br />

threeforksgrille.com<br />

MUDMAN Burgers<br />

mudman.org<br />

Two Medicine Grill<br />

seeglacier.com/two-medicinegrill<br />

Serrano’s Mexican<br />

Restaurant<br />

serranosmexican.com<br />

Nation’s Burger Station<br />

nationsburgerstation.com<br />

STAY<br />

Glacier National Park lodges<br />

and backcountry chalets<br />

nps.gov<br />

Izaak Walton Inn<br />

izaakwaltoninn.com<br />

Glacier Peaks Hotel<br />

and Casino<br />

glacierpeakscasino.com<br />

Lodgepole Gallery<br />

and Tipi Village<br />

blackfeetculturecamp.com<br />

Belton Chalet<br />

beltonchalet.com<br />

Great Northern Whitewater<br />

Raft and Resort<br />

greatnorthernresort.com<br />

Tommy Martino Allison Bye<br />

Historic Tamarack Lodge<br />

and Cabins<br />

Historictamaracklodge.com<br />

PLAY<br />

Park tours<br />

glaciernationalparklodges.com<br />

Guided boat tours<br />

glacierparkboats.com<br />

Hiking and backcountry<br />

camping<br />

nps.gov<br />

Kayak rentals<br />

goglacieroutfitters.com<br />

Glacier Distilling Company<br />

glacierdistilling.com<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 107


eat + stay + play<br />



ArborBrook Vineyards is a boutique<br />

producer of exceptional handcrafted<br />

wines. Family-owned and operated, it<br />

is located in the heart of Oregon wine<br />

country in the Chehalem Mountain<br />

AVA. Visit the tasting room for a<br />

relaxing and casual wine tasting<br />

experience. Weekdays, 11– 4:30.<br />

Weekends, 11–5.<br />

503.538.0959<br />

17770 NE Calkins Ln.<br />


arborbrookwines.com<br />


A premier show and sale of juried fine art<br />

and crafts. 115 artists, selected from across<br />

North America—all in Bend, Oregon.<br />

Show is ranked 10th in the nation. New<br />

artists every year.<br />

Event is FREE<br />

<strong>August</strong> 24-26, <strong>2018</strong><br />

541.322.6272<br />

artinthehighdesert.com<br />

NANCY P’S<br />

Located just off Newport on Bend’s west<br />

side you’ll find Nancy P’s Café & Bakery,<br />

a local mainstay that has become a<br />

unique part of the community. Serving<br />

breakfast, lunch and delicious baked<br />

goods made fresh daily. Come and enjoy<br />

the cozy atmosphere while taking in<br />

the featured local artwork that’s always<br />

on display. With fresh Bellatazza coffee<br />

and Metolius teas, Nancy P’s is sure<br />

to become your new favorite bakery<br />

destination!<br />

541.322.8778<br />

1054 NW Milwaukee Ave.<br />

BEND<br />

nancyps.com<br />


Recently named #1 Fan-Favorite Travel<br />

Destination in the Columbia River Gorge,<br />

and #7 in Oregon! With 300 days of<br />

sunshine, the Balch’s on-site dining, spa<br />

services, sunny patio, garden grounds and<br />

majestic Mt. Hood views inspire getaways<br />

for rejuvenation and re-connection. The<br />

vintage elegance of this historic country<br />

inn, surrounded by the golden expanse<br />

of wide open meadows and big sky<br />

produces clarity of mind and heart that<br />

settles the soul.<br />

541.467.2277<br />

40 S. Heimrich St.<br />

DUFUR<br />

balchhotel.com<br />


A Christmas Experience! Christmas<br />

Treasures brings you the most<br />

treasured ornaments and items for<br />

gift giving and collecting. Start a new<br />

