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FROM 3144 B.C. TO 2020 A.D.<br />


KATUNS OR 5163 YEARS<br />

Baktuns<br />

01 23456789 10<br />

11 12<br />

3144 2747 2350 1953 1555 1158 0761 0364 0034 0431 0828 1226 1623<br />

1 3124 2727 2330 1933 1536 1138 0741 0344 0054 0451 0848 1245 1643<br />

2 3104 2707 2310 1913 1516 1119 0721 0324 0074 0471 0868 1265 1662<br />

3 3084 2687 2290 1893 1496 1099 0702 0304 0094 0491 0888 1285 1682<br />

4 3065 2667 2270 1873 1476 1079 0682 0285 0114 0511 0908 1305 1702<br />

5 3045 2648 2250 1853 1456 1059 0662 0265 0133 0531 0928 1325 1722<br />

6 3025 2628 2231 1833 1436 1039 0642 0245 0153 0550 0948 1345 1742<br />

7 3005 2608 2211 1814 1416 1019 0622 0225 0173 0570 0967 1365 1762<br />

8 2985 2588 2191 1794 1397 0999 0602 0205 0193 0590 0987 1384 1782<br />

9 2965 2568 2171 1774 1377 0980 0582 0185 0213 0610 1007 1404 1801<br />

10 2945 2548 2151 1754 1357 0960 0563 0165 0233 0630 1027 1424 1821<br />

11 2926 2528 2131 1734 1337 0940 0543 0146 0253 0650 1047 1444 1841<br />

12 2906 2509 2111 1714 1317 0920 0523 0126 0272 0670 1067 1464 1861<br />

13 2886 2489 2092 1694 1297 0900 0503 0106 0292 0689 1087 1484 1881<br />

14 2866 2469 2072 1675 1277 0880 0483 0086 0312 0709 1106 1504 1901<br />

15 2846 2449 2052 1655 1258 0860 0463 0066 0332 0729 1126 1523 1921<br />

16 2826 2429 2032 1635 1238 0841 0443 0046 0352 0749 1146 1543 1940<br />

17 2806 2409 2012 1615 1218 0821 0424 0026 0372 0769 1166 1563 1960<br />

18 2787 2389 1992 1595 1198 0801 0404 0007 0392 0789 1186 1583 1980<br />

19 2767 2370 1972 1575 1178 0781 0384 0014 0411 0809 1206 1603 2000<br />

20 2747 2350 1953 1555 1158 0761 0364 0034 0431 0828 1226 1623 2020<br />

This Mayan calendar of 1,886,040 days was based on 260 conjunctions<br />

of Jupiter and Saturn, which occur every 7,254 days. It was<br />

divided into 13 baktuns of 20 katuns each, as well as into 7,254 sacred<br />

years of 260 days or 5,239 calendar years of 360 days. Each baktun<br />

also represented 186 synodic revolutions of Mars or 5,310 sidereal<br />

revolutions of the Moon.

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