01 Taxilas Children

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his anatomy. Eventually, the camp settled down once more and finally, he managed to doze<br />

off with the thought that the next day promised to be interesting.<br />

They made an early start. He had to endure a certain amount of sly mockery from Danyk,<br />

who gave a plausible imitation of his exhibition during the night. It was useless to try to<br />

explain that he was the product of a very sheltered upbringing and that he had never been<br />

exposed to any species other than man.<br />

There was a change in pace when finally they set off on the remainder of the journey. Steve<br />

assumed that it wasn't far to the city. The brook seemed to be a kind of unofficial boundary,<br />

even the terrain changed. Previously, they had walked on an approximately horizontal plain<br />

after leaving the hills near the temple, now the ground became more tumbled. It was still<br />

heavily wooded but there were great boulders scattered among the trees. It felt as if they were<br />

steadily climbing again. The trail twisted and turned, as if trying to lose itself among the<br />

trees. He became disoriented, he had no reference point, even their star was hidden above the<br />

canopy.<br />

The two young Adepts took an active hand in assisting Zayez. They handled him like a<br />

precious object, Steve found it incredible that the old man could manage such a journey at all.<br />

Quite suddenly, they came to their destination. One moment, they were still scrambling<br />

among bushes and rocks and the next, he stood on the fringe of a vast cleared area. He let out<br />

his breath in a great shudder, it was hard to say what he had expected but it had been nothing<br />

like this.<br />

It was utterly alien, like something he had seen in the imaginative pictures of on the covers<br />

of the cheap literature the SCI-FI fraternity pulped out to satisfy the bored masses of New<br />

Earth. It was one of his conditions of employment that he had concessional access to all that<br />

Network produced.<br />

This city was built in flowing lines, with spires soaring into the blue sky. At that time of the<br />

day, it was in the full light of their star. The lines were unbroken, one continual flow of<br />

smooth curves and pinnacles, filling the open space and deep, to the remote forest line on the<br />

far side.<br />

The rest of the party stood in silence, almost as if they were in mourning, he quickly<br />

looked at their set faces but they were hard to read - emotionless, wary, as if they expected<br />

the devils that had driven the population away in long past centuries, to emerge and scream<br />

defiance at their approach. A single path led from the edge of the forest, almost at the point<br />

where they had emerged. Steve had to commend their navigation skills. Zayez led the way<br />

forward with his two companions flanking him, whilst Steve and Danyk plodded silently<br />

behind.<br />

The path led to a gap in the wall which corresponded to a city gate. It was longer than he<br />

had thought, Steve estimated that it was a two hour plod in unshaded heat, before they stood<br />

under the looming flank of the entrance. He realised how deceptive the perspective had been.<br />

This city was immense, towering far into the sky - almost a home for giants. He felt crushed<br />

down by the sheer enormity of it and more so, when they walked through dust unblemished<br />

by footprints, into the space between the walls and on to a broad road that stretched far ahead<br />

in a direct line into the heart of the city. Danyk's thought entered his mind.<br />

"Only the Adepts use this way, few others come here - it is a place we avoid."<br />

It was as if he didn't want to utter the words aloud, for fear that something might be<br />

awakened. The hair on the nape of Steve's neck had risen, he had the feeling of eyes on his<br />

back, as if they were under the inspection of some nameless force that occupied the immense<br />

structures. He looked around instinctively and then upward, but the walls to each side were<br />

unbroken, bland and featureless - blue grey, granite-like, hiding whatever secrets they<br />

contained. After a while, his nervousness subsided and it became boring and hot and<br />

uncomfortable.<br />


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