01 Taxilas Children

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to complete the journey. Danyk's steps were unerring. The comparison to the Old Earth<br />

pussycat came into his mind. Danyk exploded into a hoot of laughter.<br />

"My eyesight is good, but I'm not that well endowed!"<br />

"I hadn't paid much attention to whether you were well endowed - although, I suppose<br />

you'll do!"<br />

He rode a well aimed thump in the ribs. Danyk raced ahead, obviously happy to be home<br />

again. Steve slowed a little, it wasn't his home. At best, he was a tolerated guest. He thought<br />

about the High Thane. He sounded formidable and from all accounts, his word outweighed all<br />

others.<br />

It was the time of the evening gathering. They made their way to the communal room. Two<br />

places were vacant at the head of the table. Those who had gathered knew of their coming,<br />

Danyk would have been broadcasting it with increasing clarity. The greetings were friendly<br />

but restrained - Laoni was her normal, ice cold, distant self. Steve felt her disapproval - he<br />

corrected himself, it was more than disapproval, she detested him! Maia was friendly enough<br />

but concentrated her welcome on brother Danyk. It was irrational, but Steve felt a stab of<br />

envy. Lyot eyed him critically.<br />

"We've followed your adventures with a great deal of interest, Steve Holt. So, it would<br />

seem has our Lord, the High Thane."<br />

Steve answered carefully.<br />

"It will be a singular honour to meet him."<br />

Lyot grunted and continued eating.<br />

The Lady Hepha intervened.<br />

"The girl, Hara, is quite well."<br />

It was a distinct thawing of restraint.<br />

"I thank you, my lady, for your kindness to her."<br />

He thought she was pleased but she wasn't the type to broadcast her emotions. She would<br />

make a formidable mother-in-law! Next to him, Danyk choked on his food and planted a<br />

large elbow in his ribs. Steve gave his an enquiring look and would have sworn he was<br />

crying. The Lady Hepha gave no sign that she had picked up the thought - perhaps, it was as<br />

well.<br />

Krin was anxious for a blow by blow description of everything that had happened. Steve<br />

obliged as concisely as he could but glossed over the discovery of the second Pentacle and his<br />

sudden aptitude to make openings in solid walls. The rest were quietly listening. Lyot<br />

rumbled.<br />

"I see more than you are telling us - and still more which remains a mystery - even to you."<br />

There was an audible murmur from the others at the table. They dispersed to go to their<br />

beds. Danyk followed him.<br />

"Steve, I must apologise for my father and the others. They simply do not understand<br />

what's happening."<br />

"Do you?"<br />

He hesitated for a moment and then nodded.<br />

"Brother Steve, I have to believe you, because I have started to share your experiences. I<br />

can't disbelieve what I see with my own eyes. After the episode at the wall, I think you have<br />

the power within you to make anything happen!"<br />

Steve grinned.<br />

"Now, who's well endowed?"<br />

"I add a warning. When you opened the wall, your power was fuelled by rage and<br />

frustration. Take my advice and watch very carefully the emotion you use to exercise your<br />

authority."<br />

Steve's smile faded. The use of 'brother Steve' had jolted him. Danyk watched his thoughts.<br />


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