01 Taxilas Children

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himself to Steve Holt - the thought came from within - his Scarn! Taxila smiled slightly and<br />

mentally agreed.<br />

Almost on cue, the Bole announced the arrival of his visitors.<br />

"Life-forms approach."<br />

"Secure against retaliation."<br />

The curtain was drawn aside and Danyk entered first - he was followed by Lyot.<br />

"We felt you calling us, Steve. What's wrong?"<br />

"There's going to be another sacrifice tonight."<br />

"You can't know that!"<br />

It was Lyot who responded abruptly.<br />

"Taxila knows it! It will take place at Taxila's Leap! Tonight, you will be introduced to<br />

Shaita!"<br />

Lyot stared at him, Taxila felt the probing into his mind and allowed him to see what he<br />

needed to see.<br />

"I'll get my men together."<br />

"It won't be necessary. We three will deal with them - together with the Bole."<br />

Danyk raised the obvious objection.<br />

"It isn't mobile enough to climb the escarpment."<br />

"Then, I will carry it!"<br />

"I still think it would be better if we take the men."<br />

"Taxila doesn't need armed men to deal with Shaita! However, there will be many who will<br />

see the outcome."<br />

"You're very sure of yourself, Steve."<br />

"No - I'm sure of Taxila! He has already called those who will be the witnesses of his<br />

power."<br />

Lyot snorted.<br />

"Are you speaking for Taxila now?"<br />

"No - Taxila speaks for himself!"<br />

He sent the Bole out into the corridor to lead the way. The courtyard of the Thanehold was<br />

filled with a crowd of guests. Amongst them were some of the Thanes and Zayez the All Wise<br />

with his cohort of Adepts. To one side, Hepha stood with Maia and Krin. Lyot hurried to<br />

them. There was no argument, no questions from those who had gathered. They moved aside<br />

to allow the Bole, Steve and Danyk to lead the way. They took the path which led upward to<br />

the Rim. In all, over three hundred people toiled up the slope in total silence.<br />

Near the top, they could see the light of fires. Taxila/Steve didn't slacken his pace, fully<br />

aware that there was nothing to be gained from stealth. The Psi channels engulfed them and<br />

waves of mental energy impinged on their psyches. Many would have surrendered to the<br />

compelling force of the bloodlust pounding into their minds, had it not been for the defences<br />

Taxila raised. As yet, those who controlled the proceedings in the rock amphitheatre didn't<br />

understand that they were dealing with the channelled power of the Abyss - with the<br />

exception of the central figure, who paused in the moment of sacrifice and waited for their<br />

coming.<br />

Taxila's witnesses filed into a semicircle around the top rank of the amphitheatre. In the<br />

places below, the onlookers who had gathered for the sacrifice were quite still. There was an<br />

almost palpable shrinking of the frenzied energy which had been building to the climax of<br />

blood letting. Faces were shrouded from their neighbours in the folds of their cloaks.<br />

Steve and the Bole stood at the top of a long flight of stone stairs which led down to the<br />

lower floor. In the centre, a stone altar had been constructed from the boulders fringing the<br />

Rim. On the altar, the victim had been spread-eagled. His arms and legs drawn down to be<br />

out of the way of the sacrificial knife. Nine garishly masked and cloaked figures stood around<br />


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