01 Taxilas Children

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He walked round a half circle to look at the features, already certain of what he would find.<br />

He was not mistaken. He stared at the face of Steve Holt and the tenfold magnification of his<br />

physical self. It was an image which had existed from the time of the city builders and that<br />

had been suggested as being at least ten thousand years earlier. It was an impossibility and<br />

suddenly, his mind refused to deal with the trauma. He fell forward on to the face of Taxila,<br />

but it was no act of supplication. Once again, Steve Holt had sought escape into<br />

unconsciousness.<br />

Nothing had changed within the chamber when he came to his senses. The Bole had<br />

detected his lack of consciousness and had elected to stand above him protectively, like a<br />

broody hen. The shafts of light from the long slit windows had moved around, giving him<br />

some indication of the time which had elapsed. He judged it to be late afternoon. He was stiff<br />

from his unnatural position on the floor and he spent some time easing his muscles before<br />

trying to stand. He looked down at the clear plastic and found that he was staring into the left<br />

eye of his image. It was unsettling enough to send him to the stone floor beyond the<br />

Pentagram.<br />

On the wall opposite the one where he had entered, was another door. To one side of it was<br />

a flight of steps which led to a gallery which girded the main chamber. The other walls were<br />

broken by the long slit windows. His choice lay between exploring the upper level, or what<br />

lay beyond the smaller door. He decided on the door. Exploration of any description was<br />

better than allowing himself to try to puzzle out how his image could be imbedded in alien<br />

material forged by unknown artisans, ten thousand years into the past of a planet orbiting a<br />

star which was not the Sun.<br />

What was beyond the door, was almost an anticlimax. It was simply a room similar to that<br />

which Zayez had occupied in the School of the Adepts. It was furnished with a small table<br />

and several stools. There was a low recliner which didn't look particularly comfortable. At<br />

one end, under the window, was a trestle which looked about as attractive as the recliner. A<br />

curtained doorway led to an early example of Lynxe plumbing, with a pit for a bath and a<br />

stone basin attached to the opposite wall. On the third wall was a floor to ceiling, wall length<br />

mirror of smooth metal. An adequate water closet completed the fixtures.<br />

Steve viewed himself in the mirror. His reflection looked back soberly. He was still<br />

wearing the elaborate tunic he had been given for his appearance before Rho Arpor. It was<br />

stained and streaked with sweat from the journey and his subsequent activities. He felt as<br />

stale and dirty as his tunic. The man in the mirror seemed to be watching him. Steve almost<br />

looked over his shoulder to see if it was the image of someone else. He turned away from the<br />

mirror abruptly, his imagination was working overtime, he was seeing images everywhere.<br />

The bath pit looked inviting. There was a spigot which he turned, feeling slightly<br />

ridiculous that he should expect a flow of water after ten thousand years. When it came, he<br />

jerked his hand back as if he had been stung. It was actually warm! He stripped off the soiled<br />

tunic and waded in and stopped the flow when he was almost submerged. The Bole had taken<br />

up station near the door.<br />

"What do you make of all this, Bole?"<br />

He received the answer he could have expected.<br />

"This is a room designed for ablutions."<br />

Steve sighed, some things never changed! Perhaps he shouldn't complain, the Bole was the<br />

one thing to which he could cling, even if his sanity was threatened all else around him. He<br />

kept his patience.<br />

"I was referring to that image of myself in the other room, not the state of the plumbing!"<br />

The Bole remained silent.<br />

"Well!"<br />

"Insufficient data to formulate a conclusion."<br />


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