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PDF (10.9MB) - ThyssenKrupp AG


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3.6 Consolidated financial statements Notes to the consolidated financial statements<br />

Cumulative other comprehensive income<br />

The equity line item “Cumulative other comprehensive income”<br />

includes changes in the equity of the Group that were not recognized in<br />

the consolidated statement of income of the period, except those<br />

resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners.<br />

Cumulative other comprehensive income includes foreign currency<br />

translation adjustments, unrealized holding gains and losses on<br />

available-for-sale financial assets and on derivative financial<br />

instruments as well as the share of the other comprehensive income of<br />

associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method.<br />

Actuarial gains and losses are reported in retained earnings in the<br />

period that they are recognized as other comprehensive income.<br />

Accrued pension and similar obligations<br />

The Group’s net obligation for defined benefit and other postretirement<br />

benefit plans have been calculated for each plan using the projected<br />

unit credit method as of the balance sheet date. A quarterly valuation<br />

of pensions and health care obligations is performed on the basis of<br />

updated interest rates and fair values of plan assets.<br />

All actuarial gains and losses as of October 01, 2004, the date of<br />

transition to IFRS, were recognized in equity. Actuarial gains and<br />

losses that arise subsequent to October 01, 2004, as well as gains and<br />

losses resulting from asset ceiling are recognized directly in equity and<br />

presented in the statement of comprehensive income.<br />

As far as the fair value of plan assets related to pensions or similar<br />

obligations exceeds the corresponding obligation, the recognition of an<br />

asset in respect to such surplus is limited. As far as in connection with<br />

plan assets minimum funding requirements related to past service<br />

exist, an additional liability may need to be recognized in case the<br />

economic benefit of a surplus – already taking into account the<br />

contributions to be made in respect of the minimum funding<br />

requirements – is limited. The limit is determined by unrecognized past<br />

service costs and the present value of any future refunds from the plan<br />

or reductions in future contributions to the plan (asset ceiling).<br />

Consolidated financial statements<br />

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Service cost for pensions and other postretirement obligations are<br />

recognized as an expense in income from operations, while interest<br />

cost and the expected return on plan assets recognized as components<br />

of net periodic pension cost are included in net financial<br />

income/(expense) in the Group’s consolidated statement of income.<br />

When benefits of a plan are improved, the portion of the increased<br />

benefit relating to past service is recognized as an expense in income<br />

from operations on a straight-line basis over the average period until<br />

the benefits become vested. To the extent that the benefits vest<br />

immediately, the expense is recognized immediately.<br />

The Group’s obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans<br />

are recognized as expense in income from operations as incurred.<br />

The Group also maintains multi-employer plans. In principle, these<br />

multi-employer plans contain defined benefit plans as well as defined<br />

contribution plans. With respect to defined benefit multi-employer<br />

plans these are accounted for in the same way as any other defined<br />

benefit plan in case the required information is available. Otherwise<br />

these plans are accounted for as defined contribution plans.<br />

Provisions<br />

Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation as<br />

a result of a past event which will result in a probable outflow of<br />

economic benefits that can be reasonably estimated. The amount<br />

recognized represents best estimate of the settlement amount of the<br />

present obligation as of the balance sheet date. Expected<br />

reimbursements of third parties are not offset but recorded as a<br />

separate asset if it is virtually certain that the reimbursements will be<br />

received. Where the effect of the time value of money is material,<br />

provisions are discounted using a market rate.<br />

A provision for warranties is recognized when the underlying products<br />

or services are sold. The provision is based on historical warranty data<br />

and a weighting of all possible outcomes against their associated<br />


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