family tradition. Come experience the<br />

Old World charm, and see our unique<br />

products not only during the holiday<br />

season but all through the year. A<br />

family business for 24 years. Featuring:<br />

Jim Shore, Dept. 56, Possible Dreams,<br />

German Nutcrackers and Smokers,<br />

Nativities, Charming Tails, Michel<br />

Design Works and so much more.<br />

Located on Highway 126, 40 miles east<br />

of Eugene.<br />

800.820.8189<br />

52959 McKenzie Hwy.<br />


christmas-treasures.com<br />

108 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong><br />


Located at the base of the Strawberry<br />

Mountain Wilderness Area, Hotel<br />

Prairie is the prime location for<br />

recreational activities. Plan for several<br />

nights so you can hike, fish, kayak and<br />

bike! Then during your down time, you<br />

can relax in the Hotel lobby, backyard<br />

patio or our wine/beer lounge. Scenery<br />

and history abound as you travel to<br />

and from Prairie City as we are on the<br />

Old West Scenic Bikeway and Journey<br />

Through Time Byway. We’ll guide you<br />

to the best sights and museums around.<br />

Hotel Prairie is just steps away from<br />

restaurants and shops. You can even<br />

charge your EV or Tesla at our charging<br />

stations while here. Come. Stay.<br />

541.820.4800<br />

112 Front St.<br />



eat + stay + play<br />



The Old Mill District is Bend’s<br />

most unique shopping, dining and<br />

entertainment experience. The rich<br />

history of the former sawmills is coupled<br />

with spectacular mountain views, scenic<br />

river vistas and an extensive trail system<br />

to enjoy the outdoors. More than 55<br />

local, regional and national retailers and<br />

restaurants call the Old Mill District<br />

home. Riverside restaurants, trails, shops<br />

and shows. Bend is here.<br />

541.312.0131<br />

450 SW Powerhouse Dr.<br />

BEND<br />

theoldmill.com<br />


Located along the Rogue River, Del Rio<br />

Vineyards, once home to the Rock Point<br />

Hotel, provides a warm and welcoming<br />

atmosphere for sipping premium estate<br />

wines. The Del Rio Vineyards tasting<br />

room includes a wonderful view of its<br />

200-acre vineyard. Open seven days a<br />

week from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the vineyard<br />

is right off I-5, exit 43. Come see the<br />

tasting room and bucolic grounds.<br />

541.855.2062<br />

52 N. River Rd.<br />


delriovineyards.com<br />



& MUSEUM<br />

Immerse yourself in exhibits about the<br />

Ice Age, Lewis and Clark, early explorers<br />

and the Indigenous culture that has<br />

thrived here for over 10,000 years. Learn<br />

about Gorge ecology, native plants and<br />

natural habitat. Let loose in the Kids<br />

Explorer Room; wander the grounds’<br />

wheel-chair accessible trails, then catch<br />

the Birds of Prey presentation daily at 11<br />

a.m. and 2 p.m. Open daily 9-5.<br />

541.296.8600<br />

5000 Discovery Dr.<br />


gorgediscovery.org<br />


GARDEN<br />

Lan Su Chinese Garden is one of<br />

Portland’s greatest treasures. Filled with<br />

plants, poetry, architecture, rocks, and<br />

more than a millennium of traditional<br />

Chinese culture, Lan Su is a trip back in<br />

time just steps from the chaos of daily<br />

