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from Stonehenge, yet archaeologists have long been asking if<br />

there was any direct relation between this old Celtic site in England<br />

and ancient Greece. This because the outHne of a Mycenaean<br />

dagger has been found engraved on a stone slab in<br />

Stonehenge. Now that we know that the Mycenaean stater has<br />

been derived from the Celtic foot of Stonehenge, which is much<br />

older than Mycenae, we may believe that perhaps it was the<br />

Celts who built Mycenae.<br />

In Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, i degree of longitude is about 107,000<br />

m. Divided by 360,000, this geodesic measure gives us a foot of<br />

0.2972 m, which, with the cubit of 0.4458 m, is the construction<br />

unit of the Temple of Kalasasaya in Tiahuanaco. The Tiahuanaco<br />

cubic foot weighs 26,260 gm, the exact weight of the gold<br />

talent in Greece, which was also used all over the Eastern Mediterranean<br />

region, divided into 60 minas of 437.66 gm each or into<br />

3,600 shekels of 7.29 gm each. But what is the connection between<br />

South America and the Mediterranean?<br />

A degree of longitude at the latitude of the caves of Cuenca,<br />

in Ecuador, is nearly 111,230 m. Divided by 320,000, this gives a<br />

foot of 0.3476 m and 1 cu ft equals 42,000 gm of water. This<br />

weight could have been the base for several coins of our ancestors,<br />

but it is certainly the foundation of the gold tola in India,<br />

weighing 11.66 gm and still in use today in the Persian Gulf,<br />

where the Arab oil sheiks are paid for their oil in gold tolas<br />

freshly minted just for them. The Cuenca foot in my opinion<br />

could also be the ancestor of the Hindu foot of 0.2759 ^ whose<br />

cubic foot weighs 21,000 gm. This mystery is even more intriguing<br />

when we see it in the light of recent discoveries that the<br />

Hindus navigated all the way around Africa, across the Atlantic<br />

Ocean, and up the Amazon River to bring home copper and tin<br />

from mines in Peru and Bolivia.<br />

No less surprising is the as-yet-unverified information from the<br />

Arabian Desert where very ancient pre-Islamic ruins have been<br />

found that seem to be built with a foot of 0.3037 m, a dimension<br />

that is new to us. Let's call it the foot of Baghdad. Some other<br />

sources recently indicate that a very old Arab map has been<br />

found, where the equator is divided not in the usual twenty-four<br />

or thirty-six parts but in forty-four equal arcs of 8.18 degrees<br />


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