01 Taxilas Children

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born. He didn't have much time to think in the short time it took to reach the overlord's house.<br />

He knew that the arrival of Hara was going to complicate matters considerably.<br />

They entered the gloom of the courtyard, there had been no conversation during their<br />

return. It said something for the loyalty of Danyk's men that they hadn't rebelled in the face of<br />

the events. Danyk led Steve and Hara to his own apartment and then made himself scarce.<br />

Steve appreciated the gesture.<br />

"What have they done to you?"<br />

He stroked her neck and she started to weep again. He didn't have to be told, he knew.<br />

She quietened down and he was able to piece the story together. They had treated her well<br />

until they had tried to move the Bole. Then, when a few of them had been thrown around by<br />

the sting it had delivered, they held a great debate. Jabez had held forth about the device<br />

being an instrument of Shaita. By extension, to possess such a device meant that Steve-Holt<br />

had to be a servant of the same dark god. Hara was defiled of Shaita and was nothing better<br />

than a common whore. Then they came for her and she had fought them. She was pathetically<br />

determined to assure Steve that she had fought them until her strength was gone and she<br />

could resist no more.<br />

Steve rocked her in his arms, as she sobbed into his chest. He considered many ways of<br />

having revenge on every man in that community, whether they had touched her or not. She<br />

fell into an exhausted sleep and he laid her on Danyk's bed. The flickering light of the oil<br />

lamp wouldn't disturb her but her dreams did, she jerked and jumped in her sleep and<br />

moaned.<br />

It was a while longer before Danyk appeared in the doorway. He contemplated Steve<br />

warily and flicked a glance at the Bole, which had been placed in the centre of the outer<br />

room.<br />

"My father has returned, the Thane calls you before the Council."<br />

It sounded very official, Steve nodded and looked at Hara.<br />

"She will not be disturbed and will sleep until you return."<br />

There was nothing more to be said. Danyk led him through a maze of halls, corridors and<br />

anterooms. The architect must have decided to be as confusing as possible. Abruptly they<br />

entered a larger space, a broad balcony that ran around the walls of a centre room. They<br />

descended a broad stairway to the lower floor. A great table occupied most of the length of it,<br />

with backless benches on each flank of the table. Two great chairs stood at one end. The room<br />

was high, occupying at least two stories of the house, with roof beams bridging the width<br />

holding up a slab stone ceiling. The walls were the same peculiar honey coloured stone. On<br />

them, was hung at regular intervals, tapestry like curtains. They were not very pictorial, just a<br />

medley of designs and shapes, which made little sense - perhaps that was the idea.<br />

Danyk led the way into another chamber, it was still impressive but much smaller. Steve<br />

didn't bother himself with the details, instead he concentrated on the group of aliens who<br />

silently watched his every move, as he entered. He had thought 'aliens', he had to remind<br />

himself that this was what they were and that he was in their hands.<br />


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