modern life. With more than 800 events<br />

each year included with your admission,<br />

Lan Su offers something for everyone<br />

of all ages.<br />

503.228.8131<br />

239 NW Everett St.<br />


lansugarden.org<br />


Ann and Tony Kischner’s Bridgewater<br />

Bistro is a full-service restaurant in Astoria<br />

on the banks of the Columbia River, just<br />

below the majestic Astoria-Megler Bridge<br />

to Washington. The restaurant is open<br />

seven days a week, serving lunch, dinner<br />

and Sunday brunch, and diners can catch<br />

live local music Wednesday through<br />

Sunday. The bistro serves a diverse and<br />

affordable menu of small plates, soups,<br />

salads and main courses that focus on<br />

regional products, and menus are 90<br />

percent available gluten-free. Breads and<br />

desserts are baked in house. Order from<br />

the full bar and award-winning wine list,<br />

specializing in regional vineyards.<br />

503.325.6777<br />

20 Basin St.<br />


bridgewaterbistro.com<br />


The Open Door is dedicated to providing<br />

delicious, wholesome food, exquisite wine<br />

and engaging service. The Open Door<br />

is constantly seeking out sophisticated<br />

and relatable wines, at great values. Our<br />

wine list changes often so we can provide<br />

a unique and educational experience for<br />

our customers. The vision for The Open<br />

Door was born from the joy that co-owner<br />

and founder Julia Rickards found cooking<br />

and entertaining for guests in her home.<br />

The Open Door aspires to provide the<br />

atmosphere of comfortable elegance you<br />

find in a good friend’s home.<br />

541.549.6076<br />

303 W. Hood Ave.<br />


opendoorwinebar.com<br />

JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong> <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE 109

<strong>1859</strong> MAPPEDThe points of interest below are culled from<br />

stories and events in this edition of <strong>1859</strong>.<br />

Florence<br />

Coos Bay<br />

Astoria<br />

Seaside<br />

Pacific City<br />

Lincoln City<br />

Newport<br />

Portland<br />

Tillamook<br />

Corvallis<br />

Eugene<br />

Salem<br />

Albany<br />

Gresham<br />

Springfield<br />

Oakridge<br />

Hood River<br />

The Dalles<br />

Maupin<br />

Government<br />

Camp<br />

Sisters<br />

Madras<br />

Bend<br />

Sunriver<br />

Prineville<br />

Redmond<br />

Burns<br />

La Grande<br />

John Day<br />

Milton-Freewater<br />

Pendleton<br />

Baker City<br />

Joseph<br />

Ontario<br />

Bandon<br />

Roseburg<br />

Grants Pass<br />

Jacksonville<br />

Paisley<br />

Brookings<br />

Medford<br />

Ashland<br />

Klamath Falls<br />

Lakeview<br />

Live<br />

Think<br />

Explore<br />

30<br />

Anne Amie Vineyards<br />

58<br />

Pop of Joy<br />

92<br />

Woodburn High School<br />

31<br />

Suttle Lodge<br />

60<br />

Framework<br />

94<br />

Rogue Farms<br />

32<br />

Dancin Vineyards<br />

62<br />

Oregon Humane Society<br />

98<br />

Jupiter NEXT<br />

34<br />

Coast Fork Vineyard and Berry Farm<br />

64<br />

Portland Spoon Company<br />

100<br />

Crater Lake<br />

49<br />

M. Crow Company<br />

66<br />

Independence<br />

106<br />

Glacier National Park<br />

110 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Pursuing excellence<br />

