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II3<br />

going a little farther south, the mouth of the Amazon River.<br />

Then, by sailing up the river, they could get close to the mines of<br />

Peru and Bolivia.<br />

A map of these worldwide ocean currents looks very much like<br />

a big city's subway map. You have your different lines and the<br />

transfer stations from one Hne to another, and one of the busiest<br />

changing stations must have been the Canary Islands where aU<br />

the traflBc from and to the Mediterranean flowed by.<br />

Once we understand how the ocean currents helped men to<br />

migrate, we can also understand why the monuments of Easter<br />

Island look so much Hke the ancient buildings of Tiahuanaco<br />

and the submerged ruins in the Bahamas; we can explain how<br />

Roman coins could be found in an old amphora on a beach in<br />

Venezuela and the remnants of Hindu plantation colonies,<br />

where cotton and jute were grown, on the east coast of Mexico.<br />

Sumerians and Phoenicians established mining towns in Peru<br />

and Bolivia to obtain copper and tin. To get there, these intrepid<br />

sailors had to navigate the Amazon for thousands of miles, and<br />

that is why mysterious inscriptions resembling the Phoenician alphabet<br />

have been found all along the banks of the world's biggest<br />

river.<br />

In short, the use of the sea currents for navigation explains<br />

why all ancient civilizations seem to have so many things in common<br />

so that it looks as if all of them developed from one much<br />

older and much more advanced central civilization. The men of<br />

this central civilization were the Kings of the Sea and their art of<br />

masterful navigation and knowledge of stars and mathematics<br />

could very well have been gifts of astronauts who came from another<br />

world to educate and civilize them. Unfortunately, we may<br />

never know who these astronauts were or where they came from.

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