01 Taxilas Children

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The problem was the language. It was obvious that few of them possessed the Gift. It left a<br />

lot to be desired when trying to convey thoughts by gestures and facial expressions. Steve<br />

sensed that it wasn't the only problem with the succession of visitors who came and went. It<br />

was as if they did not want to get too close. Some would come, almost to look him over and<br />

go again without explanation or overtures of friendship. He began to feel like a freak.<br />

Something had to be done about verbal communication. He decided to raise the matter of<br />

language lessons with Jabez when he paid his usual evening visit.<br />

Steve was getting stronger and was able to sit up in bed. It was good to lean back against<br />

the cool of the stone wall behind it. The days were quite warm and the room was flooded by<br />

the light from their star. His curiosity about the outside was nearly driving him crazy. He was<br />

on a planet not yet visited by man. As far as he knew, he was the first of his kind to visit any<br />

planet outside of the Solar System and yet, he didn't have a clue about his environment.<br />

His evening meal arrived, carried by a beaming Caela. Now that she was over her fright<br />

with the Bole and especially when she wasn't under the shadow of Jabez, who bullied her<br />

with a sharp tongue, she became the giggling matron, as tongue tied as a young girl. Steve<br />

enjoyed a mild flirtation, he had to keep his technique honed in case a more serious<br />

opportunity presented itself. This evening was not any different. He ran his fingers up her<br />

brawny forearm, as she placed the food beside the bed. She giggled and blushed and<br />

pretended she didn't like it, whilst he grinned at her and tried to look lecherous. It was a game<br />

they played every evening and she seemed to go away happy. He was now strong enough to<br />

feed himself. He thought, that in a way, she wished that he was not.<br />

He promised himself that he was going to make a few steps the next day. He had to try to<br />

get mobility back into his legs, otherwise he would stay weak. The pattern was never varied,<br />

during the day he was left alone. They all went off somewhere and came back in the evening.<br />

The subject of where they went was never raised during his conversations with Jabez.<br />

However, he did raise the matter of language lessons. The old man listened carefully and then<br />

waffled.<br />

"My Lord pays us a great honour that he chooses to learn our tongue. I will assign a<br />

teacher - one who is Gifted."<br />

It was left at that and he wondered what approach the new contact would bring. He<br />

resigned himself to an earnest and solemn equivalent of Jabez, who would conduct the<br />

lessons on his hands and knees on the floor, not daring to look up at him. He was in for a<br />

surprise, a very pleasant surprise, but that wasn't until the following evening, after Jabez<br />

returned from the day's toil.<br />

As soon as the house grew quiet and after he had eaten his morning meal and endured the<br />

attentions of the men who had been assigned to assist him in his ablutions, he made his move.<br />

He made completely sure that the house was deserted and tried his first unassisted movement<br />

from the bed.<br />

Before he tried to do anything, he formed a tentative plan. As long as his legs would<br />

support him, he would be all right but he couldn't expect miracles. He had been out of action<br />

for too long. He decided to prop his back against the walls and ease himself gently along. If<br />

his legs gave up, he could always crawl back to bed. It wouldn't be dignified but he didn't<br />

expect an audience.<br />

His bed was in the corner of the room and opposite the door. The window was on the wall<br />

where the head of the bed was. It was logical to try the window first. His legs caved like<br />

rubber but at least, he managed to stand. The bed cover dropped to the floor with his<br />

exertions. He didn't dare to try to pick it up, he would have toppled on to his face. The stone<br />

wall was cold against his bare flesh and rough. He took things very easily. He reached the<br />

window, panting and streaming with sweat.<br />


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