through fitness<br />

61615 Athletic Club Drive (541) 385-3062

Until Next Time<br />

Helping Superman to Fly<br />

written by John Kelly<br />


I looked up, seeing Bob’s silhouette as he hung<br />

from the bottom of the basket of the Cottage Grove<br />

Fire Department’s new crane engine. It had just<br />

lifted Bob, portraying Superman, 25 feet into the<br />

air. He wore blue tights, a red cape dancing in the<br />

wind, and given the angle and the way the sun hid<br />

the crane basket where a firefighter stood inside<br />

operating it, Superman indeed looked like he was<br />

scaling the sky.<br />

We were filming a Superman spoof called The<br />

Legend of Stanley Hosenfefer, concerning a ne’erdo-well<br />

who discovers the real secret of Superman’s<br />

powers—Kryptonian underwear. At the end of the<br />

film, Stanley comes face-to-face with the Man of<br />

Steel. As he says goodbye and takes off, it needed to<br />

look like Superman was actually taking flight. And<br />

that was why I had recruited Captain Bruce Lamb<br />

and his great piece of equipment.<br />

Of course, you could never do anything like this<br />

today—too many insurance risks, bureaucracy and<br />

no sense of adventure. But this was the summer of<br />

1981, and I had lived in Cottage Grove, population<br />

6,900, all my life.<br />

My friend Mike Hull and I were known for<br />

shooting movies around town, and when I first<br />

approached Captain Lamb about borrowing his<br />

rig, a wry grin appeared and he said, “We’ll actually<br />

handle the flying part, if you don’t mind.”<br />

On the day of filming, we picked an empty lot<br />

across from the fire station. The day was promising,<br />

wispy clouds highlighting the deep blue sky. It was<br />

the perfect sky to fly into.<br />

I saw Captain Lamb and his lieutenant, Sara,<br />

standing on the edge of the scene. I walked over<br />

to them.<br />

“Is this our cue?” he said, amused by the<br />

proceedings.<br />

“It is indeed,” I said. “Can you maneuver the great<br />

flying machine just behind Bob and Roni over there?”<br />

“I think Sara can manage that.”<br />

I ran over to the boys and explained what I<br />

thought was going to happen. “Okay, they’re going<br />

to bring the engine around and then the first shot<br />

is Superman taking off with Stanley watching him<br />

go.” Bob looked at me skeptically as he slipped out<br />

of Clark Kent’s stuffy<br />

duds and into his<br />

Superman tights.<br />

“And how exactly is he<br />

going to do that?”<br />

“They’ve rigged a rope at the<br />

bottom of the crane basket and all you<br />

have to do is hang on, looking up as if you<br />

were taking off. They rise a few feet into the<br />

air and we’ll shoot it here from a low angle.”<br />

Sara drove the engine around and parked, locked<br />

the wheels but kept the engine running. She then<br />

climbed into the small basket and moved a lever—<br />

the basket began to rise into the air. She swung it<br />

around and was soon hovering over Bob, who was<br />

now in costume, red cape flowing. He moved under<br />

the basket, grabbed the rope with both hands, and<br />

looked over at Mike. “Please get this in one take.”<br />

Mike smiled, looking through the viewfinder.<br />

“Don’t you worry.”<br />

Captain Lamb stepped forward, looking up at<br />

Sara. “Just take him up slowly.”<br />

“Hang in there, Bob.” I said, giddy. “Action!”<br />

Sara powered the basket slowly upward and Bob’s<br />

body elongated, his red-booted feet leaving the<br />

ground. The basket continued to rise and Bob lifted<br />

his head skyward between his paralleled arms. He<br />

looked like he was taking off.<br />

I looked over at Mike, my smile about to break<br />

my face wide open. He glanced back at me for<br />

a second as if to say, “Can you believe we’re<br />

doing this?”<br />

Just as Bob was seemingly about to touch the<br />

clouds, Captain Lamb called out. “Bring him<br />

on down.”<br />

“And that means cut,” Mike said, moving back<br />

from the camera and looking up at Bob coming<br />

safely down to Earth. For the first time he looked<br />

down and saw just how high he actually was. He<br />

shouted a colorful metaphor.<br />

I walked over to the Fire Chief, extending my<br />

hand and thanking him.<br />

“It’s OK,” he said, smiling and nodding. “It was<br />

fun to watch, and I hope you got what you needed.”<br />

“Oh yeah,” I said. “Superman flew today. With a<br />

little help from his friends.”<br />

112 <strong>1859</strong> OREGON’S MAGAZINE JULY | AUGUST <strong>2018</strong>

Every<br />

Moment<br />

Covered<br />

91.5 FM | Full Spectrum News



TOO<br />

Beyond the legendary capabilities that come with 70 years<br />

of Land Rover heritage, the new Range Rover Velar has been<br />

named <strong>2018</strong> World Car Design of the Year at the World Car<br />

Awards.<br />

Combining avant-garde design with time honored engineering<br />

excellence, the new Range Rover Velar is the latest iteration of<br />

the Official Vehicle of the Northwest Experience.<br />

Visit Land Rover Portland to experience the all new Range<br />

Rover Velar.<br />

Land Rover Portland<br />

A Don Rasmussen Company<br />

720 NE Grand Avenue<br />

503.230.7700<br />


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